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Courtney ColeCríticas

Autor(a) de If You Stay

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"A Wish For Christmas" is a delightful magic-real love story that enchanted me from the start. Many people would like to change something in their lives, but who has the chance to do it like this? These are characters that everyone will fall in love with, including Elliott, the Mastiff. It's impossible to resist all this joy mixed in with a Christmas theme. I highly recommend this book for reading at any time of year!
My thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this title.
c.archer | 3 outras críticas | Jan 8, 2024 |
Piper’s grandmother has died, and now Piper must make some decisions that could be life changing. She is a pilot, and she has been trained to take people on hunting trips in Alaska. She must decide if she wants to continue this business without her grandmother, or sell the resort that has been in her family for generations. Seasoned hunters sometimes go off on their own, and it is this aspect that sets in motion a chain of events that will change Piper forever. Fearing the hunting party is lost with a storm moving in, Piper goes to search for them. Falling down a gorge, she awakens in the snow, looking at strangers. They rescue her and take her back to her lodge, but it’s not exactly hers at the moment, since she has traveled back in time to the 1940s. She, of course, is shocked by what has has happened, not knowing how it came to be or if she will be able to return to her own time. But she is delighted to meet her grandmother, who is about the same age as Piper. They become friends, and Piper does her best to fit in with family who are, in essence, her ancestors. It’s quite a story, tender and heartwarming, and yet has moments of sheer terror as the residents battle the elements that make up the Alaskan wilderness. Though the author does a good job of setting the scenes in two vastly different time periods, some of the aspect of the time-traveling are glossed over and not explained. The characters are well-developed and quite likable, the plot is very entertaining and intriguing, and the story will leave you in a warm holiday mood.
Maydacat | 1 outra crítica | Dec 29, 2023 |
This is a story about wishes and second chances. Nora and Jack are drifting apart in their marriage. Chasing their 200-plus pound dog through the streets after he gets away from them, they meet a kind, elderly store owner. He gives them a snow globe to wish on, and the next day, they wake up in separate apartments, leading separate successful lives as Noel and Jonah. Through a series of somewhat unusual events, Noel acquires a large dog, and both Noel and Jonah find themselves heading for the same small town to assist their families, specifically the dads, who are on opposing sides of what is best for the town. It’s quite an intriguing concept and an interesting and well written story. The characters are likable and believable, even if the magic of the snow globe is not. But if start to think that the store owner might just be Santa in disguise, you can believe in the magic that Christmas brings.
Maydacat | 3 outras críticas | Dec 26, 2023 |
Meg inherits an apartment building from her recently deceased dad. Still grieving and feeling guilty for not visiting him more often, she is out of her league when it comes to managing the building. She is a fashion designer hoping to someday have her own label. She makes a lot of mistakes when she first arrives, alienating one of the residents who she really needs to have on her side. It will take a lot of effort to repair that damaged first impression. The residents are mostly elderly, having lived there for years, and Meg is unsure of how involved she needs to be in their lives. It turns out that she wants to be involved, but soon she realizes that the building is in disrepair and funds to fix it are nonexistent. She needs a Christmas miracle and she needs it fast. And of all things, it arrives in the form of a dress. The characters are likable and believable, especially Meg, and the story is well told. This romance is certainly sweet, and if things seem a bit contrived to arrive at a happily ever after, it’s an acceptable concept. After all, it is Christmas!
Maydacat | 10 outras críticas | Dec 26, 2023 |
What happens when a book editor and a financial analyst are living their busy life and forget why they first fell in love? A Wish For Christmas by Courtney Cole offers a sweet twist on a ‘what if’, the chance of a do-over, in the form of a wish on a snow globe and a manuscript. It’s got bookish vibes and a big lovable dog, what more could you want in a holiday book?

I recommend for readers that love:

❄️ Small town stories with quirky characters
🎄 Hallmark vibes
❄️ Closed door, sweet romance
🎄 Books about bookish people
❄️ A little magical realism, time travel
🎄 Can’t resist big dog that brings everyone together

I thought Cole did a beautiful job touching on complicated family dynamics of adult children returning home, seeing parents through a new lens and yet falling into old roles. The grief of watching a loved one suffer from dementia was navigated very well.

Thank you to my friends at @netgalley , @avonbooks & @courtneycolewrites for the review copy!
FlowerchildReads | 3 outras críticas | Nov 15, 2023 |
This was an enjoyable Christmas romance, Although the plot was a bit far-fetched and very sketchy on the details, the story was lovely and heartwarming, and I found myself enjoying the book in spite of myself.. Recommended for anyone needing a quick shot of holiday spirit!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
sue222 | 3 outras críticas | Nov 5, 2023 |
Hillarious! I laughed tears.
Especially the waxing scene was comedy gold.
The story itself is a bit obvious but well told and the sex scenes were all different and nicely done.
Wolkenfels | 6 outras críticas | Feb 25, 2023 |
I enjoyed this one so much, if not for what felt to me like some unnecessary relationship drama, this would absolutely have been a five star read.

