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S.D. Hendrickson

Autor(a) de The Mason List

7 Works 105 Membros 7 Críticas

Obras por S.D. Hendrickson

The Mason List (2015) 70 exemplares
My Lucky Days (2016) 10 exemplares
The Hawks (2018) 5 exemplares
Burning Confession 1 exemplar
Burning Confession 1 exemplar


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5.0 out of 5.0 stars

karenhulseman | Dec 3, 2019 |

release Date-26/7/18

The Hawks was my first experience with this particular author and it was a mostly positive endeavour for me.
This was a well thought out intriguing read packed with suspensful romance and thrilling action.
It had a fantastic twist that I never saw on the horizon and though I did have some slight issues here this for me was still extremely enjoyable and I would certainly recommend this if you're looking for something to get your blood pumping.
So as I said swings and roundabouts; while I really liked the way this was narrated in present time and flashbacks I felt that without this style of storytelling this could have felt a bit flat.
The build-up to the main course was a bit lengthy in my opinion and could have done with a bit of pruning.
This was a long book and it really felt it would have delivered itself better shortened slightly; maybe it's just me but I did zone out slightly on some occasions.
I also would have prefered this to be dual POV as I felt that I didn't really get to know Javier that well and as such he felt slightly one-dimensional at times.
Which was a shame as he seemed a real decent bloke; perhaps maybe a bit cookie-cutter perfect at times; but still, I would definitely have liked to delve deeper here.
I really enjoyed the portrayal of Sarina's boss Delsey Hawthorn; her eccentricities made such compelling reading and kept thing interesting.
I know she was a massive opinionated pain in the derriere but the old girl had some good qualities also, hidden really deep that is, she wasn't completely bad.
I also really adored Cole and thought Sarina was a bloody major cow to him.
I couldn't quite work out what her deal was here she was an utter cow-bag to the poor bloke.
In fact, if I'm honest I found it hard to relate or even like Sarina at times, she came across as completely, self-centred and materialistic.
That is my main reason for marking this down slightly my compulsion to strangle some sense into the girl throughout.
Despite the above, I still found this compelling reading and that finale completely knocked it out of the park.
This was a good read that I had some slight nitpicks with; still very happy to recommend this if you like a bit of action with your romance.
On a side-note, I want Cole's story as I think he got such a raw deal here but please let's have a girl who appreciates him for the unpolished gem that he is; I would so read his story.
Thank you to the author for providing me with an ARC of "The Hawks" of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm.
… (mais)
carpathian1974 | 2 outras críticas | Nov 7, 2019 |

release Date-26/7/18

The Hawks was my first experience with this particular author and it was a mostly positive endeavour for me.
This was a well thought out intriguing read packed with suspensful romance and thrilling action.
It had a fantastic twist that I never saw on the horizon and though I did have some slight issues here this for me was still extremely enjoyable and I would certainly recommend this if you're looking for something to get your blood pumping.
So as I said swings and roundabouts; while I really liked the way this was narrated in present time and flashbacks I felt that without this style of storytelling this could have felt a bit flat.
The build-up to the main course was a bit lengthy in my opinion and could have done with a bit of pruning.
This was a long book and it really felt it would have delivered itself better shortened slightly; maybe it's just me but I did zone out slightly on some occasions.
I also would have prefered this to be dual POV as I felt that I didn't really get to know Javier that well and as such he felt slightly one-dimensional at times.
Which was a shame as he seemed a real decent bloke; perhaps maybe a bit cookie-cutter perfect at times; but still, I would definitely have liked to delve deeper here.
I really enjoyed the portrayal of Sarina's boss Delsey Hawthorn; her eccentricities made such compelling reading and kept thing interesting.
I know she was a massive opinionated pain in the derriere but the old girl had some good qualities also, hidden really deep that is, she wasn't completely bad.
I also really adored Cole and thought Sarina was a bloody major cow to him.
I couldn't quite work out what her deal was here she was an utter cow-bag to the poor bloke.
In fact, if I'm honest I found it hard to relate or even like Sarina at times, she came across as completely, self-centred and materialistic.
That is my main reason for marking this down slightly my compulsion to strangle some sense into the girl throughout.
Despite the above, I still found this compelling reading and that finale completely knocked it out of the park.
This was a good read that I had some slight nitpicks with; still very happy to recommend this if you like a bit of action with your romance.
On a side-note, I want Cole's story as I think he got such a raw deal here but please let's have a girl who appreciates him for the unpolished gem that he is; I would so read his story.
Thank you to the author for providing me with an ARC of "The Hawks" of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm.
… (mais)
carpathian1974 | 2 outras críticas | Nov 7, 2019 |
Sarina Atwood has goals and ambition. Living in her grandparents home with her mother and younger brother does not work in the life plans she has set for herself. She has big dreams, but the longer she stays with her grandparents every day feels like she is dying inside even more. Her grandparents are hard working people, but there is never enough of money to go around. Plus, Sarina’s mother has emotional issues which take a huge toll on the family. Sarina finally gets the opportunity to be free when she is offered the job as personal assistant to the wealthy Hawthorn family. Delsey Hawthorn is the matriarch of the family. She is a harsh older woman who rules her family and staff with an iron fist. What Sarina will soon come to realize is that even the richest of families still suffer the same kind of problems as everyone else.

