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Shannyn SchroederCríticas

Autor(a) de More Than This

25+ Works 237 Membros 40 Críticas


I liked it enough to read another one. Kai and Norah were an interesting couple, him an ex-con ex-gang member, and her an impregnated college student giving her baby up for adoption.

Though it might be true to life, I really disliked the over-protectiveness of the male characters, both Kai, the love interest and the heroine's brothers.
msmattoon | 5 outras críticas | Aug 24, 2023 |
It was competently, if blandly, written and I was making an effort to finish it, even if the story was both uninspired and totally off the wall. But then! Hey, it's Casual Racism. The lady of the story is a school teacher in Chicago, yeah? Almost everyone in the story is white, which is dumb, you know because it's CHICAGO, but okay whatever, I'll suspend my disbelief enough to pretend that there are ZERO brown folks around. And then we get one black dude, who is the principle of the school where our intrepid (not actually intrepid) teacher works, so yeah that's awesome, at least he's an authoritative figure, right? But then, this one black dude gets described as such "His head was bald, the dark brown skin smooth and shiny. When she entered, his thick lips parted and white teeth gleamed." So, the one black dude gets the black-folks-have-such-white-teeth treatment, which is always fun, and especially since he is the one character whose lips are not given a sensuous adjective. You know, like full, or soft, or something. Which would be fine, since he's not the dudely love interest, but come on. THIS IS HOW CASUAL RACISM WORKS. It's seems fine, and then you think huh, it's funny that the black dude isn't described as sexy, even if he's like, a tertiary character. I looked up "lips" on my Kindle, it appears 59 times, of the 3 times where the lips are actually described we have the following: 1. coral-colored 2. pouty and 3. thick

AND THEN. Quinn, our teacher, is helping out with a summer school class, and in order to get the students interested in Romeo and Juliet and how does she do this? "Imagine this girl is with the Latin Kings and the guessed it. He's from a long line of Disciples." What the FUCK? Of course the students in summer school are all gang members.

I'm done.
wonderlande | 2 outras críticas | Jan 1, 2023 |
This book is my first introduction to author, Shannyn Schroeder. I am happy to report that after reading this book I will be checking out more books by Shannyn. Additionally, this book had humor to it. Looking for your next grumpy/sunshine romance then you need to pick up a copy of Under Your Skin.

Norah and Kai could not be more complete opposites. Luckily for them as the saying goes...opposites attract. I will say that in the beginning, I was not such a fan of Kai. He definitely took the role of "grumpy" seriously. Although, his sour attitude did not last long and after that I did warm up to him.

The chemistry between Norah and Kai was a slow burn. Which I was here for it. You know what happens something grows; it grows to the point that it explodes. That is Norah and Kai and their chemistry. I look forward to reading Sean's story next.
Cherylk | 5 outras críticas | Oct 16, 2022 |
I've received a ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Seeing all the great reviews, I really REALLY wanted to like this but unfortunately, this fell flat to me. I don't know if it was the storyline, characters or content but I just wasn't feeling it.and I became bored by it within the first few hours. Just not my cup of tea.
ayoshina | Jul 31, 2022 |
Yay a new romance in Shannyn Schroeder's fun and sexy O'Leary's series! In Something to Prove oldest brother Colin finds love with Elizabeth Brannigan, but their road to happily ever after is anything but smooth.

Colin has been fighting to prove himself to his family since he returned to town after a three year absence. He has been steadfast and dependable working as a bartender in the family bar but earning his brother's trust has been darn near impossible. While he has been content to work for Ryan, Colin's dream is to someday purchase a bar of his own. So when Elizabeth Brannigan needs help renovating her family's rough and tumble biker bar (!), Colin is eager to provide her with his expertise in exchange for a share of the profits. The fact that Colin is extremely interested in exploring their mutual attraction is added incentive to assist Elizabeth, but Colin is going to have to do some pretty fast talking to convince her to break her strict no mixing business with pleasure rule.

