Série de EditoraKönemann Kunstepochen/Kunststile: Architektur Skulptur Malerei

Autor da série: Rolf Toman

Baroque: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting por Rolf Toman 400 exemplares, 4 críticasBarock
Gothic: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting por Rolf Toman 601 exemplares, 6 críticasGotik
Islam: Art and Architecture por Markus Hattstein 359 exemplares, 5 críticasIslam
Art Nouveau por Gabriele Fahr-Becker 451 exemplares, 2 críticasJugendstil
Neoclassicism and Romanticism por Rolf Toman 218 exemplares, 1 críticaKlassizismus / Romantik
The Art of the Italian Renaissance: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Drawing por Rolf Toman 370 exemplares, 4 críticasRenaissance
Romanesque: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting por Rolf Toman 599 exemplares, 2 críticasRomanik

