Ken Sanders Rare Books

268 South 200 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84111

United States


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From the store website:

Ken Sanders Rare Books is a full service antiquarian bookshop located in downtown Salt Lake City.

Our almost 5,000 square foot open shop features over 100,000 new, used and rare books. We have a general stock in most fields with paperbacks and reading copies for the casual reader, as well as more expensive first editions and collector's copies of rare and fine books.

We specialize in Utah and the Mormons, Western Americana, Native Americana, Exploration and discovery of the West; travel and adventure, natural history; the Grand Canyon, Colorado River and Colorado Plateau, Yellowstone, Yosemite and National Parks and wilderness and the environment.

We also feature the complete works of Edward Abbey, Wallace Stegner, B. Traven and other literary first editions, including many signed modern first editions. The emphasis is on the literary west, novelists, poets and naturalists. We carry selections on poetry, literary biography, plays, Native American literature, Latin literature, Asian literature and Black literature. We also carry mystery and dectective fiction; fantasy and science fiction and western fiction.

Our general stock includes Art, Architecture, Photography, the Arts, Music, Theater, Film and other performing arts. History, Biography, Religion, Metaphysics, Sets, Leather and other fine bindings; Classics & 19th century literature, Book Arts and books on books; science, medicine, psychology, anthropology and archaeology; outdoors, natural history and transportation and sports and games. We also carry a large inventory of children's and illustrated books.
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