Elizabeth is all business, all the time. She and her brother Keith have been locked in fierce battle to secure the CEO position in the family's business and with her father's retirement looming, she is determined to come out on top. Seizing the opportunity to turn around the failing bar, Elizabeth undertakes the renovation on the sly with the hopes of impressing her father and winning the coveted position. Elizabeth has a take charge, no nonsense attitude and she butts heads with the more laidback, easy going Colin on more than one occasion. Working with a partner and taking his advice is difficult for Elizabeth, but if she is going to successfully revamp the bar, Elizabeth knows she needs to trust Colin's judgment.

Colin regrets abandoning his family after his father's death and he has been trying to make up for it ever since he returned to town. He has made great strides in restoring his relationship with his extended family but he still feels like he does not quite measure up to Ryan's expectations. Helping Elizabeth revamp the bar will provide Colin with the money to buy his own place and hopefully show Ryan once and for all that he plans to stay in town for good. Colin is eager to help Elizabeth overhaul her business but he is also eager to loosen up his uptight, buttoned up business partner. An added bonus would be convincing Elizabeth that giving in to their attraction won't affect their business arrangement.

Elizabeth and Colin's professional relationship is anything but smooth in the beginning. Elizabeth is not willing to cede control and she is frustrated by Colin's more casual approach to business. And of course there is also the matter of her attraction to her outgoing and flirtatious partner. The more time they spend together, the more difficult it is to resist giving in to their passion. Colin finally works past her defenses and presents a pretty convincing argument in favor of them indulging in their desire and although she still has reservations, Elizabeth agrees to a short term affair. When a health crises occurs, their casual fling begins to feel like a real relationship but will their personal insecurities tear them apart?

Elizabeth and Colin are appealing characters and their respective personal baggage brings a little bit more angst to the storyline than the previous novels. The O'Leary family dynamics are always compelling and their scenes together are always a joy. Elizabeth and Colin's romance slowly simmers in the background as they wrestle with their personal demons but their conflicts are realistically and quickly resolved.

Something to Prove is another spectacular addition to Shannyn Schroeder's O'Leary's series and I am eagerly awaiting the next installment.
kbranfield | 2 outras críticas | Feb 3, 2020 |
In A Good Time, Shannyn Schroeder’s second novel in The O’Leary’s series, neither Indy Adams nor Griffin Walker are looking for a serious relationship. Please click HERE to read my review in its entirety.
kbranfield | 1 outra crítica | Feb 3, 2020 |
Her Best Shot by Shannyn Schroeder is a scorching hot new adult romance that is fun, flirty and drama free. This first installment in the Hot & Nerdy Trilogy takes place over a few days and focuses mainly on the lead characters' exploration of their sexual attraction but it is still a quick, enjoyable read.

Layla Sharpe is on her way to join her friends for spring break when car trouble leaves her stranded for a few days while she waits on repairs. She is drowning her sorrows in a dive bar when sexy pool player Phin Marks catches her eye. Layla impulsively accepts Phin's offer to crash with him and their smoldering attraction quickly burns out of control.

The characters in Her Best Shot are fairly well developed for a novella. Layla is a smart, sassy and independent heroine but she is wound just a little tight. Phin is charming and easygoing, but he is not very forthcoming about his past. They come from completely different backgrounds but this diversity adds dimension to the characters and the overall plot.

Her Best Shot is a story that requires a suspension of disbelief to fully enjoy. Due to its short length, everything progresses between Layla and Phin at an accelerated rate. They are quick to jump into bed and their lust quickly gives way to love. The only conflict in the story results from Phin's extreme reaction to Layla's unexpected decision about her future. They resolve their problems fairly quickly with little angst but the book's ending feels a bit abrupt.

All in all, Her Best Shot is an entertaining romance with likeable characters. It is a great beginning to Shannyn Schroeder's Hot & Nerdy Trilogy that will leave readers eager for the next installment.
kbranfield | 4 outras críticas | Feb 3, 2020 |
This book dealt with a lot of issues which that I appreciated since these things to really happen, However I still had a pretty tough time staying interested in the story, I had wanted to multiple times. So we meet Trevor a recovering alcoholic who has been sober for about 10 years but as we know that is not easy and he will still have to struggle and because of his alcoholism he had lost his family and was only able to have his kids on weekends. His ex wife dies and now he really has to step in and has to deal with inlaws being there emotionally for his kids and his constant battle again with his addiction. Callie steps in to assist since Lisa was her best friend and she has
been the kids all of their lives. I felt sometimes that Callie overstep her boundaries, yes she around a lot but Trevor was still the parent.

