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Eileen Ramsay (1940–2023)

Autor(a) de Someday, Somewhere

22+ Works 137 Membros 6 Críticas

About the Author


Obras por Eileen Ramsay

Someday, Somewhere (2003) 32 exemplares
A Way of Forgiving (2004) 28 exemplares
The Stuff of Dreams (2005) 13 exemplares
The G.I. Bride (2018) 10 exemplares
The Glasgow Girl at War (1997) 10 exemplares
Rainbow's End (2006) 6 exemplares
The Mysterious Marquis (1985) 5 exemplares
The Broken Gate (1994) 4 exemplares
Henriqueta's Treasure (2009) 4 exemplares
The Farm Girl's Dream (2017) 4 exemplares
Dinghy Days (1959) 3 exemplares
Harvest of Courage (1998) 3 exemplares
Danger by Gaslight (1998) 3 exemplares
The Dominie's Lassie (1995) 3 exemplares
Rich Girl, Poor Girl (2017) 2 exemplares

Associated Works


Conhecimento Comum

Nome legal
Ainsworth Ramsay, Eileen
Outros nomes
Ainsworth Ramsay, Eileen
Ramsay, Eileen
Data de nascimento
Data de falecimento
Local de nascimento
Ayrshire, Scotland, UK
Romantic Novelists' Association

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Eileen Ainsworth was born on 16 December 1940 in the South-West of Scotland, where she brought up. She wrote since she was seven, but she decided become a teacher. After graduating she went to teach in the USA for a year - and stayed 18 years. She married Ian Ramsay, a Scottish mathematics scientist working on the first moon shots. They had two chidren. They returned to their native Scotland.

Her writing for children and adults has won several awards, including the Constable and Pitlochry trophies from the Scottish Association of Writers and the Romantic Novelists' Association's Elizabeth Goudge Award. In 2004 she was short listed for the Romantic Novel of the Year award.

Eileen is an honorary member of the Angus Writers Circle, was vice-president of the Scottish Association of Writers, a member of the Society of Authors and was on the committee of the Scottish branch for about six years and for four was the Secretary, and she was elected the twenty-seventh Chairman (2015-2017) of the Romantic Novelists' Association.



Cuando Holly regresa a casa de su difunta tía Tony sólo espera encontrar recuerdos de la persona a la que más quiso en su vida. Pero hace un descubrimiento sorprendente: una colección de cuadros pintados por su tía en los que aparece el famoso cantante de ópera Blaise Fougère. Aquellas pinturas revelan una apasionante historia de amor entre dos seres excepcionales, una intensa relación en el Londres de antes de la última guerra mundial. Un amor que Holly decide revelar al mundo. Pero en su camino se interpone Taylor Hartman, el arrogante nieto y heredero de Blaise. La confrontación entre ambos tendrá consecuencias insospechadas.
Holly se deja llevar por la rutina de la vida, haciendo planes de futuro junto a su ambicioso prometido John. Pero, tras la muerte de su tía Tony, se ve en posesión de una pequeña fortuna y, sobre todo, del secreto de una historia de amor cuya existencia jamás había sospechado. A partir de entonces nada será igual. La increíble pasión de Tony y Blaise parece traspasar la frontera del tiempo y le da a Holly la fuerza para tomar las riendas de su propia vida. Y quizás, incluso, para encontrar su verdadero amor.
Taylor Hartman es, a los ojos del mundo, el típico joven millonario: arrogante, impulsivo, acostumbrado a satisfacer todos sus caprichos... Sin embargo, tras esa coraza frívola se esconde un hombre decidido, que guarda un leal recuerdo a su tío Blaise, la persona que más ha significado para él en la vida. Por eso no está dispuesto a permitir que su memoria se empañe con la extraña historia de una pintora que podría haber sido su amante. Sin embargo, cuando conoce a Holly, la mujer que ha sacado a la luz esa historia de amor , comienza a entender lo que sucedió más de medio siglo atrás.
… (mais)
Natt90 | Mar 29, 2023 |
Sophie juró que nunca regresaría a la Toscana, al hermoso valle de los veranos de su infancia. En Escocia, tan lejos de la soleada Italia, había encontrado una vida propia, un buen trabajo... y el bálsamo del olvido. Pero la boda de su hermana pequeña la fuerza a volver al escenario donde vivió la pasión más intensa y el dolor más agudo. Porque allí todo le recuerda a Raffaele, su ex marido, el hombre que le descubrió el significado de la palabra pasión, con el que vivió un paraíso de cinco años que terminó en forma de escándalo, mentira y traición. Entre ellos quedaron frases no dichas y reproches que los años han sepultado. Pero cada vez que Raffaele termina uno de sus famosos conciertos de piano en cualquier lugar del mundo, incluye una sinfonía fuera de repertorio. Un código secreto que sólo comparte con una mujer. Sabe que, si en algún lugar ella la está escuchando, sabrá que él está pensando en ella.… (mais)
Natt90 | 2 outras críticas | Mar 27, 2023 |
Book 1 in the Numair Chronicles. Arram Draper is starting his new life learning to be a mage and it soon becomes clear just how truly talented he is. Making friends with Varice and Ozorne a prince helps him to enjoy his time. Soon he is advancing along and learning to heal but learning that the world is a cruel place.

As the beginning of a series this was a good start. It's a long book and felt it at times but I did enjoy the story. It's not heavy in drama but lots going on. This tells the story of his early years at mage school. The plot was interesting and detailed. The ending was good as it left you wanting more but no major cliffhanger. The introduction of Preet was clever and I really loved her. The magic is fascinating and well explained especially how it heals.

Arram is a great character and I instantly liked him. I loved Varice and Ozorne too. But my fave was probably Musenda, I spent much of the book hoping he wouldn't die. A great beginning.
… (mais)
Kezzlou85 | Sep 22, 2018 |
A Pinch of Salt by Eileen Ramsay takes readers to 1910 in Scotland. Kate Kennedy is only thirteen years old when her mother passes away giving birth. Kate now is responsible for taking care of her father, her siblings, and the house. The years pass by quickly for Kate in the mining town as she cares for her family. She loves her family and wants to see her siblings get opportunities that were not available to her. After World War I, Kate finds herself going from her father’s household to her husbands. She starts a bakery business while raising a family. Kate transfers her aspirations (that she had for her siblings) to her oldest son, but at what cost to her other two children. Life is full of ups and downs especially when the world is on the brink of another war. Will Kate get the better life for her children she so desires?

A Pinch of Salt is a gritty, realistic story. It is a book of hardship, loss, and love. It has some good writing, but lacks a good flow/pace. I found it a little difficult to read A Pinch of Salt. The first half of the book was better than the second. If the book had better pacing, it would have been easier (and a more enjoyable) book to read. The story could have done with some shortening (it went on too long). There are parts that are rambling. Kate is a difficult character to like. Kate is stubborn, hard woman (which fit in with the town and era), but she kept making the same mistakes. I wish we could have seen some growth in her character. I am giving A Pinch of Salt 3 out of 5 stars. The ending of A Pinch of Salt felt incomplete. I wish the author had included an epilogue that allowed the readers to see how Kate’s life played out. I appreciated the mention of one of my favorite authors, Mazo de la Roche (just love the Jalna series). I felt that A Pinch of Salt could have been a good book with just a little polishing.
… (mais)
Kris_Anderson | Sep 1, 2017 |


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