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Cara DeeCríticas

Autor(a) de Aftermath

74+ Works 1,086 Membros 99 Críticas 2 Favorited


I am one of "The Game" series, biggest fans. The characters are all a part of a big happy family belonging to a club... that never needs to nor ever will apologize for its existence. It's much, much more than just a "let's get together and have coffee" social club. All the members filter, by degrees, throughout each book. This one, ties in heavily with characters and plots with Doll Parts, Book #4. Doll Parts focuses primarily on the relationship that is building between Noa and KC, including how that relationship shifts the already solid bond between Noa and his best friend, Cam. We also get glimpses into the Lucian/KC, Lucian/Noa, and KC/Cam dynamics that are essential to building a solid foundation when multiple relationships intersect. The most solid of those dynamics involved Lucian and Cam, who make their total power exchange (TPE) seem so effortless that it’s easy to believe that they were always just meant to be together. The only real bit of angst in this story is a relationship conflict that arise from a medical condition....and it's short lived. We met KC and Lucian early on in the 2 or 3 (?) I believe and have watched them grow in each book thereafter. This one shows the D/s relationship they share with their boys, form and solidify into a more than satisfying framework for their lives together. The book is long... over 400 pages...that was fine with me...more time to spend with the guys from "McClain House" or "House McClain"...the guys, usually the subs against the Doms, playfully tease and take sides about just what is the "proper" thing to call their club. This book, nor the series, will be something that everyone will approve of or want to read. There are some very intense BDSM scenes throughout...all consensual. We even get to take a vacation cruise with some of the guys and we are privileged to witness a very emotional, touching scene between KC and Noa...Lucian and Cam...and KC and Lucian. All good, but tear producing, nevertheless. As far as I'm concerned Cara Dee can stop writing everything else and just bring us more of this series with all of these wonderful characters. If she writes it, I will buy and read it! Oh...I want a "squishmallow" stuffie!
Carol420 | May 20, 2024 |
Tried to read 3/2023 but I'm just not loving all of the torture and murder.
Moshepit20 | 9 outras críticas | Mar 3, 2024 |
One of my absolutely, no questions asked, all-time favorite series. The characters in this series are filtered in and out of one each other's lives starting at the first of the series will help you to understand where the happenings are...well, happening:) There is sometimes a lot of BDSM in the stories...just saying, in case that's not your thing. Dean, Santiago, and Gael get their story told in this one. Gael's ex, (I called him the creep), that appeared in several of the other books, is still trying to interfere in his life...but unknown to Mr. Creep. little Gael now has not one but two big protectors. Of course, we got to journey to McClean House. What would The Game series be without a visit? The Mclean House founders and the community ties that extend beyond the kink are ultimately what leads to the multiple incidents for this story. The founders take their responsibility to their members very seriously. It doesn't matter if it's safety issues; (Reese asking Santiago to use his investigative skills to check on Gael’s stalker ex), or something a little more…personal; (Macklin suggesting that Gael take Dean’s "course" once he discovers they have shared interests. The dynamic between Santiago and Dean evolves a bit more naturally, when the "Powers That Be", decide to allow for these two guys to finally explore what might be developing between them. Cara Dee has gifted us with one of the most dramatic external plots we’ve ever had in this series. Santiago’s desire to protect Gael and Dean, and with the forces of Mclean House backing him up, brings a whole new meaning to the concept of a “safe house” while also giving these characters the space, with only a bit of force, to develop in their individual relationships. Another series that I hope never ends.
Carol420 | Feb 1, 2024 |

So I really loved this story and I loved the writing, honestly I have been so impressed with the whole series, I didn’t expect to love it so much. However(and this is totally a personal thing for me it’s nothing at all against the sorry or author), I really didn’t like that these 4 ended up being two “official” couples(Corey’s Words), and neither of the “official” couples was Sloan and Greer. I don’t know why it made me so emotional because IMO Greer and Archie, and, Corey and Sloan were just kink partners, while Greer and Sloan, I really felt so much true love there. And because it was Corey’s story, it really made me dislike him towards the end of the book, even though I actually really love Corey. Gah. Rant over. Sorry, I’m all up in my head.

I think I’m maybe just so obsessed with Best Friends to Lovers and also obsessed with Greer and Sloan’s relationship throughout the two books.
LizMFSparks | 1 outra crítica | Dec 26, 2023 |
Wow I absolutely loved this version of a Daddy / Boy story with the twist that Edward really is a Daddy. It is a well written read with good pacing and I think Julia almost stole the show of Peyton.

I would love to read more in a similar vein - slightly different Daddy / Boy dynamics.

SharingTheBookLove | Nov 2, 2023 |
Oh wow Gideon and Nicky. Their story just woah! It is so well written, gritty but sweet with an overwhelming sense of I belong here with this person, relief and happiness!

I wanted to keep reading their story and continue almost feeling like I got warm hugs from Nicky's family!
SharingTheBookLove | 2 outras críticas | Nov 2, 2023 |
Holy moly this book is brilliant! I was offered an ARC and I don't generally do MF reads but it was Cara so I said yes and she didn't let me down!

