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Mel was headed to Savannah, Georgia for an overdo visit with an aunt. Partway to Vicksburg, bullets whizzed past and the prize stallion borrowed from home "spooked" and bulled lose from the buggy, sending it the buggy on a collision course toward a stationary wagon near the river's edge. The two Elliot brothers hurried toward the accident to assess the situation. John was furious at the carelessness of the young man driving plus the dent in his wagon. Sam, however, was more concerned with the well-being of the young man who looked to be about 16 years old - too young to be driving in the rough country alone.

It appeared Mel had nothing more than a few cuts and bruises. The forehead cut needed stitches.

John demanded payment or restitution of the damage while Sam tried to diffuse the situation. John demanded the young man stay on the Plantation and"work off" the damages while his wagon would be repaired in the nearby tow. The boy readily agreed. John stormed off and Sam led the boy to the main house to take care of the injuries when suddenly he fainted. Calling out to his aunt, asking her to quickly clear the kitchen table, Sam began cleaning the injuries and sent for his black bag to stitch the still bleeding cut... More than just the cut needed to be "fixed"!

Thus begins the unexpected twists and adventures of "Heart's Desire".

This is a very well-written novel with a setting of pre-Civil War. Lincoln is running for president, family views are divided, and the nation is in commotion. Still life goes on. The Elliots' own a unusual plantation free of slaves, plus ship their own product. Some strange things have occurred and John was afraid their reputation would suffer if the problem wasn't remedied.

The romantic/historical setting is delightfully wholesome with an element of Intrigue. This first book of the series left the reader slightly wanting. Hopefully Book Two will fill the void. It was slightly dragged out but never boring. The Christian faith was also implemented in the key character's lives and actions.

The character's of the story were very real. The scenery and background was portrayed well.

The book cover is passable but wasn't indicative of the story. The Title was, also, passable but did not capture the"meat" of the tale.

My review of this book gives it a Four Stars rating.

I was gifted this book by the author for an honest review of which I have given.
LAWonder10 | Feb 28, 2014 |