
Este grupo está oficialmente adormecido. Acontece. If you want to revive this group, or create a new group on the same topic, see this page.

Like the show? Want to talk about it? Want to see what books other Smallville fans are reading? Then this is *your* group.

Spoiler Policy: Until we get a forum that has subject headers, please, PLEASE use the word "SPOILERS" when discussing NEW shows for season 6 (after it starts). And please continue using them until either season 7 starts or the show has been done for a year. Please have the word "SPOILERS" and the episode title (if you know it) in all caps as the first words in your post so others may skip it if they wish.

Other than that... have fun!

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Schneider, Slater, more at Big Apple Comic-Con Oct 16-181 por ler / 1czwizardworld, Outubro 2009
DVD1 por ler / 1waterlily, Agosto 2007
DVD1 por ler / 1waterlily, Agosto 2007
The Fanfic Emporium1 por ler / 1whatever1013, Agosto 2006
Smallville Message Board4 não lido / 4annabethblue, Agosto 2006
This is a feature balloon