Meg already had so much on her plate (that made for an absorbing read), processing grief both old and new, taking on the massive responsibility of a rundown condominium complex filled with senior citizens depending on her to keep them out of nursing homes, plus the desire to keep her fashion designer dreams alive, so I really liked that for a large chunk of the novel in balanced contrast to Meg’s problems, the romance came across as low-key, just sweet, easy, comforting, an enviable refuge from the bigger challenges in her life. Maybe had the conflict that materialized in their relationship been something deeper, something not reliant on exes (or at least not reliant on a one-dimensional ex), I might have welcomed it, but as it was, I would have preferred the romance stayed drama free and maybe instead given some of those pages over to more of the stress and labor that would have gone into a design competition of that magnitude.

That detour in the romance aside, there was so much I loved about this book especially the found family aspect with the senior citizens who were fantastic supporting characters and I so admire how the tone of the story smoothly transitioned from humorous to poignant takes on loss and loneliness and back again. An author who can do breezy so well yet also have me teary-eyed on occasion is someone I’m very much eager to read more from.
SJGirl | 10 outras críticas | Jan 8, 2023 |
I wanted more and I wanted less. I'm not really sure why.
LAJG13 | 18 outras críticas | Jan 2, 2023 |
Yet another textbook example of telling, not showing. I am seriously over this. And yet I keep trying NA titles. Almost without exception, they are far too long, lacking in any subtlety, and manage to be both over-written and under-characterized. In this book particularly, the foreshadowing and dream sequences are ham-fisted narrative devices that are so incredibly obvious as to be insulting. And the worst part is that so many of these books also manage to not be entertaining. But I keep wading through the dreck in hopes of finding a good story.
wonderlande | 18 outras críticas | Jan 1, 2023 |
Tasked with running the family business, Great Expectations, a hunting lodge, Piper McCauley greets another group hunters. She is missing her recently deceased grandmother and wonders about her future. When the hunters are gone too long, she and lodge employee Dan head out to search for them in the quickly changing Alaska weather. The snow blinds her and eventually, the men that find her aren't Dan or the Norton hunting party. She quickly discovers that things are the same, but not and that she has somehow traveled back in time to 1944 and befriends a grandma that is her age, along with the great grandparents she never knew. I know, it sounds ludicrous, but I couldn't stop thinking about the story. It was easy to get lost in the great period descriptions--rationing, the elements, the danger and loss of the wartime era. Honestly, just a great book to read this time of year, I really liked it.
ethel55 | 1 outra crítica | Dec 31, 2022 |
Zero stars from me.
berryshady | Dec 16, 2022 |
Easy stuff first: YA psychological thriller (?) Well-written. Shock value of twist--the prologue literally says, there's a twist, POV character constantly refers to "secret" is annoying, but I went along in order. Whatever. Writing wasn't bad.

I read lots of series. Here's the thing. Each part of a series has its own little payoff, right? Like, some way in which it stands alone. Although there's been a big reveal in this, the last page is basically like "But there was an EVEN BIGGER SECRET....FIND OUT MORE IN THE SEQUEL, [DATE]."

It's shameless and it's lazy. Your plot should be sufficiently compelling that it beings people back for more, not a desperate cliffhanger. Mic drop.
Adamantium | 7 outras críticas | Aug 21, 2022 |

The first book was frustrating, but I was willing to go ahead. If you want to save yourself the trouble of this one--haven't read #3 yet, here is the summary:

Time passed. I wanted Dare then pushed him away. I asked everyone to tell me the secret and they said no. [SPOILER.] The house was like the Jane Eyre house. I read the book Jane Eyre. [SPOILER] [TWIIIIIIIST ending]

I guess you could argue the dreamlike quality is intentional--by the way, the MC has MULTIPLE dreams that end in something to the effect of "I'm going crazy, and no one can save me," where I really think exactly one would work--it's totally ungrounded, the pacing is nil, and it's possible the author has been to England, but I have not, and I still feel more qualified to write a book taking place on an estate there. A driver/butler named Jones, everything too formal, etc. Wish fulfillment of a teenager. I remember writing it myself.

At any rate, how many times can reality be FLIIIIIPPED and reversed and "no I remembered it wrong" "no I remembered remembering it wrong" before it actually doesn't matter anymore? Why should I care what happened to Calla? Did ANYTHING happen to Calla? Book three could be that the whole thing took place while she was cryogenically frozen and sent into space, and that would honestly be as linear as this--and mildly more interesting?
Adamantium | 3 outras críticas | Aug 21, 2022 |

Vaguely Gothic/psychological horror to straight up Biblical nonsense. Anything is possible so anything is possible. Is that the moral?

