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Sloan JohnsonCríticas

Autor(a) de Wild Pitch

31 Works 286 Membros 18 Críticas


Mostrando 18 de 18
Ive read this previously but its been a while and I didn't review back then. So with the re release I thought I'd reread and review.

I really enjoyed Sean and Masons story as much this time as previously. Its a good sports romance with a bit of angst and a lot of love and friendship.
SharingTheBookLove | 4 outras críticas | Nov 2, 2023 |
I needed tissues in the first few minutes of reading this story! It has heartbreak, anger, loss and sadness BUT it also has hope, laughter, family and love! This is an emotional read but so worth reading through all the tears.
SharingTheBookLove | Nov 2, 2023 |
I really enjoyed this read and the concept that fate plays a part in our lives..whether it is wanted at the time. Dax and Michael path cross, change both their lives, they cross again and life changes again! Good bad better worse sadness happiness hurt heartache and Love!

Michael and Dax - second chance at love, both men have been through hard times, they have an insta connection and more in common than they first know.

This is a beautiful emotional read and well written. Gotta admit Jagger stole my heart! For me this book had it all.
SharingTheBookLove | 1 outra crítica | Nov 2, 2023 |
Enjoyable story but it needed more substance to raise it above others in this trope. The immaturity and lack of communication fit the guy's age well.
Connorz | Jan 4, 2023 |
Dax's life changed in an instant after a motorcycle accident six years ago. But the truth is that it wasn't an accident. He'd set out that night to end everything. And while he first wanted to curse the EMT who saved him, he couldn't be more grateful. He found the strength and courage to fight. He found a sense of purpose for his life. And he's glad he wasn't successful that night. Now, he has a degree in education and is starting a job as a kindergarten teacher. And it's in the town the EMT was from. But that's all he knows of his mystery savior.

Before Dax even gets settled on his first day in down, he encounters a young boy looking for his father. Dax offers to help the child, Jagger, and shortly thereafter meets his father, Michael. Dax learns that Michael is a struggling single father, but he never doubts that Michael as doing the best he can. Not knowing anyone else in town, Dax quickly becomes friends with Michael and Jagger, more than willing to help out his new friend in any way he can. It doesn't hurt things that Michael is one of the most attractive men Dax has ever met. But he knows better than to even hope for anything--he's been down that road with a straight guy before.

As Michael and Dax become closer, they learn that they can't keep their secrets from each other. And there is a lot more to both of them than the other might have expected...

I wasn't sure what to expect when I picked up this title, but I was more than pleasantly surprised. The way in which the author presents this world and the characters is nothing short of masterful. We learn about the characters and their past in an organic way that not only makes sense for the story but also builds the tension and suspense of the plot. And the cast of characters in the background are vibrant and vital to the story without ever overshadowing the main couple. This gets a strong recommendation from me. I see it's billed as the first book in a series, and I'm definitely looking forward to future installments.

[Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.]
crtsjffrsn | 1 outra crítica | Aug 27, 2021 |
2.5 stars

Just an Okay read nothing special.

Shile.J | 4 outras críticas | Apr 19, 2021 |

Unexpected Protector is book 2 of the Isthmus Alliance. In book one we learned that Isthmus Alliance is a group made up of members who participate in the BDSM lifestyle. The author’s main focus is the actual relationships of the characters so some categorize this series as BDSM-lite.

The actual theme of Unexpected Protector, in my opinion, is forgiveness with a undercurrent of getting past life’s hardships.

There are many characters. Some have already had their own book and some will have their own in future books to the series. The two main individuals of this book are Tommy and Holly.
Tommy is a cop. He’s strong, loyal and steady.

Holly is a recovering drug addict with a hard road ahead of her. She was somewhat a villain in book 1.
After one look at Holly, Tommy is hooked and will stop at nothing to save her. Holly is on a mission to make up for past mistakes. Both have heartbreaking pasts that haunt them and come into their present possibly destroying their future.

Am I being coy by my last sentence? No, I’m not because the book is a CH so I don’t know the outcome either. Looking forward to book 3 and all the history that comes with it! I believe we’ve barely touched the surface.


My review
ToniFGMAMTC | Jan 19, 2017 |
This book was so emotional and touching. I would consider it a love story and a life lessons story. None of the relationship developments were traditional.

Melanie and Xavier were lovers. Some misunderstandings and silliness happened. Neither one of them were really mature. Anyways, their relationship ended, but it didn't get any closure, just ended. Both were devastated. They always thought of each other as the one that got away. Melanie puts her focus into getting an education. Xavier is just kinda spinning in limbo with his life (because he already had a set career before) and accidentally gets Alyssa pregnant. They end up making a go of it even though his heart belongs to Melanie. Over time, Alyssa develops cancer and Xavier realizes that he loves Alyssa. And the kicker is Melanie is Alyssa's hospice nurse after it gets to the point of no return.
Maybe we were never supposed to be forever. Maybe we were supposed to be a stepping stone to greater things in our lives; the perfect career for her and my beautiful son for me.

