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I really enjoyed this book. What's not to love about a badass, sexy, tattooed rock star? I skipped the first book because it was short and not rated as high. I still enjoyed this book but feel I need to read the first book so......that's what I am going to read next.
DebJack | 4 outras críticas | Jul 28, 2023 |
Loved this one!! Perfect combination of bad boy rock star with issues from his past and innocent young woman who makes him want to be better. Not as much sex in this book but when it did happen it was hot.
DebJack | 1 outra crítica | Jul 28, 2023 |
4.5 stars really. This series is so good!!
DebJack | Jul 28, 2023 |
So many misunderstandings/miscommunications to count. It moved too slow for my tastes. I skimmed quite a bit of it.
DebJack | Jul 28, 2023 |
3.5 Stars

Has potential.
In need of an editor.
I enjoyed it. Didn't love it, but there were things I loved about it.
Very 'New Adult'.
Interested enough to read the next in the series.
bodebeabay | 1 outra crítica | Sep 25, 2022 |
3.5 Stars
Better than the 1st book in the series, but not enough to take it to the next star rating.
Although I may change my mind.

I like all the characters, but the author jumps around a lot from the mc's to other characters. It's a bit distracting.

So far they are very much worth the time to read them.

I have a feeling these are going to continue to improve.
bodebeabay | 1 outra crítica | Sep 25, 2022 |
Demon's Wing

I very much enjoyed reading about Demon's Wings and their rise to fame and their HEA.
Emmie and Nik's story was my favorite!
Diamond71Sapphire | Aug 12, 2022 |
This series is good but my issue is that I would like each book to focus more on the one couple that the book is about.
There are often multiple POV which generally I love but in this series there are too many, even people who are not the main couple.
I like it when authors choose one main character who is the focus of the story then add an occasional POV from the love interest of the main character. This keeps a bit of mystery but adds understanding.
I think it's important to focus on the main couple as otherwise it feels there is too much going on that detracts from the focus.
If you read this series I would recommend getting it all so you can read it all close together, in that way if will flow better.
There are some good ideas in this series and some interesting story-lines.
izzied | 1 outra crítica | Oct 29, 2020 |
This series is good but my issue is that I would like each book to focus more on the one couple that the book is about.
There are often multiple POV which generally I love but in this series there are too many, even people who are not the main couple.
I like it when authors choose one main character who is the focus of the story then add an occasional POV from the love interest of the main character. This keeps a bit of mystery but adds understanding.
I think it's important to focus on the main couple as otherwise it feels there is too much going on that detracts from the focus.
If you read this series I would recommend getting it all so you can read it all close together, in that way if will flow better.
There are some good ideas in this series and some interesting story-lines.
izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
This series is good but my issue is that I would like each book to focus more on the one couple that the book is about.
There are often multiple POV which generally I love but in this series there are too many, even people who are not the main couple.
I like it when authors choose one main character who is the focus of the story then add an occasional POV from the love interest of the main character. This keeps a bit of mystery but adds understanding.
I think it's important to focus on the main couple as otherwise it feels there is too much going on that detracts from the focus.
If you read this series I would recommend getting it all so you can read it all close together, in that way if will flow better.
There are some good ideas in this series and some interesting story-lines.
izzied | 1 outra crítica | Oct 29, 2020 |
This series is good but my issue is that I would like each book to focus more on the one couple that the book is about.
There are often multiple POV which generally I love but in this series there are too many, even people who are not the main couple.
I like it when authors choose one main character who is the focus of the story then add an occasional POV from the love interest of the main character. This keeps a bit of mystery but adds understanding.
I think it's important to focus on the main couple as otherwise it feels there is too much going on that detracts from the focus.
If you read this series I would recommend getting it all so you can read it all close together, in that way if will flow better.
There are some good ideas in this series and some interesting story-lines.
izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
A massive emotional angst story. So heart breaking.
izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
Great read with ups, downs and twists! Ciro and Scarlett were off the charts when they finally got together. I loved that he loved her for a long time ans saved her when she needed it. I will definitely read the rest of this series.
Kellylynn22 | 1 outra crítica | Mar 24, 2019 |
Victoria and Adrian!! Loved this book more than the first. I wasn't expecting that twist with Adrian but I'm glad they found each other in the end and worked through the issues. Cant wait for whats next.
Kellylynn22 | Mar 24, 2019 |
Dante and Allegra were hot!! I wasn't expecting that twist with her father and I'm glad Dante came through. I cannot wait for whats next in this series!!
Kellylynn22 | Mar 24, 2019 |
Loved Christiano and Anya's story. Especially after all the build up to it. We definitely got to see a softer side to Anya here and I loved it. All the side stories with Christiano's sister and father broke my heart. Anya and his relationship was complicated and there was history there but I am glad they found their happy ending!! Great read I cannot wait for what is next!
Kellylynn22 | Mar 24, 2019 |
Link to full review below! Quick read that, while predictable, was enjoyable none the less! See full review on The Book Disciple
thebookdisciple | 1 outra crítica | Oct 9, 2018 |
Really enjoyed this book. Would have liked it to have been longer. Look forward to reading the other books in the series.
onebeanshy | 7 outras críticas | Jun 20, 2018 |

Terri Anne Browning’s book (book 2) of this anthology:

The story of HxhxOW = Jared, Alexis, Nica (Monica)

Insta lust. Insta love.
Really lovely and dreamy and romantic.
They break up. She takes it really badly, has a sort of mental breakdown, has a car accident and becomes disabled. Moves back home so her family can look after her.
Don’t see each other until 7 months later.
By sheer coincidence.
NOT because he tried to find her.

