Nuvem de Autores para revwespearsnewsome

Aaron D. Weaver (Editor)(2) M. A. S. Abdel Haleem(1) Peter Abelard(1) Paul J. Achtemeier(1) Michael Adkins(2) Tony Akers(4) Black Aland, Martini(1) Kurt Aland(1) William Foxwell Albright(1) Michelle Alexander(1) Marcella Althaus-Reid(1) Nancy Tatom Ammerman(1) Anselm of Canterbury(1) David Ariel(1) Kay Arthur(1) Athanasius(2) Harold W. Attridge(1) Saint Augustine(1) Not Available(1) Teresa de Ávila(2) Karen Baker-Fletcher(1) Robert A. Baker(1) Maurice Balme(2) Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II(1) Henlee H. Barnette(1) Joe Edward Barnhart(1) Karl Barth(5) Markus Barth(2) Jonathan Bartley(1) Diana Butler Bass(2) Timothy K. Beal(1) David W. Bebbington(1) Rob Bell(3) Daniel T. Benedict(1) Saint Benedict(1) Peter L. Berger(1) Jerome W. Berryman(1) Common English Bible(6) Writ Press with Adam Lewis Greene for Bibliotheca(1) Douglas Biklen(1) Bruce C. Birch(1) Christine Eaton Blair(1) John Blair(1) Joseph Blenkinsopp(1) Brian K. Blount(1) Debbie Blue(1) Edward J. Blum(1) Nadia Bolz-Weber(1) Dietrich Bonhoeffer(2) Marcus J. Borg(1) Kate Bowler(1) John Bracke(1) Leslie F. Brandt(1) Börn(1) Alexandra Brown(1) Francis Brown(1) Robert L. Browning(1) Raymond E. Brown(1) Raymond Edward Brown(1) Walter Brueggemann(3) Frederick Buechner(1) John Bunyan(1) Pedro Arrupe;Kevin F. Burke(1) George Arthur Buttrick(10) Scott Cairns(1) Charles L. Campbell(1) Mae Elise Cannon(1) D. A. Carson(1) Jimmy Carter(2) U. S. Catholic Conference(1) C. S. Ceram(1) J. Bradley Chance(1) John P. Chandler(1) Bryan Chapell(1) Mark Chaves(1) Rev. Constance M. Cherry(1) John T. Christian(1) Fathers of the Church(1) Shane Claiborne(4) John Claypool(2) Daniel B. Clendenin(1) Richard J. Clifford(1) Ta-Nehisi Coates(1) Abraham Cohen(1) Bettye Collier-Thomas(1) Kenneth J. Collins(1) Tim Conder(1) James H. Cone(1) Michael D. Coogan(3) M. Shawn Copeland(1) Edward P. J. Corbett(1) Steve Corbett(1) Grady Cothen(1) Grady C. Cothen(1) Jack Countryman(1) Norman Wade - Managing Editor Cox(1) Dr. Fred Craddock(1) Fred B. Craddock(1) Ian Morgan Cron(2) John Dominic Crossan(1) Iris V. Cully(1) Lawrence Cunningham(1) John D. Currid(1) Saint Cyril of Alexandria(1) Mitchell Dahood(2) Lisa Damour(1) Ellen F. Davis(1) N. J. Dawood(1) Dr. Nancy deClaisse-Walford(1) Curtiss Paul DeYoung(2) J. D. Douglas(1) Kelly Brown Douglas(1) Mark Douglas(1) Fred P. Edie(1) Bart D. Ehrman(1) Virgilio P. Elizondo(1) Jim Elliot(1) Peter Enns(3) Episcopal Church(1) Orlando O. Espin(1) William R. Estep(1) Christopher H. Evans(1) Rachel Held Evans(1) Gabriel Fackre(1) John Fea(1) Gordon D. Fee(3) Deane William Ferm(1) Paul S. Fiddes(1) Wallace E Fisher(1) Joseph