Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
No longer limited to 200 books thanks to a generous intervention, so my list is in serious need of an update. I've given away more than 95% of the books I've ever owned, so I'm going to reconsruct my reading history as far as memory allows - starting with 'Olga da polga'.
Acerca de Mim
Lecturer - just so long as I can successfully maintain the cunning deceit of knowing anything much about something in particular - and copy-editor of translated texts.

It may be difficult to ascertain the truth of either of these two facts if one only observes the slipshod manner I trot about the discussion pages, liberally sowing my own special brand of manure along each furrow.

My work is largely reading, though I try to ensure that the converse is not true.

Presently in Estonia, due to return West soonish.

Ligações de Membro

Biblioteca Interessante