Nome Real
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
My Library has a bunch of Young Adult titles that are mostly Urban Fantasy and Paranormal books, etc. But it also has some Chick Lit, and some books that I read in my class. My Library will be growing non-stop. =)
Acerca de Mim
Well my name is Kassandra and I'm 17 years old. I am in the 12th grade right now. The books I like to read are books that have to deal with the super natural. The thing that I am mostly into are Vampires. I have been reading like crazy for about 4 year now and I am so glad I am. There is so many great books out there but so little time to read all of them. I also have a book blog called Eternal Night and besides from being posted on LibraryThing and my blog, I also post my reviews on other sites such as GoodReads and Shelfari.
New York
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