
Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de etiquetas
Oct 25, 2018
Nome Real
David Keener
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
I have eclectic tastes in books. I love SF and Fantasy, as well as Mystery. But I'll also read Literary, Thriller, Military History, Military Fiction, Science and Historical. It's gonna actually take me a while to get my full collection of 5000 books or so cataloged.
Acerca de Mim
I'm an author, artist and public speaker. I write Science Fiction, Fantasy and Mystery, but love mashing up my favorite genres in new and (hopefully) interesting ways. I frequently speak at conferences and conventions, often conducting writing workshops.

I'm the grand instigator behind the Worlds Enough anthology series, and co-editor of the first volume, Fantastic Defenders. I'm the author of "The Rooftop Game," "The Good Book," and other stories.

I live in Northern Virginia with my wife and two, oops, three inordinately large dogs.
Ashburn, VA - USA
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