Nome Real
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
I like just about everything but most sci-fi and fantasy. I love YA, Chick lit, and Christian fiction.

I will leave honest reviews for any ER/member giveaway book I win. I try to find something positive in each book, and if I like the book I will publish reviews on LT, GoodReads, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. If I don't enjoy the book I will only publish reviews on LT and Good Reads.

If you'd like to see what books I have that are up for grabs, please visit my BookMooch or PaperBackSwap accounts. Username for both is jurai2.
Acerca de Mim
Thirty-two year old bookworm living in Chicago, though I'm from Pittsburgh. I'm a case manager who provides supportive services to formerly homeless people. I love reading (obviously), writing, crafting, and animals.
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