Rcvd an ARC at no cost to author..(netgalley) voluntarily reviewed with my own thoughts and opinions
NelisPelusa | Jun 5, 2019 |
I raise my glass to Shannyn Schroeder. Hold Me Close deals with an emotional subject in an inspiring way. Maggie is taking back her life after a traumatic event. Schroeder gives a voice to those who have been victimized and brushed aside. A brave heroine, a loving family and a devoted friend are proof that even in the most heartbreaking situations, love knows no bounds. Words have power and Schroeder is shouting that out loud and clear.

Lashea677 | 2 outras críticas | May 16, 2019 |
Love is about risk. When risking your heart, pain is inevitable, but the rewards far outweigh the heartaches. Carmen and Liam's story is a celebration of a life well lived. Brought together by a heartbreaking loss, these two wandering hearts could be on the verge of finding their own happy ending, together. Schroeder reminds that it's okay to feel. Just a Taste is a tale of love, loss and life that expresses the love at it's most inspiring and heartbreaking.
Lashea677 | 1 outra crítica | Apr 15, 2019 |
More Than This (The O'Learys, #1) by Shannyn Schroeder

Love shows up when they weren't even looking. Quinn is used to being in the shadows. With a sister who knows how to get noticed, Quinn tends to place herself permanently in the background. No one seems to notice until bartender Ryan takes a second look. Can he bring her out of her shell and lay claim to her heart? More Than This is a sweet tale of how life can bring the best surprises at the most inconvenient of times. Simply irresistible.
Lashea677 | 2 outras críticas | Feb 16, 2019 |

"Don't judge a book by it's cover." I've heard that adage so much, it's almost cliche, but the best cliches have a hint of truth to them. Schroeder puts her own spin on a saying we hear, yet chose to ignore. A Good Time is a look at the impact image has on everyday life. Griffin and Indy think with their hearts and many a time that has not proved wise. When the time comes for them to chose between what they want and what others say, will each have the courage to make the right choice? Shannyn Schroeder found a deliciously, tempting way to warm hearts and deliver an entertaining story with a powerful message.
Lashea677 | 1 outra crítica | Feb 16, 2019 |
My grandmother used to always say: "We find our strengths, in learning to be weak." With Something to Prove, author Shannyn Schroeder proves there's truth to that statement. Elizabeth and Colin have let pride rule their lives. That choice has not always left them in the best of circumstances. From strained relationships to moments of self - doubt, their choices have not been kind to their hearts. When fate steps in and guides them to each other, these two lonely souls are about to discover just what they've been missing all along. Count on Schroeder to spice up the heartwarming moments.

Lashea677 | 2 outras críticas | Feb 16, 2019 |
We have two individuals with a chip on their shoulder not a bad one they just wanted to prove themselves that they had what it took. Colin felt like he needed to show people what it takes to be a business owner and be successful at it. And then we have Elizabeth she was not a weak woman and I appreciate that because I truly hate weak woman, but she wasn't one of them she stood up for herself and proved that she could fix things. Was happy that Colin and Elizabeth met and were what each other needed. What I enjoyed the most was catching up with the O'Leary's..enjoy!

Rcvd an ARC at no cost to author..Voluntarily reviewed with my own thoughts and opinions.
NelisPelusa | 2 outras críticas | Dec 28, 2018 |
Cute, short novella about a brainy girl and a gypsy guy. Because the story is so short you don't really feel like you get to know the characters super well; however, you do find out enough about them to make the story work. Overall, they are likable and relatable characters. I thought the gypsy aspect to Phin's character was really interesting and not something I have read about in a male character before. I also love books where the girls are super brainy (she's a math and computer sci major who wears math t shirts! Thats just cool!). If you are looking for a short, steamy read this is a great book to add to your TBR
Heat: 4
POV: 3rd
thebookdisciple | 4 outras críticas | Oct 9, 2018 |
From Your Heart by Shannyn Schroeder
For Your Love #4

I really liked Kevin O’Malley and understood him. I had more trouble understanding and investing in Katherine and wondered, at times, what Kevin saw in her and why he felt he had to work so hard to get her back. This is a second chance at love romance that made me wish Kevin would end up with someone a bit stronger than Katherine. I enjoyed parts of the story, kind of understand why Katherine is so timid, has trust issues and tends to run rather than face feelings and situations BUT At her age I am thinking she should be more mature. She has her own business and has made a life for herself in some ways but in others is still kind of in limbo.

