Linda (desambiguação)

"Linda" é composto de pelo menos 5 autores distintos, separados pelas suas obras.

About the Author

Includes the name: LINDA

Author Division

Conhecimento Comum

Nota de desambiguação
If your book appears on this page, using a more complete author name (last, first) will enable your book to be associated with other copies of the same work and other works by the same author. Thank you for your help!

1) Hentai author
2) Author of "Linda's Big Bardic Book"
4) Author of a unique manuscript cookbook
5) Dutch website
6) Melinda (Linda) Hammond, sex worker and contributor to "You'll Never Make Love in This Town Again"
7) Lin-da. "Lin-da (林達) is the pseudonym of a married couple writing under the same pen name. Their other pen names/user names include 丁林 and Dinglin2."