A. Fitzmyer(4) Richard J. Foster(2) James W. Fowler(2) St. Francis of Assisi(1) Robert M. Franklin(1) Curtis W. Freeman(1) Hans W. Frei(1) Richard Elliott Friedman(1) Gary Furr(1) Shaun Gallagher(1) Edwin Scott Gaustad(1) Clifford Geertz(1) Eugene S. Gibbs(1) Dan Gibson(1) Roberto S. Goizueta(1) Justo L. González(1) Michelle A. Gonzalez(1) Richard J. Goodrich(1) Edward Grant(1) Jacquelyn Grant(1) Robert M. Grant(1) Joel B. Green(1) Peter Greer(1) R. Marie Griffith(2) Eugene Grimm(1) Anne H. Groton(1) Muhammed Fethullah Gülen(1) John R Gunn(1) Jonathan Haidt(1) Christopher A. Hall(1) Douglas R. A. Hare(1) William Harmless(1) Nolan B. Harmon(1) Steven R. Harmon(1) James A. Harnish(1) Stephen L. Harris(1) David Bentley Hart(1) Barry Harvey(1) Stanley Hauerwas(5) Jay Heinrichs(1) Henlee Banette & James Barnette(1) Abraham Joshua Heschel(1) Zac M. Hicks(1) Hans J. Hillerbrand(1) Herschel H. Hobbs(3) Peter Hobson(1) Pam Hogeweide(1) David Holmes(1) William Hone(1) Roy Lee Honeycutt(1) Robert E. Hood(1) James Hudnut-Beumler(1) Trevor Hudson(1) Zora Neale Hurston(1) Saint Ignatius of Loyola(1) Pope John Paul II(1) Rob James(1) Rob; br11 James(1) John Philip Jenkins(1) Willie James Jennings(1) Rueben P. Job(2) Howard Albert Johnson(1) Luke Timothy Johnson(3) Maxwell E. Johnson(1) Paul Johnson(1) Alexander Jones(2) Hugh R. Page Jr.(1) William Clair Turner Jr.(1) Ann Hasseltine Judson(1) Daniel Kahneman(1) Bob Kauflin(1) Nikos Kazantzakis(1) Leander E. Keck(7) Lisa A. Keister(1) Thomas a Kempis(1) John C. Kersten(1) Søren Kierkegaard(1) Patricia O'Connell Killen(1) Mihee Kim-Kort(1) Michael S. Kimmel(1) David Kinnaman(1) Gerhard Kittel(1) Doris E. Kizinna(1) Ralph W. Klein(1) Donald B. Kraybill(1) Sheryl A. Kujawa-Holbrook(1) Chung Hyun Kyung(1) Anne Lamott(2) Brother Lawrence(1) Philip J. Lee(1) Alan J. Lefever(1) Madeleine L'Engle(1) Bill J. Leonard(2) Amy-Jill Levine(1) C. S. Lewis(5) Henry George Liddell(1) Hal Lindsey(1) Charles H. Lippy(1) James Samuel Logan(1) Tremper Longman, III(1) Thomas G. Long(1) Andrew ; Simonetti Louth, Manlio; Hall, Christopher Thomas C. Oden ;(1) Eugene L. Lowry(1) Diarmaid MacCulloch(1) Ramsay MacMullen(1) Brian Mahan(1) Abraham J. Malherbe(1) Jason Mandryk(1) Brennan Manning(2) Joel Marcus(1) Andrew Marin(1) Norman H. Maring(1) Molly Marshall(1) Charles Marsh(1) Martin E. Marty(1) James Louis Martyn(1) Michael-Ray Mathews(1) Herbert Gordon May, and Metzger, Bruce Manning(1) Amihai Mazar(1) Thomas P. McDonnell(1) John C. McDowell(1) Mark McEntire(1) Ian A. McFarland(1) Jr. Thomas R. McKibbens(1) Scot McKnight(1) Brian D. McLaren(3) Wayne A. Meeks(1) John W. Merritt(1) Thomas Merton(2) John Meyendorff(1) Jack