Avery and Elise's story is wonderfully written, grabs you emotionally right from the first word and makes me want to go back and revisit all the Camassia stories again.

A definite 5 star read!
SharingTheBookLove | Nov 2, 2023 |
OMG! I was excited for Anthony's story and even more so when I realised it was MMM. This is MMM with a difference and it's written beautifully.

I'm in awe of Caras writing and the way she writes kink, romance and love!

August and Camden need Anthony and Anthony needs Camden and August.

Again just a wondeful kinky loving read.

5 stars!!
SharingTheBookLove | 1 outra crítica | Nov 2, 2023 |
Absolute love for Ace! I mean Boone and Casey as well but Ace kinda stole the spotlight for me:)

This is another brilliant read from Cara, with intrigue, wonderful characters.

I giggled my way through and would love to wear the shirts!!
SharingTheBookLove | Nov 2, 2023 |
OMFG Cara!! Brilliant
SharingTheBookLove | 1 outra crítica | Nov 2, 2023 |
I've loved every Cara Dee book I've read but this one I have to say I liked but didn't love this one.

Finished is the last book in the Auctioned series and it needs to be read in order for you to see all of Gray and Darius's lovestory.

This does finish the series but it just didn't seem to me to have quite the same Cara vibe. Maybe it's less angst and drama but we do get a happy ending.
SharingTheBookLove | Nov 2, 2023 |

This is a standalone but Cara has mentioned that its written in the Thats Life world so some of the characters cross over.

I haven't read Thats Life 1 or 2 and although parts of this book I felt like I was missing minor info it did NOT detract from the story at all

Shan and Kellans story is such a beautiful story set in the harsher mafia world but this is still a love story in every sense of the word. The emotions of both men jump off the page and this is a definite 5 star read!!
SharingTheBookLove | 2 outras críticas | Nov 2, 2023 |
Another reread ..Kelly and Will

Heartbreaking but a second chance at love for Kelly and Will.

This book needs tissues and is both heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time!
SharingTheBookLove | 1 outra crítica | Nov 2, 2023 |

Loved the concept of home being a person rather than a place!

Ive read this previous and still Thea, Adrian and Dom and Billy brought tears to my eyes!! And I wanted to smack Dom's aunt!

SharingTheBookLove | 2 outras críticas | Nov 2, 2023 |
If i could give this more than 5 stars I would.

this is the end of the series for Gray & Darius BUT not the end of their love and I'm really hoping we'll see more of them in other Camassia Cove books!

This story has it all from a rescue drama to a wedding and Darius's thoughts!

Just LOVE!!!! I cried, I laughed, was sad it was over but cant wait to see what Cara reveals next!
SharingTheBookLove | Nov 2, 2023 |
Cara has done it again! Mack, Walker, Ty and Lane 1 ...cant wait for book 2 ..which is hopefully very soon

The games are less in this but no means weaker.

Love the connection, the friendships and obvs the hot af S♧x scenes.
SharingTheBookLove | 1 outra crítica | Nov 2, 2023 |
Argh Cara you did it again and ....thank goodness the next books are not far away

I admit I actually DNF the last Cara book I read which is the only one I haven't love so was unsure about this ARC


It was fast paced, well written, makes me think and a wonderful book 1 in a new series but for me definitely would not work as a stand'd need to have read at least a few prior books for it to really work

Looking forward to seeing where we go next
SharingTheBookLove | 1 outra crítica | Nov 2, 2023 |
I get a bit mixed up reading these so I imagine [a:Cara Dee|6936449|Cara Dee|] brain and imagination but be full of puzzle pieces that get moved around as needed.

This has twists and turns and is intertwined with previous books and it's absolutely brilliant!

This is essentially Crew and .... story but yay for rapid release as this ends on a cliff hanger of sorts and book 3 is out real soon!

I would not wanna read this as a standalone - def need to have read other books to get the background of the story.
SharingTheBookLove | Nov 2, 2023 |
We continue our adventures and travels in On the Double in this series...this one from the Tenley twins POV mostly....River, Reese and their partner Shay.

Action filled, energy driven this is a must read in order series and Cara ....I can't wait til Sept!

Happy For Now ending - bring on book 4!!
SharingTheBookLove | 1 outra crítica | Nov 2, 2023 |
I didnt want to start this book because then it would all be over but I should have known we never lose Cara characters!

Crew is just well Crew and I wanna both be like him and yet facepalm OMG hes so just Crew!

Love all the finishing up/wrapping up from the past 3 books ..its wonderfully done!

