Nome Real
Claudia Dias. Duh.
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
Mostly in storage while figuring out where to settle.
Acerca de Mim
Claudia Dias is a native of Lisbon (pronounced Leesh-boa).

She maintains a weblog O Mundo de Claudia, focused on Arts and Culture, where she can explore her love for books, for knowledge, for the curious and the startling.

She also loves to write about the peculiarities of Portuguese culture - of the inexpressible Saudade, of Lusitanian fatalism, of the intrinsic beauty of a culture of contradictions, of the unique sense of both Landscape and Time, what the Portuguse writer Miguel Esteves Cardoso referred to as "..numa obra que se vai construindo sob uma arquitectura de demolicao."

She loves to read and to travel and the ideal vacation would be an agile combination of both. Add to this recipe - the glow of a warm sun, the delights of simple food and complex wine, the antics of an interesting companion - and the result is bliss.
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Livrarias: London Review Bookshop, Skoob Books, St. Mark's Bookshop (New York City)

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