Nome Real
Anne Green
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
My library is widely and wildly diverse ... it contains books on all my passions ... fiction, biography, memoir, writing, literature, food, cooking, plus countless academic tomes from my studying years. Some are classics, some are very much your ordinary garden variety, some are wonderful, some are mediocre, but they're all precious to me and I am as loath to part with any of them as I would be my family pets.
Acerca de Mim
I've been a bibliophile for more decades than I'm prepared to admit to, ever since in fact my grandmother presented me with "Anne of Green Gables" on my first birthday. Although it took me a little longer to read it, just having it must have been sufficient impetus to set me on a life-long journey of obsession with books. As well as too many bookcases with shelves groaning under the combined weight of countless books, I'm forever buying more. My only regret is that I won't be able to take them with me when I ascend to that big library in the sky.
Adelaide South Australia
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