LOTS and LOTS of stuff happening but (in excerpts) here’s the bottom line:

“These past seven months have been Hell, baby. I haven’t been able to eat, sleep eludes me. If Gabriella had told me that you were hurt I would have been back in a heartbeat.”

“Please tell me you missed me too, Lexis. Tell me that you still feel something, even if it is more hatred than love.”

“I don’t know you.” She told him. “I don’t remember you.”……
“I lost all memory of the months leading up to the accident.”

Maybe this was a way for them to start over. He didn’t have tell her—hurt her with the reasons why she had felt the need to kick him out of her life. (LIAR)

“Why did we break up?” She demanded,

“We had a misunderstanding. I had to go to Rome, my father had been sick… “I was so busy with everything going on over there that I didn’t have time to fix us just then. So I let you have some time to cool off. I thought that when I could get away I would have time to win you back…”

When I tried to call you back you sent me straight to voice mail. All my texts went unanswered… If things had not been so crazy at the time I would have been by your side in a heartbeat.

“And there wasn’t time for you to come home, to explain it all to me in person?

“Things got crazy. My father got sick. Nica (THE OTHER WOMAN) had a miscarriage (not his kid)…” ….. “She was too fragile to be left alone. She needed me.”

….to him she would always come in second. Nica was his priority. How else could he have stayed by the woman’s side when his own child was being ripped from Alexis’s womb along with all chances of having another child?

"My uterus was torn to shreds. I lost the baby…And all hopes of having another one.”

“So even though I didn’t remember Jared, I knew that there had been a man in my life. And for the first week I waited, and waited. Expecting the father of my child to show up……
…..I knew that he didn’t love me. Because if he did, how could he go a week, two, three without seeing me? How could he stand that distance between us?”

“…..Each day was an agony. I wanted to be with you. Craved to be in your arms, to have you in mine. But I had my father to deal with. He nearly died. And Nica...Nica doesn’t matter though. (LIAR) None of it matters. I should have been with you. Never should have left your side for even a second.”

So they try again and lo and behold the liar-liar-dick-on-fire messes up again:

“It isn’t what it seems, Lexis.”

“You lied to me.”

“I was terrified to tell you the truth. (uh huh: LIAR) I just found you again. I couldn’t chance telling you about Monica.” He cupped her face in hands that shook. “I love you. I wasn’t ready to risk how happy we were over her.”

She’s literally broken: she can’t walk unaided, has gruelling physical therapy (kudus to the author for this part, it’s so well done, I didn’t realise I’d been gritting my teeth and tearing up right along with her until my jaw started aching and the words seem to swim across the page.) That’s only PART of her brokenness. Mentally and emotionally she’s a wreck as well.

(Many readers who love the “jealous-possessive” hero will love this hero.)
Lying dickhead.
Assish asshole.
Whiny, needy, crying, tearful, emo, jealous, possessive weak, sniffling liar.
(me--->hero--->boat in the deepest ocean--->nunchucks --->cement shoes)

Apparently there was never anything romantic between the OW and H.
Yet, for SOME reason he gives up months of being with the heroine to be with the OW so he can help the OW make his brother jealous (tabloid style fake engagement, etc) so that said brother can realise that he and the OW belong together. (All this without a word to the heroine, at a time she needed him the most)
OW now married to his brother.
Creepy, incestuous bond between him and the OW:

“…he’s my best friend...”

“Jerry! (her nickname for him) How could you cancel on me like that? Aren’t I the love of your life?”

The look on her face was so close to the one that she had had when she spoke to her husband that Alexis was almost taken

Like I said: lots happening. Much more than the above.
Then Hxh get married.
In future books she falls pregnant despite her shredded womb.
BeegPanda | Aug 2, 2015 |
Overall it was an ok book. I'm not sorry I bought it but I don't think I would buy it again. It was way too short for my liking. If the story and characters were a bit more developed it could have been fantastic.
kayfray | 7 outras críticas | Aug 9, 2014 |
Loved this one, but now I am DYING to read Drake's story!
Kate.Good | 4 outras críticas | Jul 3, 2014 |
Loved this one, but now I am DYING to read Drake's story!
Kate.Good | 4 outras críticas | Jul 3, 2014 |
Layla and Jesse...is this love at first sight or lust? Layla has responsibilities and a complicated past. She needs her job. This is all she has skills for. She must keep her family from starving. Jesse is used to getting his way and having almost no responsibilities. Something about Layla calls to him. Will this pulls be enough to change his life.

This is a HOT romantic story full of family, love, redemption, and most of all...HOT romance. A must read for those who believe can find where they belong in life and feel strong enough to work to achieve their goals.
Gloria.Herrera | 4 outras críticas | Mar 26, 2014 |
Emmie and Nik's love story has been developing over the years. From friendship and deep responsibility to a raging fire. Emmie is a strong character. She is an independent woman who owes these four guys her life. Her feelings for Nik are so stong, she scorches the pages. If you are following this series, you will find this installment very moving.
Gloria.Herrera | 7 outras críticas | Mar 26, 2014 |