This was a great ending to a wonderful series from Cara and the ending/s just well endings but also beginnings!
SharingTheBookLove | Nov 2, 2023 |
I mean I pretty much grabbed this for Cara Dee's contribution but I'd did read a few others...a couple were 5 stars and some were 1 star or dnf so overall I gave this anthology a 3!!
SharingTheBookLove | Nov 2, 2023 |
This book will stick with me for a long time.
Danielle.Desrochers | 9 outras críticas | Oct 10, 2023 |
Possible Triggers: Kidnapping and Graphic Murder
Shay Tenley...twins, River and Reese Tenley's husband, has been kidnapped right off their home property and right under their very noses. The book cover, rightfully tell as that "The streets were going to run red with blood until they had their boy back". This series is suggested that it be read in order and of course, I didn't. Does that come as a surprise to anyone? This series, although I was happy to see that it brought together all of the characters, is just SO different from "The Game" series that came before it. As crazy as I am about these characters. I'm not at all crazy about mercenary type stories. Anyone that enjoys that type of story, will more than likely really like it, much more than I did. I have to admit that I read it because of the featured characters.... Reece, River and Shay. The Tensley twins are going to find and bring their husband, Shay, home even if it means destroying an entire county. The brothers and their friends cut a deadly swath through Carillo’s, (a character from the other 2 books that I didn't read), known associates, murdering and torturing along the way, in order to find Shay. There are a few flashbacks which helped to give some background to the relationship...for those that didn't read The Games series, that show pieces of how Shay met Reese and River, and how they came to share their kink and their lives. Shay was anything but fragile, even from book #1 of The Games series. He was always a fighter and a survivor. This is what he's doing now while a captive... always knowing that his husbands will move Heaven and Earth to find him. You can see immediately how much of a connection these three men have. The rescue becomes more of a sure thing as more of the group of friends arrive to help with the operation to kill off the heads of the cartel and bring their kidnapped "friend", and husband, home. The story is filled with a lot of investigative work aa well as a lot of action and suspense. I guess I'm going to have to search out book #2 since I really want to learn more about Crew and Adrien's relationship story. This one is an entertaining as well as a fairly quick read...but be warned it does end with a cliffhanger.
Carol420 | 1 outra crítica | Oct 1, 2023 |
Most of this series can easily be read as standalones, but this novel is the second in a duet with Apex Predator (The Game #11). It continues the stories of the second-chance romance between Macklin and his estranged husband, Walker, and the potential new love story between Lane and Ty. Macklin and Lane are dating and have no plans to change that. This might all sound terribly complicated, but Cara Dee is excellent at balancing relationship dynamics while still getting to the heart of the love stories that readers turn to romance of any genera, for. What I really liked about this book, and actually all the books in this series, is that none of the books are the same. They do have some of the same characters wander through all the stories, but each book is devoted to the two or three men, that the story features. They are told in a fluid and nontraditional way with a "happy ever after" for any of Cara Dee’s characters. The vacation we saw played out in Apex Predator, (Book #11), is over and the four guys are returning to their “real world” and have never found it to be more difficult. Walker and Ty are determined to “keep” Macklin and Walker as their men, and we see two more traditional guys turn into a burgeoning friendship...the most vanilla relationship in all the 12 books. It's not by any means a complaint; her character work is so well done that we often find things that might be unexpected, actually working. It’s adorable as well as perfect for these men. The twist that takes place here almost throws a wrench in the works for Macklin and Walker though. However, the difference that Lane and Ty are in the picture is a real joy for everyone in the story. A bit of warning for those that are not really into the BDSM scene...Prowl is one of the spiciest, but least overly kinky, in this entire series. However. it remains true to the continuing theme. We also get to take a heart-warming return to Mclean House as renovations after the fire, near completion. There are also some fantastic cameos from the author's other interconnected series...a real treats for we loyal readers.
Carol420 | Sep 24, 2023 |
Again, we have a meeting of some of the players in the previous Game series books, and we meet a new one. Ty Madison invited several of the couples down to his Florida home. Lane comes along with Macklin who he has had somewhat of a relationship with the past few years. Lane loves reptiles and is very good caring for his snakes, turtles and lizards but a vacation sounds prefect so off he goes with Macklin to south Florida. He and Ty have met before, but Ty doesn't remember the circumstances...just that Lane seems to be familiar, Lane, however, remembers very well and has to work to keep the old secret from the guy he fell for almost immediately. I don't think it would have been a big deal as it had happened so long ago...but that's our Lane. Better safe than sorry. Lane and Ty feel an immediate attraction but they limit their interactions to working together to keep some of South Florida's scale covered "Apex Predators" under control...instead of the two-legged ones that are on their way from McClean House to join the party at Ty's, These predators that Ty and Lane are hunting are introduced species that are overflowing the region as the result of people, buying "pets" that will grow up to 25 to 30 feet and can weight more than their owners. This is for real information that the author has made part of the story... and as a biologist, I thank Cara Dee for taking the opportunity to use this story to point out just how destructive these "thrown-away" pets can be. We also see Mackin working on having a reunion with his husband, Walker, that he hadn't seen in ten-years. I won't say how that reunion turned out, but book #12 will cover Mackin & Walker's story in full. This is a great story and part of a really addictive series. I hope that this author will just keep adding books to it since I'm almost at the last book. On to book #12.
Carol420 | 1 outra crítica | Sep 22, 2023 |