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13 Works 238 Membros 6 Críticas

About the Author

Ellen Hodgson Brown is a health writer who specializes in alternative medicine. Her books include "The Alternative Pharmacy" (with Dr. Lynne Walker) & "The Key to Ultimate Health". (Bowker Author Biography)

Inclui os nomes: JD Ellen H. Brown, Ellen Hodgson Brown

Também inclui: Ellen Brown (2)

Image credit: Ellen Hodgson Brown

Obras por Ellen Hodgson Brown


Conhecimento Comum

Data de nascimento
Local de nascimento
Pleasanton, California, USA



This is essentially the same thing that J.K. Galbraith said. Essential reading, and essential action -bank small, and with awareness.
For Community,
Shira of The MEOW Community Cooperation Blog
MEOW Date: 6.9 12014 H.E.
ShiraDest | Mar 6, 2019 |
El dinero es parte de nuestra vida diaria, pero entendemos poco sobre cómo se crea, de dónde viene y quién lo controla, ya que el proceso ha sido objeto de desinformación por parte de quienes quieren mantenernos en la oscuridad y así proteger un sistema diseñado para aumentar la desigualdad económica. Ellen Hodgson Brown revela el engaño y presenta un panorama claro del abismo financiero al que nos dirigimos, centrándose en un fraude esencial del sistema bancario: los bancos privados se han apoderado de la creación y control del sistema monetario internacional, en una red de dinero-deuda que genera un beneficio constante a sus artífices y somete a las naciones a una creciente e innecesaria montaña de
deuda, imposible de pagar.

Exponer la insostenible situación actual es un primer paso para desligarnos del control del mundo en manos de una muy pequeña pero poderosa facción financiera. Pasajes del libro hacen énfasis en el banco central de los Estados Unidos, así como en la historia de esta nación, pues su modelo de dinero ha sido implementado alrededor del mundo, incluyendo los países de América Latina. También se recogen ejemplos del desarrollo de nuevos modelos bancarios en los cinco continentes. La comprensión del funcionamiento de estas instituciones y los hechos que marcaron su evolución aportará al lector las herramientas para dar un giro positivo a su futuro a nivel personal, regional y nacional.

Lo interesante de este libro es que puede leerlo cualquier persona por el lenguaje en que está escrito. La brillantez de su análisis se apoya en el célebre cuento del Mago de Oz. El libro idóneo para cualquiera que esté interesado en la naturaleza
e historia del dinero y las misteriosas cualidades del sistema económico y financiero en el que hemos vivido hasta ahora.
… (mais)
RCxRBIUS | 4 outras críticas | Jan 7, 2018 |
“The real truth of the matter is that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

Ellen Hodgson Brown, J.D., is author of the recently published Public Banking Solution, but also the incisive and well documented The Web Of Debt – The Shocking Truth About Our Money System And How We Can Break Free. Her latter work is what will be covered lightly here.

For most of the modern world, money has been a staple of everyday life. A great deal of our daily functions revolve around this much used, but poorly understood economic tool.

In recent years, the monetary system has grown to untold levels. With the dollar losing value year after year, student loan debts reaching preposterous levels, and debt itself growing unabated in many different sectors of finance, it’s no wonder that the ‘too-big-too-fail’ economic system has its issues.

This is not to say a collapse is imminent as many alternative media pundits espouse. In fact, am more of the mind that what we are in fact in is what has been called a ‘controlled descent” by former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Catherine Austin Fitts.

Getting back on track, many of the above issues stem from our inherent corrupt monetary system. However, what this book does not cover is how the black-budget has been leeching money from the public sector, and transferring by the trillions [according to Ms. Fitts] to the black sector.

The modern birth of this [public] financial control grid is covered in extensive and mind-blowing detail in Brown’s Web Of Debt book. [Note: For a deeper analysis into the covert side of the off-the-books financial control grid, please take a gander at Joseph P. Farrell’s Covert Wars And Breakaway Civilizations – The Secret Space Program, Celestial Psyops and Hidden Conflicts.]

Pulling no punches, this historic piece has got gall. Not afraid to name names, and branching through centuries of historical data, Brown’s work showcases what the financial, political, and elite minds of these times were pondering.

This particular piece also offers data/ideas on some of the vital issues we face and how we might overcome said issues.

From the inception to the private, and heinous Federal Reserve, up to current times, the reader will get ample evidence of the financial mishaps/crimes that are taking place. This is important, because much of the populace is unaware of these dealings.

If you wish to know the truth about our financial monetary system, the truth about its wide-ranging and sinister history, and ways in which to enrich your knowledge on this esoteric subject, then this book is definitely for you.
… (mais)
ZyPhReX | 4 outras críticas | Jan 5, 2017 |
Interesting read.
Wmt477 | 4 outras críticas | Sep 22, 2011 |

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