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I hope to encourage a group who will discuss the effectiveness of literature, media, and other programs inviting people to join the Christian Churchs. Like CS Lewis, I don't propose to advance the interests nor beliefs of a particular denomination; rather I propose to encourage people to visit their local church and join in local programs with neighbors and friends. I hope we can discuss what is most effective in our Evangelism efforts and programs, whether we are active in Church programs or just citizens hoping to encourage our family and friends.

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Evangelii Gaudium3 não lido / 3eschator83, Fevereiro 2020
What is the definition of Evangelist?11 não lido / 11justmum, Março 2017
On Evangelization in the Modern World1 por ler / 1eschator83, Fevereiro 2017
New vs old Evangelism1 por ler / 1eschator83, Fevereiro 2017
Search for most effective Catholic Evangelists2 não lido / 2John5918, Fevereiro 2017
Evangelic literature at LT1 por ler / 1eschator83, Fevereiro 2017
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