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A History of Russian Literature: From Its…
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A History of Russian Literature: From Its Beginnings to 1900 (original 1926; edição 1999)

por D.S. Mirsky, Francis J. Whitfield (Editor)

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2712101,323 (4.29)1 / 10
This book, first published in 1949, is an abridged version of Mirsky's classic two texts on Russian literature, updated with a postscript by the editor assessing the development of Soviet literature. Beautifully written, Mirsky's analyses of Russian writers and literature go hand in hand with his takes on Russian history. From the birth of Russian literature to its Soviet form, this book is a lively and comprehensive examination by one of its leading scholars.… (mais)
Título:A History of Russian Literature: From Its Beginnings to 1900
Autores:D.S. Mirsky
Outros autores:Francis J. Whitfield (Editor)
Informação:Northwestern University Press (1999), Edition: 1, Paperback, 401 pages
Coleções:A sua biblioteca

Informação Sobre a Obra

History of Russian Literature por D.S. Mirsky (1926)

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First published in 1926 in English, Mirsky’s book is rightly a classic in its field. It gives a complete survey of Russian literature from the earliest monastic chronicles up to and including Chekhov. Prince Mirsky (he renounced his title in his youth) was a Professor of Russian Literature at London University during the Twenties and his book developed out of the courses he gave there. More than any of the other emigres who fled the Revolution, Mirsky worked to provide a better understanding of Russian literature in English, and English literature in Russian. He published (his own) translations of contemporary English poetry into Russian, a history of Russia in English, and a history of the English intelligentsia in Russian. He retuned to Russia just as Stalin was purging the intellectuals in the early 30s, and predictably, perished in the gulag...

Read the full review on The Lectern:
http://thelectern.blogspot.com/2009/10/history-of-russian-literature-from-its.ht... ( )
4 vote tomcatMurr | Oct 1, 2009 |
Still the best survey of the period in English. A brief biography of the author is at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D._S._Mirsky ( )
  languagehat | Sep 8, 2005 |
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D.S. Mirskyautor principaltodas as ediçõescalculado
Whitfield, Francis J.Editorautor secundáriotodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Rand, PaulDesigner da capaautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
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This book, first published in 1949, is an abridged version of Mirsky's classic two texts on Russian literature, updated with a postscript by the editor assessing the development of Soviet literature. Beautifully written, Mirsky's analyses of Russian writers and literature go hand in hand with his takes on Russian history. From the birth of Russian literature to its Soviet form, this book is a lively and comprehensive examination by one of its leading scholars.

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