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Didn't finish - I can deal with books that are enjoyable but dumb. I won't tolerate idiotic and boring. I'm so sorry for the people who thought this might be like Harry Potter because of the Nicholas Flamel thing.
boopingaround | 228 outras críticas | Mar 6, 2024 |
I read this for the "Written by More Than One Author" part of my 2020 reading challenge. This was really well done, a collection of short stories each featuring a different Doctor, by a different author. The stories were all well written and felt like they could easily become an episode.
Linyarai | 5 outras críticas | Mar 6, 2024 |
BooksInMirror | 24 outras críticas | Feb 19, 2024 |
This is book one. I enjoyed it. The story grabbed my attention and kept it throughout the book.
LuLibro | 228 outras críticas | Jan 22, 2024 |
I am so annoyed from the beginning because the author failed to fact check San Francisco in the summer and based a plot point on the 85 degree weather. Guess what, it's not 85 degrees in SF in May, it's 65 with fog. We get 85 degrees in March and September. I can't get over it. I can't like this book. To boot, 40 pages in I still do not like the characters and am uninterested. So I am quitting. I love quitting bad books now, something I used to feel so guilty about as a young reader.
mslibrarynerd | 228 outras críticas | Jan 13, 2024 |
Interesting series and decent world building. I have enjoyed the large assortment of historical and mythological beings. I am not particularly enjoying the main protagonists however - Josh really grates on my nerves. I get that they are 15 years old, however I find the continuous lack of good judgment far fetched. Fun story otherwise.
travisriddle | 70 outras críticas | Dec 25, 2023 |
While there is less action and drama than Books 3 and 4, Book 5 is where the plot stews and the drama builds in intensity to prepare the reader to the climax of the final installation of this series. I built more insight into the characters and the nuanced drama. It also ended on a jaw-dropping cliffhanger. The Warlock is the Two Towers or Empire Strikes Back of the series if you will, in a good way.
mimo | 49 outras críticas | Dec 18, 2023 |
. I liked the writing but honestly could not get into the story. I tried a few times and then moved on. It just wasn't for me but I could see where others would dig it.
cdaley | 228 outras críticas | Nov 2, 2023 |
Didn't how to rate this book for there isn't much to rate. A book that's just 6 pages! Publishers claim it as a short story. Haven't read a short story this short! Mission Impossible of medieval times, starring Joan of Arc and Scathach. The bibliography states that the short story is based on Scott's best selling Nicholas Flamel series and I haven't read the series. May be mine is a classic example of cart going before the horse.
harishwriter | 10 outras críticas | Oct 12, 2023 |
Great story for kids. The feel of the book is a mixture of Harry Potter and 39 Clues.
CMDoherty | 228 outras críticas | Oct 3, 2023 |
Found first book is very good, 2 to 5 are good, the last IMHO only mediocre, including the ending.
Had deja vu in this regard with the other Scott series I read (cant recall its name)
DRNKMNKY | Sep 3, 2023 |
I could not get into this book. At. All. I really think I will have to come back to it and try to give it another try at some other time.
KrystalRose | 228 outras críticas | Aug 17, 2023 |
Oké, ik heb dit boek uit en ik vond het einde wel goed. Voor mij vielen er echt een aantal zaken op zijn plaats. Vooral dat Josh en Sophie uiteindelijk toch geen tweeling blijken te zijn en hun ouders hun ouders niet zijn, maakt dat ik hun opvoeding en onderlinge verhouding veel beter kan plaatsen.

Het is geen compleet eind goed al goed einde, maar toch positief en dat vind ik ook wel prettig. Al met al een leuke afsluiting van een leuke maar enigszins van de hak op de tak springende serie.
weaver-of-dreams | 48 outras críticas | Aug 1, 2023 |
Ik heb het boek 3 sterren gegeven. Het was bijna 4, maar het is qua snelheid van actie me echt wat over de top. Wel is het lekker leesbaar en de vele mythische figuren geven er een extra smakelijk tintje aan.

De overige delen hebben overigens ook last van een net wat te hoog tempo om het geloofwaardig te houden. Ik vind het een leuke serie maar geen hoogvlieger. Daarvoor is het allemaal net wat te ongebalanceerd.
weaver-of-dreams | 228 outras críticas | Aug 1, 2023 |
Ik vond het Billy de Kid verhaal fijner lezen dan het verhaal over Jeanne d'Arc. Dat laatste ging me echt wat te kort door de bocht, al was het wel leuke achtergrondinformatie. Best aardig, maar niet meer dan dat.
weaver-of-dreams | 6 outras críticas | Aug 1, 2023 |
I enjoyed the series! Very interesting to see the different relationships and perspectives of the different characters. It makes you question how right and wrong really are relative based on experiences.
Shaylj | 48 outras críticas | Jul 27, 2023 |
I enjoyed the series! Very interesting to see the different relationships and perspectives of the different characters. It makes you question how right and wrong really are relative based on experiences.
Shaylj | 49 outras críticas | Jul 27, 2023 |
I enjoyed the series! Very interesting to see the different relationships and perspectives of the different characters. It makes you question how right and wrong really are relative based on experiences.
Shaylj | 70 outras críticas | Jul 27, 2023 |
I enjoyed the series! Very interesting to see the different relationships and perspectives of the different characters. It makes you question how right and wrong really are relative based on experiences.
Shaylj | 228 outras críticas | Jul 27, 2023 |
I enjoyed the series! Very interesting to see the different relationships and perspectives of the different characters. It makes you question how right and wrong really are relative based on experiences.
Shaylj | 60 outras críticas | Jul 27, 2023 |
I enjoyed the series! Very interesting to see the different relationships and perspectives of the different characters. It makes you question how right and wrong really are relative based on experiences.
Shaylj | 82 outras críticas | Jul 27, 2023 |
I've always been interested in this book and finally got a copy off of bookmooch. I enjoyed it more than expected although as it is written for younger readers there are a few plot holes that I keep grring at. I'll see where it goes.
justgeekingby | 228 outras críticas | Jun 6, 2023 |
It was good to see everything settled with the characters and their relationships, but I didn't like all the lengthy descriptions of battles and armor. How many times did we need to hear about Josh and Sophie's ceramic armor sparkling in the sunlight, etc?
ReomaMcGinnis | 48 outras críticas | May 3, 2023 |
After reading (actually, listening to) two books in the series, I am hooked. But the next Audible.com book costs 2 credits instead of one, so I'll have to wait a month to get the next one.
ReomaMcGinnis | 82 outras críticas | May 3, 2023 |