Nome Real
John Lester Hasha
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
My collection includes books on ancient history, American Colonial history, American Civil War, Catholic religion, classical music, novels, travel, computer science, and the 2007 Encyclopedia Britannica.

The authors that I am related to through two relatives are:

Through my great-grandmother, Dorthulia Elizabeth Bivins Roberson, 1882-1980, I am related to Robert Penn Warren, Ray Bradbury, Willa Cather, Booker T. Washington, and William Faulkner.

Through my great-great grandmother, Mary Emaline Prater Hasha, 1839-1908, I am related to Edgar Lee Masters, Helen Keller and Virginia Woolf.
Acerca de Mim

I am retired from Macy's Palm Desert, CA in the Men's Dept. in Young Men's and Men's Sportswear. I retried on August 31, 2020, after 25 years with Macy's and 48 years in retail. My hobby is genealogy. I have a B.A. in History from Cal State Los Angeles. My academic interests are ancient Greece and Rome, American Colonial, American Civil War, and local history.

Banning, CA
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Livrarias: Barnes & Noble Booksellers - Puente Hills

Bibliotecas: County of Los Angeles Public Library - Hacienda Heights Library, County of Los Angeles Public Library - La Puente Library, County of Los Angeles Public Library - West Covina Library, Pasadena Public Library - Central Library