You would think with all of these people in the same house, with their histories and connections, sparks of rage or passion would be flying. Instead, everything is set to a slow burn allowing attachments to grow all around.

The biggest draw for me (maybe because I'm a mother) was the son, Jacob. Knowing Alyssa and Jacob were going to have to let each other go hurt my heart. I cannot imagine another woman raising my child in my absence. I loved all the scenes involving Jacob throughout the entire book.

This story is definitely different than anything I've read, and I'm very glad that I read it.

***Copy given in exchange for an honest review***


FangirlMoments and My Two Cents

ToniFGMAMTC | Jan 19, 2017 |
I like sports romance so I was very interested to check this one out. I could not get into the storyline at all. I kept reading, but it never got better for me. I don't how to explain what I didn't like. All I can think is meh. The majority of people do like this book; so, it's probably just not my kind of story.
ToniFGMAMTC | 4 outras críticas | Jan 19, 2017 |
I like sports romance so I was very interested to check this one out. I could not get into the storyline at all. I kept reading, but it never got better for me. I don't how to explain what I didn't like. All I can think is meh. The majority of people do like this book; so, it's probably just not my kind of story.
ToniFGMAMTC | 4 outras críticas | Jan 19, 2017 |
This book is a mix of sweet, sexy, drama and humor. Tony and Dom are both pretty likable guys. Both have painful parts of their lives that need the other's healing. The reader goes through the full roller coaster of them meeting, discovering a connection, revealing secrets, facing fears and overcoming life-changing obstacles. Destiny seems to constantly step into the lives of these two men causing them to have to take notice of the other, repeatedly. No matter what distrations pop up in their way, the heart doesn't lie.

Not long after the story started, I wanted to call Dom a diva because he always seemed to be having hissy fits. Then, after finding out his background, I understood him much better. I instantly liked Tony because he is such a clown and so forward. He totally goes after Dom. He does has some big issues of his own that he needs to get past.
As much as I want to, I can't stay cooped up in this room all day; I have gifts to open and parents to piss off. Such is the life of black sheep...

I think this is well-written story of love. It's very full. There isn't one exact part that makes the book. It's sexy, but doesn't depend on the sex. The main characters are great, but all the supporting characters are fully developed also. Family plays a big role. The over all message in my opinion is love, whether is self, familial or romantic.

***Copy given in exchange for an honest review***


FangirlMoments and My Two Cents

FULL REVIEW CAN BE FOUND AT http://fangirlmomentsandmytwocents.blogspot.com/2014/12/dance-with-destiny-by-sl...
ToniFGMAMTC | 1 outra crítica | Jan 19, 2017 |
This book is kind of an emotional read. It touches that spot in you where you've been hurt by someone you loved before. Even if the reader hasn't experienced this exact situation, most of us can relate somewhat.

Teach Me is about a college boy who comes out as gay. His father completely cuts him off. The semester ends, and he has nowhere to go, no vehicle, no phone, nothing except boxes of his things that must be out of the dorm in a couple of hours. Up until this point, he has been part of a wealthy family, never having to worry about how to live. Now he finds himself on the streets with nothing but what he could fit in a backpack. Makes me sort of teary just thinking about it. This story could have taken a way worse turn for the lead, but luckily he doesn't meet up with the wrong crowd.

Austin shows true grit when many would give up. He sleeps in the streets at night and hunts for work during the day. I appreciate the author showing that not everyone who is homeless is just a druggie looser that doesn't want honest work. He becomes a day laborer which leads him to meet David.

David finally got his life all straight. He has the job he's worked so hard to get. He's building his dream home. All of his hard work and life goals are falling into place. While inspecting the building of his house, he sees Austin and is instantly pulled toward wanting to learn more about him.

The rest of the story is a roller coaster between Austin and David. Even though they are both great men, things don't always work out perfectly, and they don't always behave the best. It's a learning experience for them both.
"I look forward to teaching you what it truly means to love and be loved unconditionally."

"You saved me when I didn't want to be. And ever since then, you have taught me what it's like to be loved."

This is one of those books that makes you think. It also makes you appreciate what you have and may even cause you to be a little nicer to others. You can't always judge someone by how they appear. I enjoyed this read, and I recommend it. If you're looking for something erotic, this isn't the book for you. If you want some M/M love with an honest look at life, this is probably something you would like.

