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Fausto Brizzi

Autor(a) de 100 Days of Happiness: A Novel

11 Works 179 Membros 7 Críticas

About the Author

Fausto Brizzi was born in 1968 in Italy. He is a screenwriter, producer and film director. He earned his degree in directing at the "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia" in July 1994. He was soon dedicated to writing for television and film plots. He wrote for numerous TV fictions including Il mostrar mais mio amico Babbo Natale (My friend Santa Claus), with Lino Banfi. He also wrote a dozen of films with great success including Bodyguards, Merry Christmas, Natale sul Nilo, Natale in India and Christmas in love. His debut as a director was Notte prima degli esame (The Night Before Exams). This film was noted at fifty Italian and International film festivals. In 2015 his book One Hundred Days of Happiness made The New Zealand Best Seller List. (Bowker Author Biography) mostrar menos

Obras por Fausto Brizzi


Conhecimento Comum

Data de nascimento
Local de nascimento
Rome, Italy
Salis, Silvia (wife)



I loved this book in theory, I loved it in theme, I loved it in writing, I loved it in so many way; however, for some reason, I just failed to be absorbed by this book.

This story was inspirational, but not in an overtly in-your-face manner like some books can be. While Lucio wants to make the most of his last days, he sometimes screws up and has days that aren't really that meaningful. He's human. But he tries really hard and in that he's a great example.

Lucio himself was my absolute favourite. He was quirky and entertaining, with a really fun view of life, and his devotion to his family was unending and really sweet. I enjoyed seeing him at work and especially when he interacted with his boss.

I loved the other characters that were weaved in, from Lucio's two best friends to his step-father who runs a donut shop. They all had their own little stories and the way they interacted with Lucio was a lot of fun.

I found this contained some really beautiful scenes and beautiful moments that showed which ways life can be important.

The Italian culture was so much fun. Details like fig gelato really added--I adore reading translations of European novels because of the small things that distinguish them from books written for English readers. The translation was flawless, and kept original Italian only in places where it worked really well.

Underneath it all, this was about Lucio and his wife Paola, and underneath it all, it was very sweet and gave me warm fuzzy feelings (alongside the tears!)

Overall, this was a really good book--it just lacked that spark that made me want to keep reading it. I enjoyed reading it, but I kept wanting to read other books more. However, I definitely recommend giving it a shot, if only for the fun Italian culture.

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
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whakaora | 4 outras críticas | Mar 5, 2023 |
Lucio Battistini tiene una vida perfectamente normal: un trabajo, un equipo de waterpolo al que entrena dos días a la semana, dos niños y una esposa a la que ama profundamente… Pero que lo echa de casa cuando descubre que la ha estado engañando con otra mujer. Se instala temporalmente en la panadería de su suegro en Roma, y es entonces cuando su amigo Fritz llega a visitarle, sin la intención de abandonarle. Mi amigo Fritz es el nombre que Lucio le pone al cáncer que le da sólo tres meses de vida. Lucio decide así vivir sus últimos cien días a fondo. Saborear cada bocado de su vida y hacer ver a todo mundo lo feliz que ha sido a pesar de todo.… (mais)
Natt90 | Jul 6, 2022 |
Esiste una sottile ma fondamentale differenza tra "voler bene a qualcuno" e "fare del bene a qualcuno". Purtroppo Diego Anastasi se ne accorge soltanto quando ha già cinquant'anni, una vita di successo alle spalle e una depressione nuova di zecca in corso. Scopre infatti che tutte le persone che ama non hanno tempo per lui e le sue paure. E capisce che nemmeno lui ha mai fatto davvero qualcosa per loro. Nel tentativo di uscire dalla palude emotiva in cui è precipitato decide cosi di fare "qualcosa di attivo", e soprattutto benefico, per i suoi cari. Il risultato è inevitabile: con la precisione di un cecchino, distrugge l'esistenza di ognuno di loro.… (mais)
kikka62 | Apr 1, 2020 |
Forty year old, Lucio Battistini has just found out he has terminal cancer and only 3 months to live, hence the title of the book. His first goal is to win his wife's love back, he cheated on her. He also wants to create some happy memories for his two children to remember him by and show his close friends how much they mean to him. After two sessions of chemo therapy he decides no more and to live his life the best he can. Although 360 pages this is a quick read, with a few pages donated to each day. It does give one pause for thought as to how you would deal with news of this nature and a lesson in living your best life not wasting it. However, I don't know that we feel the physical impact of his decline. I am not sure how realistic a portrayal it is.… (mais)
HelenBaker | 4 outras críticas | Feb 10, 2020 |



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