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Nuvem de Etiquetas, Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de etiquetas
Sep 19, 2010
Nome Real
Cecile He
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
I`ve read manymanymany books.
My favourite series is Harry Potter, by J.K Rowling.
I love fantasy novels, and big, thick gigantic books, because after I'm done, I get to point at the book and tell people
" I READ THAT ! " .

My favourite book of all time has to be Searching for David`s heart.
I`s recommend it to anyone, and everyone.
Acerca de Mim

I`m .. awesome.
I`m not actually optimistic, but I try to be.
I love to read &write, because it`s like you`re escaping into new worlds.
Escaping from reality &rough times. :)

I sound so cheesy.

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