***Copy given in exchange for an honest review***


FangirlMoments and My Two Cents

FULL REVIEW CAN BE FOUND AT http://fangirlmomentsandmytwocents.blogspot.com/2014/12/teach-me-by-sloan-johnso...
ToniFGMAMTC | Jan 19, 2017 |
This book is a mix of sweet, sexy, drama and humor. Tony and Dom are both pretty likable guys. Both have painful parts of their lives that need the other's healing. The reader goes through the full roller coaster of them meeting, discovering a connection, revealing secrets, facing fears and overcoming life-changing obstacles. Destiny seems to constantly step into the lives of these two men causing them to have to take notice of the other, repeatedly. No matter what distrations pop up in their way, the heart doesn't lie.

Not long after the story started, I wanted to call Dom a diva because he always seemed to be having hissy fits. Then, after finding out his background, I understood him much better. I instantly liked Tony because he is such a clown and so forward. He totally goes after Dom. He does has some big issues of his own that he needs to get past.
As much as I want to, I can't stay cooped up in this room all day; I have gifts to open and parents to piss off. Such is the life of black sheep...

I think this is well-written story of love. It's very full. There isn't one exact part that makes the book. It's sexy, but doesn't depend on the sex. The main characters are great, but all the supporting characters are fully developed also. Family plays a big role. The over all message in my opinion is love, whether is self, familial or romantic.

***Copy given in exchange for an honest review***


FangirlMoments and My Two Cents

FULL REVIEW CAN BE FOUND AT http://fangirlmomentsandmytwocents.blogspot.com/2014/12/dance-with-destiny-by-sl...
ToniFGMAMTC | 1 outra crítica | Jan 19, 2017 |

If you read the two previous books in this series, you are aquatinted with the characters in this book.  In book one, we learned that Isthmus Alliance is a group made up of members who participate in the BDSM lifestyle. The author’s main focus is the actual relationships of the characters so some categorize this series as BDSM-lite.

The actual theme of Unexpected Consequences, in my opinion, is acceptance, being true to oneself and adult child/parent relationships.  

Characters from the previous books do make appearances in this one, but it is mostly about the three main characters.  Zeke is co-owner of a thriving music industry business.  Jeff is a psychiatrist.  Mary is a lawyer.  All are successful.  And all figure out they want something different than the traditional relationship.

This story picks up where book 2 ended, actually back tracking just a little to a few minutes before the final scene.  We see it from a different perspective.  Since this book is mostly about the trinogamous relationship, we still have some mystery behind the Nick Romero drama that has been unfolding between the 3 books.  We still aren't completely to the bottom of this story.

After the accident at the end of book 2, beginning of book 3, Mary is injured.  Jeff and Mary move into Zeke's apartment, the place they always hooked up, so that Zeke and Jeff can take care of Mary.  Being constantly together leads to more deeper feelings which leads to having to face each other's pasts, presents, futures, families and friends.

"You're a lucky man, doctor.  Seems to me you hit the jackpot a couple times over.  Now you'd just better hope it doesn't all explode in your face." 

Yet another reason I don't do relationships.  Apparently, getting involved in one means emasculating myself and putting my balls up on a shelf.  Being with two people, I'm not really sure at this point which one of them I'll have to ask for permission to have them back.

They seem to be doing a fine job creating Jerry Springer style memories all on their own.

Although, a difficult road, the love they have is classically beautiful.

This story contains M/M, M/F and M/F/M sex scenes.  It also contains mild BDSM aspects (floggers, restraints).  It is not a dark book and does not focus on BDSM.  As I said before, it it mostly about the relationship between the 3 main characters.

I enjoyed all the books in this series, but I especially liked the Zeke and Jeff scenes in this one.  Also I'm looking forward to Liam's book.

Related Blog Posts

Diva Discussions Blog Spot review of Unexpected Protector by Toni

Diva Discussions Blog Spot review of Unexpected Consequences by Toni

***ARC was given by author for an honest review***


ToniFGMAMTC | 2 outras críticas | Jan 19, 2017 |

If you read the two previous books in this series, you are aquatinted with the characters in this book.  In book one, we learned that Isthmus Alliance is a group made up of members who participate in the BDSM lifestyle. The author’s main focus is the actual relationships of the characters so some categorize this series as BDSM-lite.

The actual theme of Unexpected Consequences, in my opinion, is acceptance, being true to oneself and adult child/parent relationships.  

Characters from the previous books do make appearances in this one, but it is mostly about the three main characters.  Zeke is co-owner of a thriving music industry business.  Jeff is a psychiatrist.  Mary is a lawyer.  All are successful.  And all figure out they want something different than the traditional relationship.

This story picks up where book 2 ended, actually back tracking just a little to a few minutes before the final scene.  We see it from a different perspective.  Since this book is mostly about the trinogamous relationship, we still have some mystery behind the Nick Romero drama that has been unfolding between the 3 books.  We still aren't completely to the bottom of this story.

