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Zecharia Sitchin (1920–2010)

Autor(a) de The 12th Planet

29 Works 3,601 Membros 42 Críticas 11 Favorited

About the Author

Zecharia Sitchin was born on July 11, 1920. He graduated from the University of London and worked as a journalist and editor in Israel for many years. He was an author of books promoting an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. His first book, The Twelfth Planet, was published mostrar mais in 1976. He also wrote the Earth Chronicles series. He died on October 9, 2010. (Bowker Author Biography) mostrar menos
Image credit: Sitchin posing with with an enlarged, purported 6000-year-old cylinder seal impression [credit: Lapavaestacaliente of Wikipedia]


Obras por Zecharia Sitchin

The 12th Planet (1976) 871 exemplares
The Stairway to Heaven (1980) 385 exemplares
Genesis Revisited (1990) 336 exemplares
The Wars of Gods and Men (1985) 329 exemplares
The Lost Realms (1990) 260 exemplares
When Time Began (1993) 246 exemplares
The Cosmic Code (1998) 238 exemplares
The Earth Chronicles Expeditions (2004) 71 exemplares


Conhecimento Comum

Nome canónico
Sitchin, Zecharia
Outros nomes
Си́тчин, Заха́рия
Sitçin, Zaxariya
Data de nascimento
Data de falecimento
Local de nascimento
Baku, Azerbaijan, USSR
Local de falecimento
New York, New York, USA
Locais de residência
New York, New York, USA
Baku, Azerbaijan
London School of Economics, University of London

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Zecharia Sitchin, an author of books offering an alternative history of the extraterrestrial origins of ancient humanity, was born in the 1920s in Baku, Russia. Soon after his birth his family moved to Palestine, where he grew up. He learned a variety of Near Eastern languages including Hebrew and Sumerian. He moved to England for college and attended both the London School of Economics and the University of London, from which he graduated with a degree in economics. He returned to Palestine, where he became a journalist. During World War II (1939-45) he served in the British Army. He moved to the United States in the mid-1950s.
In the 1970s, Sitchin's lifelong interest in the archeology of the Middle East culminated in a book, The 12th Planet, published in 1976. It appeared at the height of the ancient astronaut controversy that had been generated by claims of Erich von Däniken that he had discovered evidence of the presence of UFOs and extraterrestrials in the artifacts from various ancient cultures. Sitchin, out of his knowledge of ancient languages, proposed a new option concerning ancient history and lifted the debate to a new level. While the debate generated by von Däniken was largely resolved, Sitchin's hypothesis survived and has continued to be the subject of a series of books through the 1990s.
The von Däniken approach centered upon pictures from ancient sites that, taken out of context, could be seen as resembling contemporary astronauts and objects similar to items reported as unidentified flying objects. Sitchin started with a somewhat different hypothesis, that ancient mythology should be read as historical documents, as reports of actual occur-rences. His starting point was the biblical book of Genesis, chapter 6, and the cryptic references to the sons of God marrying the daughters of men and the giants or nephilim who were on Earth in the era prior to the biblical flood. Using a variety of ancient documents, though primarily the Babylonian epic known as "Enuma Elish," he hypothesized the existence of another planet in our solar system, which he named Nibiru, that travels an eliptical orbit that brings it into the area between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars every 3,600 years. The planet is inhabited by a humanoid race called the Anunnaki, who created homo sapiens.
A war in the heavens, as described in the ancient Sumerian chronicles and the Bible, Sitchin believes, accounts for the ancients' knowledge of information that had only become available to modern science in recent centuries, especially the existence of the outer planets, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto. He believes that the Anunnaki first arrived on Earth almost half a million years ago, their arrival motivated by the problem of an eroding atmosphere. They established a large gold mining operation in South Africa, and gold was shipped to Mesopotamia where the space port was set up to transport it to Nibiru. The Anannaki created humans to work the mines, then later inter-married with their creation. The near approach of Nibiru around 11,000 B.C.E. led to the destructive flood recounted in Genesis. Noah and his family escaped in a submersible ship. After the flood, life began again with the Anunnaki's assistance.
Given the hypothesis of human interaction with the Anunnaki, Sitchcin has been able to present an alternative reading of ancient history that, while ignored by the mainstream of modern archeologists and astronomers, has found a broad popular audience. The 12th Planet has been followed by five additional volumes, collectively termed the Earth Chronicles, that expand and undergird the original hypothesis. The most recent volume, The Cosmic Code, appeared in 1998.
Sitchin's hypothesis was given additional credibility by a lively debate among astronomers in the 1970s over the possible existence of an additional planet in the solar system, commonly referred to as Planet X. Sitchin identified Nibiru with the hypothesized Planet X. The astronomical debate, however, proceeded without reference to Sitchin, and by the 1990s astronomers had abandoned the search for Planet X. At the end of the 1990s, Alan F. Alford, whose 1998 book Gods of the New Millennium had been most supportive of Sitchin, attempted independently to verify Sitchin's hypothesis with his own research. In the end, however, he too abandoned Sitchin after encountering astronomical data suggesting the impossibility of some of Sitchin's claims about the way that Nibiru's close approach affected the Earth. He subsequently has produced a significant variant hypothesis that nevertheless retains much of Sitchin's alternative approach to history.
Sitchin resides in New York City. He has several Internet sites: http://www.crystalinks.com/sitchen.ht... .and http://www.sitchin.com/ There are a number of additional sites that discuss Sitchin's work.
Alford, Alan F. Gods of the New Millennium. 1998. Reprint, London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1999.
——. When the Gods Came Down. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2000.
Sitchin, Zecharia. The Cosmic Code. New York: Avon, 1998. ——. The Stairway to Heaven. Santa Fe, N.Mex.: Bear & Co., 1993.
——. The 12th Planet. 1976. Reprint, Santa Fe, N.Mex.: Bear & Co., 1991.
——. The Wars of Gods and Men. Santa Fe, N.Mex.: Bear & Co., 1992.
——, His books have been widely translated, converted to Braille for the blind, and featured on radio and television.



