
format-print (2,582), acquired-bought-new (1,821), length-book (1,562), manga (1,051), acquired-bought-used (926), fantasy (883), format-ebook (644), romance (639), acquired-library (564), loc-lrm-tall-bookcase (442), science fiction (437), fate-donated (433), 3-star (396), mystery or thriller (390), loc-brm-bookcase (362), m/m (318), acquired-free (290), Japanese novels (276), 4-star (276), loc-lrm-short-bookcase (261), humor (258), 3.5-star (253), historical (244), loc-smallwhitebkcase (190), Young Adult (184), horror (181), 2.5-star (175), 2-star (170), have-will-read (169), length-movie (160), read-2014 (142), visuals-live-action (142), read-2021 (137), read-2015 (137), read-2016 (133), format-DVD (133), graphic novel (128), read-2013 (126), read-2020 (121), nonfiction (118), fate-sold (116), 4.5-star (111), read-2017 (107), read-2018 (105), SFF (104), format-audiobooks (102), length-anthology (93), 1.5-star (92), 5-star (91), length-TV series (91), Top of 2020 TBR (89), read-2022 (87), read-2023 (86), loc-brm-trunk (83), visuals-anime (75), format-streaming (72), read-2019 (72), length-short story or novella (71), acquired-arc (71), f/f (71), 1-star (70), a-booklist (64), reread (62), steampunk (57), via Netflix (54), Humble Bundle (53), watched-2022 (51), loc-brm-bed (50), middle grade (49), read-2012 (49), watched-2018 (47), read-2024 (47), read-2011 (44), manhwa (44), ace reads (41), Story Bundle (30), OEL manga (29), read-2010 (28), watched-2016 (26), watched-2020 (24), fate-trashed (23), watched-2021 (23), played-2017 (22), to-read (22), rewatched (21), watched-2023 (20), in library (19), read-2008 (19), format-BluRayAndDVDCombo (18), loc-lrm-stereo (17), format-game (17), watched-2017 (17), format-movie-theater (16), loc-brm-filing (15), format-BluRay (15), Chinese novels (15), YA (13), dnf (13), read-2009 (13), fate-given-away (13), watched-2019 (12), visual novel (11), ace appeal (10), visuals-non-Japanese animation (9), via Amazon Prime (9), Top of 2020 TBR but need ILL (8), inspirational fiction (8), visuals-CGI-animation (7), via Funimation (7), would buy if not Amazon exclusive (6), lesbian (5), Korean fiction (5), work reading (5), smashwords (5), 0.5-star (5), acquired-borrowed (5), westerns (4), fate-deleted (4), played-2021 (3), erotic romance (3), length-single-issue (3), ace author (3), via YouTube (3), length-OVA (2), artificial intelligence (2), gothic fiction (2), played-2020 (2), nb/f (2), m/m/f (1), Vietnamese fiction (1), coloring book (1), manhua (1), watched-2012 (1), P2P fanfic (1), watched-2015 (1), New Adult (1), watched-2009 (1), erotica (1), f-f (1), via Dramafever (1), bisexual (1), via Crunchyroll (1), chick lit (1)
Nuvem de Etiquetas, Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de etiquetas
Sep 21, 2013
Acerca de Mim
I'm a librarian who loves anime, manga, and reading a wide variety of genres.
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