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Boy, do there need to be more books like this one. This book is just one long case study, but in detailing the sessions, and her conceptualization of the client, Axline clearly lays out how play therapy helps children feel repressed emotions, and empowers them to be their authentic selves. Plus- Dibs is awesome, as are all children.

I hear too much that without a change to the family system, and working with the parents, that children are incapable of growth, and of being more whole and healthy. This book proves that stance is horseshit. Must read for anyone who does therapy with children.
barnettie | 20 outras críticas | Feb 3, 2019 |
This book has helped me a lot in my practice, as a general overview of play therapy, and to reconnect with the founding principles of the work. I skip around in it, some of the sections seem superfluous, but it does have a lot of transcripts from sessions along with Axline's analysis of what happened in the treatment, which can be useful in understanding how she perceived the work she was doing, and how she would go about judging 'good therapy' (child-centered) with 'bad therapy'. Well worth reading for clinicians who work with children.
barnettie | 2 outras críticas | Feb 3, 2019 |
The renowned, deeply moving story of an emotionally lost child who found his way back
jhawn | 20 outras críticas | Jul 31, 2017 |
5-year-old Dibs is a little boy with problems. His powers of speech are limited and he fights and scratches. His parents are convinced he is mentally defective.

Dibs’ father is a brilliant scientist and his mother is a cold intellectual.

Dibs attends an exclusive private school but they have not been able to help him. Finally, it is decided that the author, a psychologist, begin to see Dibs for play therapy sessions.

The book shows us how Miss A., as Dibs calls her, conducts these sessions, and how he begins to open up and find himself.

The basics of this therapy are that Miss A, never intrudes her personality on the boy but merely repeats what he says back to him, or rather comments what he says and does with his own words. All the sessions are held at Miss A’s place, where the playroom is fully equipped with interesting materials, and it is always Dibs that decides what to do with these. He is permitted to do what he wants and Miss A. does not command or instruct him to do anything, the only exception being that at the end of the hour-long session Dibs must be prepared to stop the play and be collected by his mother.

The only time Miss A. tells Dibs not to do something is when he is about to drink something harmful.

Miss A. realizes that Dibs is not retarded but on the contrary highly intelligent and creative and his problem stems rather from emotional neglect, his parents being overly intellectual, cold and distant.

Dibs begins to freely express his negative feelings, particularly towards his father, who ignores him, and frequently plays with burying a father doll in the sand pit in the play room.

Dibs gradually develops his speech and his teacher and mother report that his behaviour is improving; his father begins to speak to him.

This is a wonderfully formulated, edifying story that provides us with considerable insight as to how best to raise children, particularly those with emotional problems.
IonaS | 20 outras críticas | Jun 30, 2017 |
I read this for a psychology class in college many years ago. I remember loving the book and its success story, but it may be a bit outdated today.
Assinalado | 20 outras críticas | Sep 28, 2016 |
I read this a long time ago but I loved it, one of my favourite books.
BlancheHaddow | 20 outras críticas | Aug 27, 2016 |
Great book for trying to get into the head of another person!
dbsovereign | 20 outras críticas | Jan 26, 2016 |
In the year 2015 the words autism, expressive/receptive language disorder, and ADHD are not uncommon diagnoses. They are often found on the mouths of worried mothers that are waiting for their next appointment. Although parents are working closely with both psychiatrists and educators to better understand their children, there is still a need for support. Today the special needs community is not defined by labels or those that are concerned to be deemed ‘severe low IQ’. It consists of a mix of children who are gifted, but suffer from a language disorder or those that have Asperger’s syndrome. While at the same time including a child who is bipolar and dyslexic. This book is about a child who is a part of the special needs community, but one who proves that he can rise above his limitations and soar as an adult. The main character is named Dibs and he suffers from what is believed to be severe cognitive impairment and a possible language disorder. Although this book was published in 1964 and was focused on play therapy, it demonstrated the author’s ability to draw the boy out of his shell. It showed the reader a child trapped inside his mind that was not wanted by both of his career parents.