After the accident at the end of book 2, beginning of book 3, Mary is injured.  Jeff and Mary move into Zeke's apartment, the place they always hooked up, so that Zeke and Jeff can take care of Mary.  Being constantly together leads to more deeper feelings which leads to having to face each other's pasts, presents, futures, families and friends.

"You're a lucky man, doctor.  Seems to me you hit the jackpot a couple times over.  Now you'd just better hope it doesn't all explode in your face." 

Yet another reason I don't do relationships.  Apparently, getting involved in one means emasculating myself and putting my balls up on a shelf.  Being with two people, I'm not really sure at this point which one of them I'll have to ask for permission to have them back.

They seem to be doing a fine job creating Jerry Springer style memories all on their own.

Although, a difficult road, the love they have is classically beautiful.

This story contains M/M, M/F and M/F/M sex scenes.  It also contains mild BDSM aspects (floggers, restraints).  It is not a dark book and does not focus on BDSM.  As I said before, it it mostly about the relationship between the 3 main characters.

I enjoyed all the books in this series, but I especially liked the Zeke and Jeff scenes in this one.  Also I'm looking forward to Liam's book.

Related Blog Posts

Diva Discussions Blog Spot review of Unexpected Protector by Toni

Diva Discussions Blog Spot review of Unexpected Consequences by Toni

***ARC was given by author for an honest review***


ToniFGMAMTC | 2 outras críticas | Jan 19, 2017 |
Great start to a series, can't wait to read the next one.
TerriBowles | 4 outras críticas | Jun 26, 2016 |
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Maybe the world is more ready for us than we are for the world.

So before this book, I had yet to read anything by Sloan Johnson. Not from lack of wanting to, mind you, but we all know how everlasting TBR’s can be. I am one of those people that even when an author says it can be read as a standalone, if it is part of a series, I just CANNOT do that. I HAVE to read them in order. It’s one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to books. I NEED to know the back story. That being said, I carved out enough time in my schedule to fit in all three books. I needn’t have worried about not having enough time to finish, because these books were SO good, I literally FLEW through them! Sloan touches on BDSM in these books, and the men are most definitely Alphas, but at the heart of them all is just that…heart. And it is a beautiful thing to read.

“That would imply we were doing something wrong. And that was anything but wrong.”

I think what I loved about this book the most is that while there was HOT sex, and plenty of it, it wasn’t JUST about that. It was about the relationship between Mary, Zeke, and Jeff. Yes, you read that right; there are three people involved. This is not my first ménage book by a long shot, but it is one of the few that I’ve read where an actual relationship was being worked on. Many people shake their head and look at triad relationships as immoral, but I figure you cannot help who you love, and if you have more love to spread around, what is the harm in that? These were three people that to their core, loved each other deeply. They were all different in so many ways, but it was their commonalities and differences that cemented their union. It was their honesty with each other that kept me coming back for more. It was the way they could see, without even a word being spoken, when one needed something. Unspoken words screamed volumes, and they grew attuned to it in one another. I absolutely adored this book!

Together in the darkness, our bodies find a languid, steady rhythm, sealing our fate to one another without a single word.

The characters, ALL of them, were extremely relatable and I couldn't get enough. The dominance of Jeff, the gentleness of Zeke, and the level head of Mary; they were three pieces of a well crafted puzzle that just fit. I also loved that while it was a typically unconventional relationship, it certainly didn’t read like one. They all faced problems and dealt with issues that would arise in ANY relationship, and I think it speaks volumes towards the literary prowess of the author to be able to not only portray that, but to portray it so well. Sloan Jonson has cemented me as a fan for life, and I will always come back for more!

BooksToBreathe | 2 outras críticas | Jul 2, 2014 |
The Story of Tasha aka Precious and Dylan...

I loved the fact that book had both POVs..Dylan and Tasha are 2 amazing characters..They know how to push each other's limits without ever crossing the line..And when Tasha does cross the line,well ah,the punishment is not unpleasant...They are so fun to read!!..

Plus,I loved all the contradictions this book has..
Their relationship is growing strong very fast.Yet,it feels right and that's a bit scary.Both feel so comfortable and so themselves around the other,without knowing each other for long..
Dylan is the alpha male we all love and into domination.But,he puts this aside for her.Instead,he puts her first..her fears,her needs,her pleasure..It's all about her..That's why I loved Dylan..
Tasha has been sidetracked in her life..Her ex-husband Nick,her best friend Holly were all hiding their true characters from her..She had spent years with both of them.Yet,she didn't really know them and in the process she lost herself.But with Dylan,everything comes easy because it's with him..And that's what I love about her..She has fears but she fights them with him but for herself..

I really liked this book..

It has character.It is Emotional.Deep.Insightful.

It's all about being strong to be who you are,meeting the right person and giving him/her your all...
cool_mia | Aug 5, 2013 |
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