
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
Little bit of everything. Kid picture books, fantasy, biography, mystery, fiction. Guess I'm a "lite" reader. Never been much of a best seller person except when I was caught up in the Harry Potter craze. I collect Ray Bradbury and Alice Hoffman; they are my two favorite authors.

I love exploring the ABE web site for used books, along with visits to "brick and mortar" used book stores.
Acerca de Mim
I've been madly in love with books and reading ever since the 1st grade, where I learned to read. Favorite book in the whole world: Where the Wild Things Are. Every friend's child is given a copy of the book at birth. When I was a kid, my parents would punish me by taking away my book and making me go outside to play. I learned to hide under the bed so I could read in peace when my mother called me to do chores.
Butler, PA
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