
german literature (65), architecture (48), biography (44), interior design (37), Mesoamerica (36), Art (28), jean paul (17), franz kafka (16), German Literature (16), Francis Bacon (14), philosophy (13), art (13), Architecture (12), Photography (9), Eckhard Henscheid (8), mesoamerica (7), elias canetti (7), sanskrit literature (7), Nahuatl (7), robert musil (5), reference (5), American Literature (5), Sanskrit Literature (4), classical music (4), Reference (4), thomas mann (4), bloomsbury (3), french literature (3), Panting (3), Bloomsbury (3), nahuatl (3), Immanuel Kant (3), dictionary (3), american literature (3), literary criticism (3), Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (2), hermann hesse (2), johann wolfgang von goethe (2), Jean Paul (2), Sanskrit (2), Interior Design (2), libraries (2), hermann broch (2), bibliomania (2), friedrich nietzsche (2), Robert Musil (2), Russian Literature (1), buddhism (1), Biography (1), painting (1), Cats (1), frida kahlo (1), Books (1), Libraries (1), history (1), gabriel garica marquez (1), Bibliomania (1), Japanese Art (1), joseph conrad (1), Indian Philosophy (1), Blankets (1), fyodor dostoevsky (1), immanuel kant (1), Dostoevsky (1), Encyclopedia (1), german literaure (1), sanskrit (1), e.t.a. hoffmann (1), american history (1), Remedios Varo (1), wolfgang amadeus mozart (1), miguel de cervantes (1), Henry Darger (1), lucha libre (1), native americans (1), E.T.A. Hoffmann (1), Donald Roller Wilson (1), biogrpahy (1), theodor w. adorno (1), Native Americans (1), imaginary dictionary (1), w.g. sebald (1), Architecure (1), Gilbert Ryle (1), Salvador Dali (1), photography (1), Graphic Novel (1), joseph haydn (1), sanskrit Literature (1), frederick the great (1)
Nuvem de Etiquetas, Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de etiquetas
Mar 27, 2007
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
Primary Subjects: Anthropology, Archeoastronomy, Archeology, Architecture, Art, Astronomy, Biography, Buddhism, Geography, Hinduism, History, Interior Design, Linguistics, Literature: (English, German, Javanese, Russian and Sanskrit) Literary Criticism and Theory, Mesoamerican Studies, Philosophy: Eastern and Western, Photography, Travel, and both, Wayang Golek and Wayang Kulit, the Classical Puppet Theater of Java

Acerca de Mim
Amoxpohua is a Researcher, Encyclopedist, Writer, Photographer, Traveler, Bibliomaniac, Multi-Linguist, and part-time Philosopher.

He is also interested in and/or enjoys the following (This List is no particular order)

Books, Books about Books, Books about people who read Books, Books about people who collect Books and create special environments for them, Reference Books, Novels (especially those of Jean Paul, Wezel, Hippel, Fielding, Sterne, Dostoeveky, Musil, Henscheid, Kafka, Canetti, E.T.A. Hoffmann, Hesse, Tolstoy, Mahfouz, Sebald), Graphic Novels, Classical Music (Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, Bach, Brahms, Chopin, Schubert), Films (Peter Greenaway, Wim Wenders, Cantinflas, Tintan), Painting (Salvador Dali, Albrecht Dürer, Johannes Vermeer, Pieter Brueghel, Georges Seurat, Pierre Bonnard, Diego Rivera, Andrew Wyeth, Richard Estes, Donald Roller Wilson, Odd Nerdrum, Remedios Varo, Leonora Carrington and my favorite artist, Francis Bacon), Topographical Maps, Fountain Pens, 12 String Guitars, Exotic Felines, Libraries, “Outsider Art”, Japanese Supermarkets, Architectural Drafting and Drawing, Biking, Friends and Family, My two Bats: Querida and Zapote, Beaches, Cacti, Football (i.e. Soccer), Asian Food (Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, Indian, Burmese), Barbequing, Drawing, Museums, Geckos, Mexican Mole, Comics (Moebius, Tin Tin, Asterix and Obelix, Spirou, Lucky Luke), Nautical and Astronomical Instruments, Hiking, compiling Lists, Desert Landscapes, British Comedy, Industrial Photography, Wheat Beer, Calaveras, Samkhya and Yoga, Ambient Music, Clipper Ships, Entomology, Swimming, Japanese Architecture and Gardens, Imaginary places with imaginary languages, Sitting and Walking Meditation, Sleep, Dream Yoga, and Lucid Dreaming...
Near numerous book sources
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