2/3 or more of this book is verbatim from the previous two. VERBATIM.

A Bad series
Adamantium | 2 outras críticas | Aug 21, 2022 |
Tessa arrives home alone just as the hurricane hits. Her oldest child is off at school and the younger kids are safe with the grandparents. She's rushed home to spend the weekend with her husband who blows her off at the last second, allegedly for work. She believes him as she has always believed in him, because if you can't trust your own husband who can you trust? Then she sees the messages. Dozens of them, from the woman he's been having an affair with. She is crushed. She wants answers, and she wants to confront him, but he's not there and the cell service is dying from storm damage. Suddenly she knows just what to do, she'll get her answers from the mistress instead.
My thoughts are all over the place. I just finished this book and now see why the cover is so very perfect. I tore through this novel as quick as the hurricane force winds that descended on Tessa's life.
This is a powerful story, rich with betrayal and steeped in rage, or maybe the rage is my own, I can't even tell anymore if I am feeling my own emotions or those of Tessa. You will want to hug your husband after reading this, if he is trustworthy. You may want to smack him if he isn't. Either way you will feel something. This is not the kind of book that you can just put down and go about your day. You wont forget this one so easily.
5 out of 5 stars
I received an advance copy for review.
IreneCole | 11 outras críticas | Jul 27, 2022 |
It's after Christmas but I still wanted to read it. It was a cute read. Better than a Hallmark movie, but with the same type of feel. One of the few rom-com type books that is staying in my personal library.
jovemako | 10 outras críticas | Feb 13, 2022 |
A sweet holiday confection with heart and a whole lot more. Not just your average holiday read.

Get your copy today at
Desiree_Reads | 10 outras críticas | Jan 3, 2022 |
“Life isn’t a fairy tale,” I tell her simply. “But sometimes, it’s still beautiful.”

I enjoy reading Christmas stories at any time throughout the year but it adds to the magic to read them in the midst of the holiday season. "The Christmas Dress is my favorite novel this season.

Meg Julliard has returned from her dream job in New York to manage the apartment building in Chicago that was her childhood home with her parents and sister. Leaving the job and her best friend was hard but she's more than relieved to have left the micromanaging boss behind. Meg doesn't want to disappoint the tenants but doesn't know the first thing about building management. Can she do this?

The building is full of long-time tenants that dearly loved and respected Meg's father. Each tenant's backstory was fascinating and a wonderful reminder that all life stories are unique and interesting when we take the time to learn them. I was captivated by tenant Ellie Wade from the moment she presented a special "deal" if Meg really wanted to hear the story about the exquisite green dress that Ellie had in her arms when she answered her apartment door.

This is an uplifting story that becomes all the more magical and precious occurring during the Christmas season. There's mystery, friendship, and romance. It celebrates the joy of a diverse group of individuals, each with different strengths, talents, and creativity, and the enchantment possible when all work for a common goal.
FerneMysteryReader | 10 outras críticas | Dec 22, 2021 |
Although the story of the Christmas Dress is set at Christmas time, the main storyline could take place at any time of the year. Upon the death of her father, Meg leaves her job in the New York fashion industry to go home to Chicago. When Meg finds out the dilapidated condition of the Parkview, which she has inherited and where her family lived, she is appalled. Although she originally intends to sell the place, Meg soon becomes quite attached to the senior residents of Parkview, who will be forced to relocate if she sells. With the help and encouragement of a handsome contractor, the people of Parkview, and a magical dress, Meg enters a fashion design contest. She hopes to win the grand prize and to use the money to renovate Parkview.

This story also contains a mystery! Meg and her contractor boyfriend Logan, along with retired lawyer Ellie, learn more about the intriguing past history of Parkview. As they attempt to earn grants for historical restoration of the property, surprises await them!

I enjoyed this novel and found it difficult to put down. The characters are interesting, colorful, and multidimensional. The plot moves along well, with some predictability and clues to the ending. However, changes in the action and interesting twists keep readers engaged in the plot and cheering for the characters. Meg and company display ingenuity, perseverance, and genuine care for each other.

This is a clean novel without strong language or descriptions of intimacy. Readers who enjoy a rollicking good story with a happy ending will find this a warm addition to their holiday reading choices.

I received this book from the publisher and from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.
LadyoftheLodge | 10 outras críticas | Dec 17, 2021 |
The Christmas Dress by Courtney Cole is a 2021 William Morrow Paperbacks publication.

When Meg’s father passes away, she puts her fashion world dreams aside to manage the apartment building she inherited. Her return to Chicago is met with mixed feelings by the tenants. They all seem dedicated to her father, but the jury is still out on Meg.

