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Nuvem de Etiquetas, Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de etiquetas
Jul 7, 2006
Nome Real
Cynthia Ballew Dollins
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
My library is very diverse and shows my personality fairly well - 85% fiction, touches of art and color, random nonsense, and the rest are books on spirituality. The kids' library leans heavily towards 95% fiction. I have read nearly every book in the house and I love comparing writing styles and storylines. I am very OCD - if I read a book, I must own it no matter what I thought of it and no one is ever allowed to borrow my books.

These are all books I own. I do not wishlist books on LibraryThing because I will forget what I own and tear the house apart when I can't find it. Cyndi isn't fun when she's angry. Let's keep Cyndi calm.

I have this hobby of buying large lots of books in great condition from yard sales, estate sales, and the local Goodwills and keeping the ones I want. The ones I don't want are listed on This hobby makes my entire family crazy but makes me a very happy girl! I've found many rare and antique books this way, like an inscribed copy of Tarzan and the Ant Men from 1924. *gloats*

If it came down to the books or the kids, I'd have to give that some thought.
Acerca de Mim
I am a 29 year old bibliophile, author, and artist. My dad taught me to read (mainly to prove to my mother that he could do it) by the time I was 4 and created a monster. This is our combined library, collected in our nearly ten years of marriage, but I claim all books as mine. Yes, I'm a woman and therefore allowed. Remember: what is his is mine and what is mine is mine.

I will apologize here for being unabashedly silly. My parents worked very hard at warping me and I will not disappoint them. ;) I am a mom of three kids, three dogs, two cats and two Diamond doves, so if I were not a bit unconventional I would become absolutely insane. Most people view me with a mixture of awe and terror, and I'm fine with that. Gawk on!
Atlanta, GA
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