Nome Real
Paul Eichholz
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
History, Thrillers, and Science Fiction.

I always try to write a review and wish others would also. If nothing else click a star rating. It helps me learn from others.


1 Stars: Bad. Stay away.

2 Stars: Bad but try it if you must.

3 Stars: Average book, author did an acceptable job considering the genre and period written. You might like it.

4 Stars: I really like this book. Either well written or good story or both. Give it a try.

5 Stars: Great book! This is why I read. Obviously the author had me in mind when writing this book. You can borrow it if you leave a credit card or one of your children. There are few books in this category.
Acerca de Mim
Guy who loves books and pulp art. Recently began reviewing Classic SF. Some I had read many years ago and some I'm discovering.
England but not my permanent home.

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