Despite a rocky start, Meg strikes up an acquaintanceship with Ellie Wade, a tenant with a sad past. Her story is centered around a party dress she wore to her engagement party many years ago, though the marriage never took place because of an ugly accusation and youthful pride. Ellie obviously has many regrets, and Meg can certainly identify with that.

Meanwhile, Meg learns the building is in horrible condition, which keeps her in constant contact with the deliciously handsome and very generous, maintenance guy…

This is a super sweet story with great characters, a wonderful second chance at love thread, and a wonderful contemporary story that all ties in together.

The tone is light, but the story has depth, as the characters learn to overcome obstacles to see their dreams realized and create solid relationships.

The holiday atmosphere helps give the story that little extra touch of magic.

Overall, a lovely holiday tale- recommended to all!
gpangel | 10 outras críticas | Dec 13, 2021 |
When Meg returns to take charge of her late father's apartment building, she encounters the tenants, an attractive handyman, and an unlikely friendship with Ellie. Ellie is reluctantly moving to a nursing home and gifts a dress to Meg. This dress changes Meg's life amidst the holiday season.

This is an enjoyable holiday story by Courtney Cole. It has an eclectic set of characters and a bit of romance between Meg and the handyman. It has an overall holiday vibe but also features some emotional parts that will brings tears to one's eyes. As a personal preference the story needed some more details in my eyes. Overall an enjoyable read and not my last Courtney Cole book.

**Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy. All opinions and thoughts in the review are my own.**
DilowRosas | 10 outras críticas | Oct 27, 2021 |
Yes, more Christmas reading! This latest - The Christmas Dress - is new from Courtney Cole.

I love watching Christmas movies in the run up to the actual day - it's my not so secret vice. I can absolutely see The Christmas Dress as a movie!

Meg Julliard had dreams of making it in the New York fashion world. But, she's lost her job.....and her beloved father. She returns to Chicago and the apartment building he owned. Maybe she can sell it and use the money to set up her own label? Box 1 ticked.

But the building is old (as are the residents) and desperately needs lots of repairs. The handyman isn't old though - he's her age - and very attractive. Box 2 ticked.

The residents are a delightfully quirky crew. Box 3 ticked. Meg quickly makes friends with Ellie, who is clearing out her possessions for an impending move. One dress captures Meg's attention. Its beautifully cut and sewn. The dress will figure prominently in this tale. You could say its almost magical. Cue Box 4.

Meg and the residents are determined to save their home and come up with some novel ideas. But will they work? The countdown is on and fingers are crossed. Box 5.

I quite liked the setting - the apartment building has lots of history. And setting the book's pinnacle moments around Christmas is perfect. Box 6.

There's heartache, heartstrings tugged, hope, friendship, love, loss and more. And you just know everything's going to work out in the end. Perfect seasonal reading. I quite liked it. Tick, tick, tick.

Best read underneath a cozy throw with a mug of cocoa.
Twink | 10 outras críticas | Oct 23, 2021 |
This book was one of the sweetest books I have read in a long time. NOT sappy sweet, but uplifting sweet. Yes, there is a HEA, and well, there should be. But, no, there are no steamy sex scenes-none at all! And I didn't miss it one bit. The story was just that good that it didn't need sex to 'pep it up or 'keep it real.'
I will not give you much of a description of this book since the recap does it so well. I will just say that if I were Meg Julliard's age and confronted not only with the death of her last relative AND inheriting a crumbling building that currently houses only older people, I might lose it totally. Meg makes a few mistakes at first but then pulls up her big girl panties and does what needs to be done.

I admit, luck (as well as talent), but mainly fate, has a huge thing to do with this story's HEA, but that's okay. After the last year that we've had, we need a little sweetness, don't we?

*ARC supplied by the publisher, William Morrow, the author, and NetGalley. My thanks to all.
Cats57 | 10 outras críticas | Oct 5, 2021 |
5 stars, An enchanting dress


An enchanting dress is what it takes to bring two women together as fast friends and create the dream of a lifetime.

Meg Julliard leaves her unfulfilling job in the fashion industry in New York, to come home to Chicago to settle her father's affairs and take over the management of her late father's apartment building, Parkview West. She finds the crumbling building and all of the tenants are overwhelming and endearing. Now, if they will only give her a chance to improve everything.

Logan is Mr. Fixit for Parkview West. He likes the old building and wants to help to keep it in a good state of repair.

Then another tenant gives Meg a beautiful Christmas dress and it fits her, she is amazed.

Join Meg, Logan, and the other tenants to find out the amazing history behind Parkview West and the amazing Christmas dress.

Highly recommend.

Much appreciation to @WmMorrowBooks @williammorrowbooks @customhousebks @customhousebooks #netgalley @netgalley for the complimentary copy of #TheChristmasDress I was under no obligation to post a review.
HuberK | 10 outras críticas | Aug 26, 2021 |