When intruders gain entry into the Hawthorn estate, everything Sarina has worked for comes crashing down. Will this be the end of everything that Sarina has worked so hard to achieve?

Sarina is such an interesting character to me and for the most part I did like her, but at times I also disliked her as well. I can understand Sarina wanting to get away from her family. She had goals and she didn’t want to feel as if she was stuck in the same life as her grandparents. She did not want that life for herself. At times if felt like Sarina was selfish, but yet you can see how deeply she cared for her family and how important it was to Sarina to help them with money and bills. So, as much as I thought she was selfish in the broad spectrum of things I also think she was deep down in her heart selfless as well.

Working for Delsey Hawthorn was not an easy task. Delsey was a bitter old woman with money and connections. Connections that Sarina needed in order to advance after her position ended. Delsey was just downright nasty and mean. But, she also taught Sarina important lessens and in a way helped Sarina grow as a person. Sarina’s only saving grace was Javier, Delsey’s grandson. Sarina and Javier shared a connection unlike the relationship she had with Cole, her previous boyfriend. Sarina and Cole’s relationship was just toxic from the start. It didn’t mean that they didn’t love each other, but they definitely were not good for one another either.

Javier was just so sweet to sarina and I can see how easily it would be to fall in love with him. He didn’t look down on Sarina because she didn’t come from money. He treated her like a human being and you can see how their relationship started to grow and how love just blossomed between them. Javier also had a love/hate relationship with his grandmother, who forbid Javier from consorting with the help.

I really loved how the story was told in both the past and the present. We already know right from the beginning that there are intruders in the Hawthorn home and little by little we get glimpses into what is going on and why the intruders are there. They play a major role in this story and not everything is as it seems. I really went back and forth trying to guess who was holding them hostage because there are a couple of red herrings thrown in that really had me questioning what I thought I knew.

The Hawks is sad at times and yet you get these little glimpses of humanity thrown into the mix that make each of the characters stand out and seem real. As much as I disliked Delsey, I found myself realizing that everything that she did she had a reason for and as much as she was a bitter woman, she did love her family even though she didn’t show it enough.

The Hawks is a brilliantly crafted story that gripped me from the first page. I savored every last word right up until the end. The story encompasses everything that I love including romance, mystery, and the trials and tribulations of families regardless if they are rich or poor. The story is just so intricately weaved and has many layers to peel through until you finally reach the heart of the story. I can see why so many readers rave over S.D. Hendrickson. This may have been the first story I have read by Hendrickson, but I plan on picking up some of her earlier books because she is such a fantastic writer and The Hawks really lives up the the Five Stars I have given it.
… (mais)
RobynReo | 2 outras críticas | Aug 15, 2018 |


½ 3.6

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