Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
Ohh what to say about my Library, lets see. Well, my library is what I subconsciously choose to hoard. It originally started with just psychology textbooks. At the time I did not know if I was ever going to be able to finish college, It was a dream of mine. I was bound and determined to get that PsyD regardless of weather or not the hit television show the "Walking Dead" became a reality or not. I am in 100% support of the NRA and keeping our constitutional right to bare arms, however for personal reasons I choose not to carry. Books and learning psychology would be one way I knew for sure the rednecks would choose to keep me and my family around for a long while. At time progressed and things continued my library grew to other subject matters like teaching resources and aides to homeschool my children. Because in my heart and the media and science I saw and heard it was the best option for my family. I do not know what the future holds, however I know deep down that my family will not only overcome the difficulties, but we also will not allow it to hinder us to greatly. We are and forever will be a coalition living amongst a flock of sheeple. Love and Light my friends.