Kevin had some wild times before he settled into his job working in the governor’s office but has reached an age and stage in his life where he is ready to settle down and thinks Katherine is the woman for him. I am not sure if he is jealous of his siblings all falling in love and thinks she is the closest to what he wants or if he is remembering the past and how things were when he dated her before.

Anyway, it was an okay story but I definitely enjoyed the others in this series more.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington – Zebra for the ARC – This is my honest review.

2 - 3 Stars
CathyGeha | 1 outra crítica | Mar 23, 2018 |
Rcve an ARC at no cost to author..(netgalley) This is part of a series, and I do not know if it is the last one, but it very well could be since it was the last of the O'Malleys, this was Kevin's story. I hate hate hate cheaters so I was a little let down that was what Kevin did five years ago, so right off the bat I was disappointed and normally I would just stop reading but since I do like the O'Malley's I decided to continue. Now Kevin wanted to reconnect with Kathy and wanted to show her that he was a changed man and he was all in. Now I have to say that Kathy bugged the hell out of me, no don't get me wrong he had cheated so yes she had every right to be wary of him, but if she decided to give him a chance then she needed to actually do that. The back and forth ridiculousness she had was annoying because she truly was not giving him a chance. Kevin did not give up so we get our HEA. I was happy to read about the others, I kind of just wished we had a little more interactions with Emma and Deitre, but it is what it is..Enjoy!.
NelisPelusa | 1 outra crítica | Feb 14, 2018 |
If I am being completely honest, this book took me awhile to get into, but boy am I glad I continued reading instead of putting it down. So my tip to you is to continue this book even if you don't think you like it.
payneloverreviews | 5 outras críticas | Aug 22, 2017 |
I thought this book was better than the first one in the series (though I am not saying I had any problems with the first one). I saw that some people had a problem with the author putting different types of romace in one book, but I thought the way she did the romance was great!
payneloverreviews | 3 outras críticas | Aug 22, 2017 |
Through Your Eyes is a sweet romance; and I loved seeing Tommy finally get his HEA. The story could probably be read as a standalone, but be warned--both Tommy and Deirdre have large, extended families who show up here a lot (and they bring friends!) and even having already read the other two books in the For Your Love series I felt like I needed a cheat sheet at times to remember who everyone was and who was with whom. (I haven't read the O'Leary's series yet, though--that might have helped too.) On the other hand, being slightly confused by the family chaos definitely adds a sense of realism to the fiction, so...

In the end, though, the story is about Tommy and Deirdre, and it is an enjoyable one. I had liked Tommy from previous books, and that didn't stop here. Deirdre's a little harder to get to know, because she's a private person who's used to keeping things inside, but she was likable as well. Their story took a direction I really wasn't expecting, even though I absolutely didn't want her to go back to Ireland, and it took me a bit to come to terms with what they did, but in the end it ended up working out well.

So--another fun read from Ms. Schroeder! Hopefully I'll be able to get back to the O'Learys series before she throws more at us from this universe :)

Rating: 4 stars / B+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
beckymmoe | 2 outras críticas | Jun 8, 2017 |
Deirdre Murphy is a good Catholic girl who has followed her parents’ wishes by working in the family pub, dating the man chosen for her and putting herself second to others’ needs. Expecting an engagement ring from her longtime boyfriend and receiving a ticket to the USA instead has her beginning to question just where her relationship with Rory is really headed – she loves him and he says he loves her and it is comfortable because he is her best friend but…is it all that she thinks it should be – perhaps not.

Tommy O’Malley is the youngest son, a pleaser and someday family man though a rabble rousing tattoo artist who plays hockey when not tattooing or spending time with family and friends. He is a fun loving guy and makes no secret of what he likes and knows and how he can please. He has had a thing for Deirdre since first he saw her although she headed home to Ireland before he could ask her out on a date. He did not wait long to ask her out once he found out she was back in town again, though.

