Nome Real
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca

Genova: contains the books I have in my house in Genova. There are many mathematical-oriented books and old previously-owned SF books I buy in bookstalls.

DIMA: The books in my office in Genova. These are all maths textbooks and reference books I need in my work.

Palermo: contains many books from my parents' house in Palermo. I uploaded most of those I can really call "my own", mainly classics, SF (my Asimov collection), popular science books I read as a child and miscellaneous books that I've stored there through the years.

Ebooks: Electronic books that I have read in electronic format.

Your library: Is the union of the "Pisa", "Palermo", "Genova", "DIMA", and "Ebooks" collections; in contains the real books I own (read and unread) and the ebooks I have read.

Book club: The books I read with my book club.

Whishlist: I use this to take a quick note when I come across a book which seems interesting.

Currently reading: I'm endeavouring to keep this list up to date; I predict it will soon become a graveyard for books that bog me down.

To read: The long list of books I own and haven't managed to read yet, but that I plan to, eventually.

Read but unowned: I will not retroactively upload books I read in the past, but I'll put here books I borrow from friends.

Favourites: I'm putting here books which are particularly dear to me due to some memory, reflection, or personal reason.

Lost: books that I owned in the past but have disappeared.

Acerca de Mim
A mathematician in Genova.
Genova, Italy
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Livrarias: Feltrinelli, Feltrinelli, La Feltrinelli Librerie, Libreria Pangloss, Modus Vivendi

Ligações de Membro

Biblioteca Interessante