
1947 (1), I got this copy as a gift from Sri Apurv Relan (1), The extraordinary story of a child bride who took on the patriarchy and emerged one of India's pioneering women doctor. (1), conversational style. Self Help book. NIKITA HAS BORROWED THIS BOOK IN APRIL 2024 (1), Biographical notes on Indian women Biologists (1), In an author's life (1), the person next in importance to his or her romantic partner is his or her editor. (1), A book for learning Tibetan in Nepali (1), An analytic study and interpretation of religion-based sex expressions misconstrued as pornography in the temple sculptures of Nepal. (1), A sensual work that is alive with historical detail and provocative ideas about the World's most fascinating subject. (1), A memoir written in the third person. Joseph Anton is an alias Salman chose when he was asked by the London Police to choose one to call him by. He thought of writers he loved and the combinations of their names; then it came to him: Conrad and Chekhov - (1), One of the most controversial and acclaimed novels ever written (1), 'The Satanic Verses' is Salman Rushdie's best-known and most galvanizing book. Set in a modern world filled with both mayhem and miracles (1), the story begins with a bang: the terrorist bombing of a London-bound jet in midflight.... A book whose importance is eclipsed only by its quality; The Satanic Verses is a key work of our times. As this book is banned in India (1), Nenne's FiL in 2022. He got it from the USA (1), and as such (1), an allegorical novel by Salman Rushdie (1), published in 1981. It is a historical chronicle of modern India centering on the inextricably linked fates of two children who were born within the first hour of independence from Great Britain. Exactly at midnight on Aug. 15 (1), two boys are born in a Bombay (now Mumbai) hospital (1), where they are switched by a nurse. Saleem Sinai (1), who will be raised by a well-to-do Muslim couple (1), is actually the illegitimate son of a low-caste Hindu woman and a departing British colonist. Shiva (1), the son of the Muslim couple (1), is given to a poor Hindu Street performer whose unfaithful wife has died. (1), An authoritative (1), well researched biography of Alexander. The biography reads like a novel. (1), A biographical account on writing books. (1), A memoir of how Iranian women defy the tyranny of a religious totalitarian regime by taking refuge in World literature. (1), On saving beautiful landscapes of England. It is a book in the line of 'Silent Spring'. (1), an attempt was made to write it in a nonacademic (1), Non-fiction. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion has been designed for popular readers (1), Biography (1), A travelogue from the source to the mouth of the Magdalena River in Colombia. The Río Magdalena is not the country's main artery; it's the reason Colombia exists as a nation. (1), Midnight’s Children (1), Historical Novel on the spread of Christian faith in Japan (1), Historical novel on the Samurai tradition of Japan (1), Baking breads (1), Non-Fiction: Understanding the Last rites & Rituals of India's Major Faiths (1), Non-Fiction about the Courts and their judgements in India (1), Non-Fiction: How the Blood of Congo Powers our Lives (1), Non-Fiction on the history of the uses (1), abuses and history of the cultivation of Poppy for Opium. (1), a handy book on Sanskrit that deals with the grammar (1), semantics and reinterpretation of ancient sanskrit books (1), Unearthing the Truth of Kashi's Gyan Vapi temple (1), Fiction Historical). Publication of this Le Luu's Thoi Xa Vang is a signal event for Americans hoping to make sense of the VietnamWar (1), Illustrated Nursery Story book. Illustrated with beautiful hand drawn pictures. Illustrated by: Harold Jones (1), A novel based in Afghanistan by the author of the 'Kite Runner'. 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' is a story about the relationship of love and mutual support between two women thrown together by circumstances in the male dominated society of Afghanistan. (1), History Men by TCA Raghavan is the story of the intersecting lives of three deeply committed historians: Jadunath Sarkar (1870-1958); who was an expert on the Mughal Period (1), GS Sardesai 1865-1959); whose works were on the Marathas (1), and Raghubir Sinh (1908-1991) (1), who studied the Rajputs. (Rs.684.00/Rs.799.00) (1), Non-Fiction. A definitive biography of Cambodia's despot. The people of Cambodia had to suffer inhuman cruelty during his 03 years rule (1976-79). (1), MALVIGNIMITRAM is a drama written by Mahakavi Kalidasa. This book is edited with Sanskrit and Hindi Commentaries (1), the author retraces his fulfilling journey of collecting fine books online (1), his new-found love for modern calligraphy and illuminated manuscripts. (1), Non-Fiction: A Memoir of Collecting Rare and Fine Books. In absorbing prose (1), This book aims to give in brief space the principal requirements of plain English. (1), Diary written by a young Mary Berg when they were forced to live in the Jewish Ghetto in Poland during the 2nd World War. (1), A novel based on the atrocities of Muslim fundamentalists in Bangladesh against the Hindus. (Amazon 2013 Rs.295.00) (1), Historical fiction. A novel that deals with the lives of three women in deep Southern Mississippi during the oppressive 1960s. (Bought from Book Chor - Online Book seller @Rs. 160/-) (1), Comments on the foreign policy of India (1)
Nuvem de Etiquetas, Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de etiquetas
Apr 15, 2024
Nome Real
Sargam Singh Rasaily
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca

It is my personal library. There is no particular genre of books. There is a wide range of books. I prefer buying hardbound books.

Acerca de Mim

I am a retiree from the Indian Forest Service. Presently I have settled in Dehraddun, Uttarakhand, India