O passado irá tornar-se o nosso futuro? A humanidade está destinada a repetir os eventos ocorridos em outro planeta, distante da Terra? Em suas obras, Zecharia Sitchin mostra o lado da humanidade da história – como registrado em antigas tabuletas de argila e outros artefatos sumérios – no que diz respeito às nossas origens nas mãos dos anunnakis, “aqueles que vieram do Céu para a Terra”. Em O Livro Perdido de Enki, podemos observar essa saga de uma perspectiva diferente, por meio deste valioso relato autobiográfico concebido pelo Senhor Enki, um deus anunnaki, que conta a história da chegada desses extraterrestres à Terra, vindos do 12o planeta, chamado Nibiru. O objetivo de sua colonização era a busca pelo ouro, sendo este utilizado para reabastecer a atmosfera que estava morrendo em seu planeta natal. A procura por esse precioso metal resulta na criação do homo sapiens – a raça humana – pelos anunnakis, para minerar esse importante recurso.… (mais)
Twerp1231 | Apr 14, 2024 |
Há muito tempo que a nossa memória mítica guarda lembranças de que, em algum lugar da terra, existe um ponto onde podemos transcender a morte e juntarmo-nos aos deuses. Em o caminho para o céu, Zecharia Sitchin fala das suas descobertas fascinantes sobre a história da terra e analisa com profundidade o nosso desejo de retornar ao divino. O autor combina o enigma das pirâmides com as lendas das tentativas do homem em ascender ao céu como um deus e conquistar a imortalidade. Ele investiga as vidas dos faraós do Egito, que nos ensinaram a percorrer a rota dos deuses em direção à “vida eterna”. Narra a epopeia de Gilgamesh, o rei sumério que viajou por países distantes na sua busca para “escalar o céu” e evitar um destino mortal. Encontramos ainda Alexandre, o grande, que acreditava ser filho de um deus, e Ponce de Leon, que vasculhou a flórida em busca da lendária fonte da juventude. Finalmente, o autor chama a atenção para o olhar da esfinge, o “guia sagrado”, e faz uma viagem impressionante por meio da busca original pela vida eterna. “uma pesquisa profunda e persuasiva. Sitchin nos apresenta a lógica e o pensamento acadêmico que nos faltavam. Ele aponta falhas em teorias já estabelecidas a respeito dos construtores das pirâmides e expõe alguns enganos da antiguidade.” – library journal.… (mais)
Twerp1231 | 3 outras críticas | Oct 15, 2023 |
Like Sitchin's Genesis Revisited, this "companion volume" is basically a rehash of the first five Earth Chronicles books with a few things added in. This book focuses on "divine encounters" between "gods," aliens, and men. Prophets, kabbalah, lots of other stuff make their appearance here. If you squint your eyes, it makes sense. If you think about it a little, like all Sitchin's theories, it doesn't make much sense. At the end, Sitchin tries to determine who YHWH is. Although the evidence points a lot to Enki/Ea (Ea could be pronounced close to Yah), Sitchin says YHWH was the god of the Annunaki from Nibiru. Good only for completists. Or, if you don't want to read all the Sitchin books, read Genesis Revisited and then Divine Encounters.… (mais)
tuckerresearch | Sep 12, 2023 |
By the end, and we're at the end of Sitchin's Earth Chronicles, Sitchin is mostly repeating himself. This is the last volume of the Earth Chronicles series, not counting the various "companion volumes."

This is a mélange of his previous books, with a few new things thrown in: "End of Days"; Armageddon; Jesus; when is Nibiru coming back, etc.

Kind of getting sloppy too, with lots of typos and ungrammatical bits.

And, whereas some of the early volumes of the Earth Chronicles had bibliographies (but no footnotes/endnotes), this one (and the volume before) lack even a bibliography. Without these, it is even more useless as a research tool than the early volumes.

In the end it is the same Sitchin drivel. Neat theories all aided by mistranslations and misappropriations. If you accept his thesis—the old gods were aliens—then it makes sense. But, you have to swallow that idea and trust his "translations." Still, better than other "ancient alien astronaut theorists" like von Däniken. His statements on Jesus seem odd for a Jewish person. The gist of this one is that the space-gods all left around the time of Nibiru's last passing by the sun and earth during it's 3,600-year orbit, around 556 B.C. Sitchin then surmises that the planet's next return will be around A.D. 2900 and, who knows what will happen.

What the space-gods are doing right now is left unsaid.

And that is the main problem with Sitchin's thesis. Ancient gods were actually aliens from an extra planet in the solar system: Nibiru, which has a 3,600 year orbit and, stubbornly, still hasn't managed to be found with our modern astronomy. Again, Sitchin thinks that aliens only had rockets and, apparently, needed glide paths and mission control centers to land only in designated spots with their rockets. And, the god-aliens lived in cramped little rooms on the top of ziggurats. Really? Here's the big problem with Sitchin's theories: you'd think ancient aliens would have left some nice pieces of metal or computers in some of the ruins that have been excavated now for 100+ years. Apparently they took everything with them when they inexplicably left Earth except what the humans could write and crudely draw on clay tablets, etc. Really? And, of course, why aren't the aliens still here ruling the puny, weak humans? Always the problem with ancient alien theories. Unless you buy Icke's theories that they secretly do rule the earth, like the thesis of Bramley's The Gods of Eden. Really?
… (mais)
tuckerresearch | 3 outras críticas | Apr 4, 2023 |


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