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Oscar Williams (1) (1900–1964)

Autor(a) de Immortal Poems of the English Language

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21+ Works 3,502 Membros 20 Críticas

About the Author

Oscar Williams (1900-1964), editor of this book, was a distinguished poet. The author of five books of poetry, including That's All That Matters and Selected Poems, he achieved literary distinction not only as a highly original and vigorous American poet but also as one of the great poetry mostrar mais anthologists of his time. mostrar menos

Obras por Oscar Williams

Immortal Poems of the English Language (1960) — Editor — 1,383 exemplares
The Mentor Book of Major American Poets (1962) — Editor — 623 exemplares
A Pocket Book of Modern Verse (1954) — Editor; Editor — 450 exemplares
The Mentor Book of Major British Poets (1963) — Editor — 359 exemplares
The New Pocket Anthology of American Verse (1955) — Editor — 222 exemplares
A little treasury of modern poetry, English & American (1946) — Editor — 203 exemplares
Master Poems of the English Language (1966) — Editor — 68 exemplares
The Silver Treasury of Light Verse (1957) — Editor — 49 exemplares
A Little Treasury of Great Poetry (1947) — Editor — 33 exemplares
The major metaphysical poets of the seventeenth century (1968) — Editor — 17 exemplares
War Poets (1945) — Editor — 9 exemplares
New Poems 1942 — Editor — 4 exemplares

Associated Works

Idylls of the King and a Selection of Poems (1859) — Editor — 659 exemplares
A Comprehensive Anthology of American Poetry (1929) — Contribuidor — 130 exemplares
Twentieth-Century American Poetry (1944) — Contribuidor — 99 exemplares
The Yale Younger Poets Anthology (1998) — Contribuidor — 33 exemplares


Conhecimento Comum

Nome canónico
Williams, Oscar
Nome legal
Kaplan, Oscar
Data de nascimento
Data de falecimento
Local de nascimento
Letychiv, Ukraine
Locais de residência
Letychiv, Ukraine
New York, New York, USA
Kaplan-Williams, Strephon (son)
Derwood, Gene (wife)



three centuries of Am. Poets
SrMaryLea | 3 outras críticas | Aug 23, 2023 |
447 masterpieces by 150 poets
SrMaryLea | 9 outras críticas | Aug 22, 2023 |
last 100 yrs Whitman to Thomas
SrMaryLea | 1 outra crítica | Aug 22, 2023 |


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