Predictably, since Deirdre is a “good girl” and has a boyfriend at home, she turned Rory down…more than once…then Rory gives her the green light to date and kiss and dance with others. Where does that leave her? Conflicted. What does Tommy do? He goes for “friends” status that over time becomes a whole lot more.

This is a delightful story of an alpha male with a warm heart falling for a quiet woman that is trying to learn how to put herself first rather than last. The two are good for one another although there are times I wonder what Tommy sees in Deirdre – perhaps opposites attract. The chemistry is definitely there between Tommy and Deirdre and though both families question some of their decisions it eventually works out for them to end up in a HEA relationship. I love this series and look forward to reading whatever comes next by this author.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books – Zebra Shout for the ARC. This is my honest review.
CathyGeha | 2 outras críticas | May 28, 2017 |
Received an ARC for my fair review for netgalley. Ok, I did not hate book, however I did not love it. I did like Tommy, he was a sweet guy, true he probably should not have gone after someone with a boyfriend, but can you blame him?, she gave him mixed signals. Now I really disliked Deidre, she was full of crap, she claims she loves Rory (her boyfriend) yet, she is accepting dates, and kissing Tommy. I don't care if your so-called boyfriend did not have a problem with it, and don't place blame on him nor on Tommy, if she truly loved Rory, she should not have accepted Tommy. Yet, if she liked Tommy, then break up with Rory. I understood how Jimmy felt, he loves and wants the best for his brothers. I loved Sean, he was funny, and I was happy to read about him and Emma, hope they get married soon. So when Deidre was upset with Tommy because he did not want her to be friends with Rory, I wanted to slap her, how could she get mad at him? She cheated on Rory, with him, of course he would think the same. Anyway, I will still read about the rest of the family, I just wished they got girls worthy of them.
NelisPelusa | 2 outras críticas | May 25, 2017 |
In Your Arms by Shannyn Schroeder
For Your Love #2

When a woman decides to change her life and give up bad boys but decides to have one last weekend fling before taking on teaching kindergarten and then meets a bad boy that could be the man she really needs things are not going to be easy for either of them. Emma knows she wants stability but also wants chemistry and though Sean provides chemistry that goes beyond that one weekend fling she is sure he will not meet her standards for a committed relationship and since he is not sure he ever wants to settle they seem to be on the same page. This same page relationship is more of a friends with benefits one that they believe provides them both what they need, is enough, doesn’t tie them down and allows Emma to look for her forever man while enjoying one another …except…after a while…things change a bit…then…change some more…and what was easy wasn’t easy any more. This was a fun easy read that ended with a HFN that may prove to be more in future books of the series.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for the ARC. This is my honest review.

4 Stars
CathyGeha | 3 outras críticas | Dec 18, 2016 |
Received an ARC for voluntary review for netgalley. Its an ok book however at times I found myself frustrated with both of them, I felt you either gave it your all or give up. I didn't like that she was with Sean, while she was looking for her perfect guy, granted he wasn't sticking with a job, and then he was living with his father. I gave her that. And then you have Sean, he claims he was with her, just for fun, I didn't like that either, that he wasn't the type to want strings, the good is he realized his mistake, and she did too. And that I appreciated, after that I liked book. I also enjoyed the interaction with Sean's family.
NelisPelusa | 3 outras críticas | Dec 6, 2016 |
I freely chose to review this copy of book 2 of In Your Arms and loved the story of Sean and Emma. Emma had a bad day at school with only a hand full of parents showing up to learn about their children and Emma feared for her job as she was the last one hired and knew if budget cuts were needed that she'd go first and she wasn't thrilled to have to move back home! Her older brother assured her that he'd fixed her car, but it over heated and she pulled off the road with thoughts of putting duct tape on the hose her brother promised to fix when he took her money, but now her trusty emergency kit was missing her duct tape and it was way too hot to wait for auto service. Her brother's phone went straight to voicemail and she only had one bar left on her own cell.

Sean O'Malley pulled over to offer assistance to a woman in a suit but wearing club heels. He was hooked on her as he spotted those shoes and he offered his services for a quick duct tape fix and an offer for a cold beer.
Linda.Bass | 3 outras críticas | Nov 7, 2016 |