Miles(1) Patrick D. Miller(1) Evan Moffic(2) Dwight A Moody(1) Thomas H. Morris(1) Edgar Young Mullins(2) Brenda Munsey(1) Stuart Murray(1) Alan Neely, Editor(1) Richard D. Nelson(1) Elizabeth Newman(1) Adam Nicolson(1) Reinhold Niebuhr(1) Lowell Noble(1) Edward Norman(1) Henri J. M. Nouwen(7) Thomas C. Oden(2) Kevin O'Donnell(1) Enuma Okoro(1) Peggy Orenstein(1) William F. Orr(1) Roy M. Oswald(1) Rudolf Otto(1) C. Rene Padilla(1) G. E. H. Palmer(1) Daniel L. Pals(2) Sharon Daloz Parks(1) Luis G. Pedraja(1) Jaroslav Pelikan(1) Eugene H. Peterson(1) Josh Packard Ph.D(1) J. B. Phillips(2) Josef Pieper(1) William C. Placher(1) Edizioni Porziuncola(1) Mark Allan Powell(2) Abingdon Press(2) Stephen Prothero(2) Redemptorist Pastoral Publication(1) Tyndale House Publishers(1) Church Publishing(1) Erna Putz(1) Ben Quash(1) Soong-Chan Rah(1) Tom Rath(1) Walter Rauschenbusch(2) Terrence Real(1) Mitchell G. Reddish(1) William J. Reynolds(1) Marcia Riggs(1) David Robinson(1) Peter Rollins(3) Oscar A. Romero(1) Mark Roncace(1) William L. Rowe(1) Letty M. Russell(2) Katharine Doob Sakenfeld(5) J. Paul Sampley(1) Cody J. Sanders(1) E. P. Sanders(1) Lamin Sanneh(1) Greg Scheer(1) Richard C. Schwartz(1) Pat Schweibert(1) Peter Seewald(1) Judith Shulevitz(1) Walter B. Shurden(2) C. Rosalee Velloso Da Silva(1) Martha Simmons(1) Rachel Simmons(1) Gerard S. Sloyan(1) Mitzi J. Smith(1) Bible Society(1) Ecclesia Bible Society(2) R. Kendall Soulen(1) Paul Sparks(1) E. A. Speiser(1) John Shelby Spong(1) R. Wayne Stacy(1) Richard Stearns(1) Joseph E. Stiglitz(1) Catherine Stonehouse(1) James Riley Strange(1) James Strong(1) Nathan T. Stucky(1) William J. Stuntz(1) John Swinton(1) Elsa Tamez(2) Kathryn Tanner(1) Kenneth Tanner(1) Beverly Daniel Tatum(1) Barbara Brown Taylor(5) Linda K. Taylor(1) Sonya Renee Taylor(1) Joanne Marie Terrell(1) St. Symeon the New Theologian(1) Augustine Thompson(1) Phyllis Tickle(1) Paul Tillich(5) Julie Tilsen(1) George E. Tinker(1) Leonora Tubbs Tisdale(1) Emilie M. Townes(1) Thomas H. Troeger(1) Eboni Marshall Turman(1) Thomas A. Tweed(1) Unknown(2) Various(3) Christopher De Vinck(1) Robert E. Van Voorst(1) Glenn Wallis(1) Robert W. Wall(1) Jerry L. Walls(1) Melissa Atkins Wardy(1) Leslie D. Weatherhead(1) Simon Webb(1) John B. Webster(1) Lamar Williamson(1) William H. Willimon(5) Gayraud S. Wilmore(1) Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove(2) Lauren F. Winner(1) Albert L. Winseman(1) Bruce W. Winter(1) Ralph D. Winter(1) Jack Wintz(1) Rosalind Wiseman(2) Ben Witherington, III(1) Diane Woerner(1) N. T. Wright(6) Tom Wright(1) Pope Benedict XVI(1) John Howard Yoder(1) Karen Marie Yust(1) Irving M. Zeitlin(1) Zondervan(1)