I found this book to be both interesting and sad at the same time. I saw some similar issues with my eldest daughter who suffers from Asperger’s syndrome and am wondering if the boy had this. I did not see a diagnosis of autism or anything similar, but this book was written years ago. I liked how the author followed up on Dib’s for the reader. It was nice to see him be successful and to be honest I was not surprised. Those that are very intelligent as children are sometimes mistaken for significantly delayed if they do not follow the normal speech patterns of a typical child. I highly recommend this book to any student, teacher, or parent in the special needs community.
Jennifer35k | 20 outras críticas | Jan 12, 2015 |
This is a good case study for learning about play therapy. It is written in everyday language and is easy to read. If you are going I work with kids, give this book a read.
csweder | 20 outras críticas | Jul 8, 2014 |
One of those books that everyone was reading when I was in college -- at least if you were in a college with a lot of psych majors. It would be interesting to know if it's still as popular in that crowd.
auntieknickers | 20 outras críticas | Aug 27, 2013 |
One of my favorite books by far
lmanderson2009 | 20 outras críticas | Aug 6, 2011 |
I gave this book five stars. It is a great example of how children NEED a lot of love and attention and if they do not receive these things, there can be horrible outcomes like there was with the main character, Dibs. Dibs suffered from lack of an emotional connection but after many therapy sessions, he finally backs though and actually makes a connection with this therapist and his family. This book can be used to promote love and affection.
JaMiya | 20 outras críticas | Jul 28, 2011 |
Sometimes all you need is LOVE! Dib's didn't talk, he had horrible tantrums People thought he was mentally retarded, but after months of play therapy he finally came around and was above average on his IQ test he read at age 2 and his family finally cared and loved him.
mkg101 | 20 outras críticas | Nov 12, 2010 |
This is a very interesting book that gives insight to the concept of developing self. It is centered around a little boy named Dibs, who no one in his life seems to understand. He is a boy who is trapped in his own world of solitude. I think this book is a must read for every child psychology major, child studies major, and any major that has to do with interacting with children.
lovingkelsea | 20 outras críticas | Nov 5, 2010 |
This book has a very good insight into how an individual interacts with a world that doesnt except them. Although the novel is very repetitive in terms of the factual play therapy sessions, once read, it gives an epiphany into how society and even our loved ones can cause us such pain. i really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to others.
Yr10lit | 20 outras críticas | Oct 18, 2010 |
One of the earliest case studies of autism. However, it's very dated and, at this point, I think it may do more harm than good. Axline subscribed to the then-prevalent theory that autism was caused by emotionally distant parents, something that has proven to be false. This is useful in the sense that it shows the development of the field of child psychology, but no parent of an autistic child, or person trying to understand the causes of autism, would benefit from it.½
1 vote
meggyweg | 20 outras críticas | Mar 18, 2010 |
I have been recommended this book as a book about an autistic boy. After having read this book, however, I have come to a conclusion that Dibs is not autistic but severely emotionally disturbed. He exhibits some autistic traits because of his giftedness, but he is clearly not on the spectrum based on is response to this therapy and based on how far he was able to progress. While his initial behaviours seemed autistic-like, I don't believe that it would be possible for a truly autistic child to be able to express himself the way he did and to improve in the fashion that he did. Nonetheless, it is a brilliant book about a brilliant child. It moved me deeply, and from reading it I have learned quite a lot about play therapy and offering emotional support to people in general.
Kamile | 20 outras críticas | Dec 21, 2009 |
This is one of my favourite books to read, very inspiring. I read it again recently now that i'm a mom, its just amazing how childrens minds work. I love when a story moves me. Its about play therapy, a child that is labeled mentally challenged but becomes/is extremely gifted.
marcejewels | 20 outras críticas | Sep 13, 2009 |
La terapia de juego es una oportunidad vital que se ofrece al niño para que éste pueda expresar sus sentimientos y problemas, sus temores, su odio, soledad, sentimientos de fracaso y desadaptación, por medio del juego. Los casos expuestos en este libro son reales. Tal como hizo con Dibs en busca de su Yo, la doctora Axline los tomó del inagotable material de expedientes auténticos de niños remitidos a terapia de juego. La edad de éstos oscila entre los cuatro y los doce años, y sus problemas abarcan el amplio espectro de niños desadaptados: el niño hostil, el niño retraído, el niño dependiente, el niño impedido.
raymundojimenez | 2 outras críticas | Apr 4, 2009 |
I read this book at a very young age, 7th grade, and poured though it readily and easily, many ideas and techniques later used as a volunteer with handicapped kids when I was in high school.
Siusaidh | 2 outras críticas | Jun 3, 2008 |
I read this book in 7th grade in less than 2 days. It was a fascinating study and helpful to me when I became older and worked with several autistic children.
Siusaidh | 20 outras críticas | Jun 3, 2008 |
Great book! I read it a few times & I highly recommend it!
clm256poetry | 20 outras críticas | Nov 25, 2007 |
My mum had this book on her book list while training to be a social worker. Looked interesting so i read it one day. WOW! This is not a text book...this could change your life. It could well break your heart! It is the story of what proves to be a very intelligent child and his therapist and the journey they make together. Amazing!
BrandNewRose | 20 outras críticas | Aug 23, 2007 |
Book Description
The classic of child therapy. Dibs will not talk. He will not play. He has locked himself in a very special prison. And he is alone. This is the true story of how he learned to reach out for the sunshine, for life . . . how he came to the breathless discovery of himself that brought him back to the world of other children. --This text refers to the Mass Market Paperback edition.

From the Publisher
As a former teacher-turned-editor, who read DIBS many times before even coming to work here at Ballantine, I feel very connected to this book. The author is a leading authority on play therapy and the treatment of emotionally disturbed children. Dibs is one of these lost children. The story takes us through his long journey from being labeled as "mentally defective," to emerging as a gifted and lovable young man. Whether you're a teacher, a parent, a psychologist, or just someone who loves to actually feel what they're reading, DIBS is for you.

--Laura Paczosa, Editorial Assistant
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ByrningBunny | 20 outras críticas | Jun 17, 2007 |
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