
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
The only real criteria I had for creating this library was that I must be able to hold a critical dialogue about all of the books I chose to include. So - you can ask me about any of the books and I can say something intelligent about it. Some of them I can say a lot about, others not quite as much.
Acerca de Mim
I am (by choice) a building substitute for a high school outside of Philadelphia. I live downtown, but work in the Mainline suburbs. My undergrad degrees are in Education and Literature with minors in YA Lit and Poetry. I did my Education thesis on Code Switching and the importance of allowing students to maintain their familial vernacular. I did my English thesis on Ellis's *American Psycho* as a work of anti-genre. I will be starting my grad work in Library Science at Drexel in January 2009.

My husband and I own a ridiculous amount of books (if you count the comic books, we're somewhere near 2000 tomes)and have turned the spare bedroom into a library using Ikea shelves. This amounts to having a room that smells deliciously of unfinished wood, paper, and ink.
Philadelphia, PA

Ligações de Membro
