Nome Real
Beverly Swerling
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
As a working novelist I don't get as much time as I like to read other fiction. When I'm doing a first draft, other voices get in my head. But as soon as I can - when a project is at the editing stage - I gobble up stories. My favorites recently are Sixkill by the late great Robert B. Parker. And the absolutely wonderful Room by Emma Donaghue. I'm also enjoying a new thriller by Sally Nicoll, The Power Behind the Throne. And oh yes, I love my Kindle and think e-books are on their way to giving us what the paperback provided in the '30s - an explosion of new readers. Everyone said pb's would be the end of the world as we know it as well. Not.
Acerca de Mim
Beverly Swerling is my birth name and I've been writing under that name for over a decade. I'm also Beverly Byrne (don't ask) and Beverly S. Martin (legit - I've been married to Bill Martin for a fair amount of time).
United States
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