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Vanessa Springora

Autor(a) de Consent: A Memoir

5 Works 254 Membros 17 Críticas

Obras por Vanessa Springora

Consent: A Memoir (2020) 249 exemplares
O Consentimento (2021) 2 exemplares
Samtycket 1 exemplar
Il consenso (2021) 1 exemplar


Conhecimento Comum



«Me quedo paralizada ante su negativa a ver que ese amor llevaba en sí el fracaso desde el primer minuto, que no había futuro posible, ya que G. solo amaba en mí un momento fugaz y transitorio, mi adolescencia».

Ese presente de indicativo. Curioso que alguien con tanto capital cultural tenga una escritura tan ordinaria.
edalmau | 16 outras críticas | May 5, 2024 |
Manuel Vilas con trece años, Vanessa Springora conoce a Gabriel Matzneff, un apasionado escritor treinta y seis años mayor que ella, tras cuyo pr estigio y carisma se esconde un depredador. Después de un meticuloso cortejo, la adolescente se entrega a él en cuerpo y alma, cegada por el amor e ignorante de que sus relaciones con menores llevan años nutriendo su producción literaria. Más de treinta años después de los hechos, Springora narra de forma lúcida y fulgurante esta historia de amor y perversión, y la ambig ¼edad de su propio consentimiento...… (mais)
AmicanaLibrary | 16 outras críticas | Apr 4, 2023 |
"Stockholm syndrome is not just a theory. Why shouldn't a fourteen-year-old girl be in love with a man thirty-six years her senior? I turned this question over in my mind a hundred times, without realizing it was the wrong one. It wasn't my attraction to him that needed to be interrogated, but his to me."

Vanessa Springora's memoir, Consent is not an easy read. It's disturbing, it's heartbreaking, and it's more than a little angry -- and rightfully so. And the horrifying undercurrent throughout her prose is the fact that her relationship with G.B. -- French writer Gabriel Matzneff -- was no secret, but rather an open fact. He brought her to interviews; he went to dinner at her mother's house; he wrote about her. And deeper than that, his pedophilic (or ephebophilic, as Springora clarifies toward the end of her memoir) nature was not just a known fact, but a celebrated one. He wrote thousands of words about how he delighted in abusing children and publishers paid him for them. He was given awards for those words.

These days, "cancel culture" is the big buzzword. Some men like to rabble-rouse and act as if this is some sort of puritanical witch-hunt, some secret cabal of women searching for famous men to kneecap. Of course, that's nonsense. As Idris Elba said, in the midst of many women coming forward to tell their stories, "It's only difficult if you have something to hide." Even "cancel culture" is a misnomer, as most men caught up in #MeToo scandals are still working today.

But what Consent points out so well is that, in a patriarchal culture, there are multiple insidious forces at work: the abuser; the wall of defenders that rally to his aid, even when his crimes are so blatant he talked about them openly; and the larger societal forces that give leeway to a serial abuser because of his celebrated status as a creative and ruthlessly punish the survivor of his abuse.

I hope that, in writing this book, she was able to take her story back.
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keithlaf | 16 outras críticas | Apr 2, 2023 |
Vanessa relates the story of her youth where she was seduced by a very acclaimed French author. Coming from a broken family with little parental engagement, she was easy prey for a man who somehow completely justified his proclivity for pubescents. At age 14, she was practically living with the man, skipping school, and in general subsuming herself to his desires, but as she matured, she begins to realize how oppressive and wrong the relationship really was (he was in his 50's); though I don't think it helped that he was constantly cheating with other young women.

The book is well written, but it did have a bit of a voyeuristic feeling to me. It really relates the events very well, but her feelings seemed a bit walled off to me (perhaps understandably). She talks more about the impacts in the long run and less about the specifics in the moment. I read another book, ironically also called [b:Consent: A Memoir of Unwanted Attention|43209280|Consent A Memoir of Unwanted Attention|Donna Freitas|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1545153928l/43209280._SY75_.jpg|67050333], and while that book garnered a whole lot less publicity, and technically the author was "of age", I felt every bit of her confusion, anxiety, and loss - - the quintessential #metoo story. It's hard not to compare.
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Anita_Pomerantz | 16 outras críticas | Mar 23, 2023 |



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