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How I Learned to Hate in Ohio tells the story of Barry (Baruch) Nadler as he goes from a much-bullied adolescent in high school and ends when he’s a young adult. His father is a college philosophy professor and his mother travels a lot looking for new sites for Marriott Hotels. He’s relentlessly bullied until a new kid moves to town and becomes his best friend. His friend is named Gurbaksh (Gary) Singh and he is a Sikh. He is self-confident and instantly popular and Barry becomes more popular in his wake.

However, it soon becomes clear that Gurbaksh’s father had ulterior motives in moving to Ohio and Barry’s family is profoundly affected. It all comes to a crescendo when Barry’s dad throws a party, a party where Barry loses the girl, his best friend, and his mother.

How I Learned to Hate in Ohio is an excellent book. It is rich in character and a sense of place. It is full of humor and a love of humanity, a deep empathy that does tell us a lot about human emotions. It does not, however, explain how racism develops and festers. This is a story about Barry, not about the racists who plagued him and whose acts led to so much devastation. Barry does not become a racist. Yes, Barry learns to hate, but it’s personal, not the dehumanizing hate of racism. Barry does not lose his humanity, even when he fails Gary, even when he shames himself, his motivation is not from the dehumanizing hate of racism. So, if you’re looking for an explainer about how racism develops, you won’t find it. You will find, however, that hate comes in many forms, and Barry does learn to hate.

I received an e-galley of How I Learned to Hate in Ohio from the publisher through NetGalley.

How I Learned to Hate in Ohio at Abrams Books
David Stuart MacLean
Tonstant.Weader | 1 outra crítica | Feb 8, 2021 |
How I Learned to Hate in Ohio by David Stuart MacLean is a novel which take places sometime in the 1980s about a friendless teenager and his foreign friend. Mr. MacLean is a an award-winning writer from Chicago, this is his debut novel.

Baruch “Barry” Nadler is a freshman in high school with the impossible goal of finishing his high-school career unnoticed. When a new kid shows up, a Sikh teenager named Gary (Gurbaksh), the two become friends.

Unlike Barry, Gary is outgoing and mischievous. However, Barry begins to see how classmates, family, and the town people react to a Sikh family in town.

I didn’t know what to expect from How I Learned to Hate in Ohio by David Stuart MacLean, but I figured a novel set in the 80s, which I remember too fondly, revolving around racism and xenophobia, which I remember not fondly, will be interesting. The story is told from the point of view of a bullied American teenager, whose eyes are suddenly opened to the hidden character of those around him.

The novel could be considered a dark comedy for the most of it. Barry is nicknamed “YoY o Fag” by his classmates, and just exists for the sake of finishing school in one piece and leaving. When Gurbaksh, the Sikh shows up, Barry’s life changes and they boys face issues they chose to previously ignore.

The book is very enjoyable and easy to read. The chapters are short and poignant capturing the mentality of a teenager unsure about himself, learning about life, sees his parents in a different light, and starting to realize that the girls are even more mysterious than they seem previously.

This is a book that’s meant to be discussed, there are many issues which, unfortunately, we see playing out in real time during 2020. The book puts a spotlight on issues none of us want to believe exist, but we know that they do. The story could be told in any small-town, not just Ohio. Could be in New Jersey, California, Texas, or the Dakotas.

The book’s first part is clever and tight. The second part of the novel becomes darker as it moves along dealing with homophobia, racism, and xenophobia in a small American town. This would be an excellent choice for a book club since there are many themes that could be discussed.
ZoharLaor | 1 outra crítica | Feb 3, 2021 |
While on a Fulbright scholarship to India in the early 2000s, author David Stuart MacLean experiences a severe psychotic break with accompanying amnesia. MacLean's remaining memory is selective; he remembers trivia like song lyrics and how to do things like read, but doesn't remember his family, friends, or identity. He drinks and smokes more than anyone with a brain injury should as he tries to piece together the jumbled fragments of his own past.

The culprit behind MacLean's breakdown is Lariam, a powerful anti-malarial drug that is still prescribed, despite its well-documented track record of dangerous effects on the brain and central nervous system.

This beautifully-written memoir starts out strong, but goes on a little too long for the story it is trying to tell. I grew tired of reading about all of MacLean's vivid dreams. On the whole, however, this is the affecting memoir of a man lost and found.
akblanchard | 3 outras críticas | Jan 24, 2021 |
This book is a well written memoir about his experience in India with amnesia, trauma and how it effects his identity. He will be doing a reading on April 10th 2014 at the Cathedral Counseling Center 50 E. Washington, Chicago IL from 5:30p.m. to 7:30p.m.
prpalmen | 3 outras críticas | Mar 18, 2014 |
I have handed this to my husband to read because I need someone with whom I can talk about it. It is an amazing story. Nice short chapters that drew me in immediately. I was astonished at some of his choices. This really causes one to question what makes us who we are? It is quite a journey. I am grateful that Mr MacLean chose to share it with us. Thank you to edelweiss.abovethetreeline for giving me a copy to review. It will be a great addition to my library's collection.

I was surprised to see that Rayna Gellert had written a song based on MacLean's experience. It is on her new CD. Apparently they are friends. Small world!
njcur | 3 outras críticas | Feb 13, 2014 |
While studying in India, David has an allergic reaction to a malaria pill and loses his memory. Waking up in a train station, he has no idea who he is or where he is at. A concerned police officer helps him and David finds himself in a mental institution. Without his memories, David spirals through depression and a major sense of loss.

I thought parts of the book were fascinating, especially the first few chapters. I did find David to be an annoying and unlikeable person. His constant drinking was irritating and very off putting. It made him seem completely stupid and irresponsible, especially to the potential for further brain damage. I do not see myself rereading this book.
JanaRose1 | 3 outras críticas | Jan 16, 2014 |
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