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Nuvem de Etiquetas, Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de etiquetas
May 12, 2008
Nome Real
Louis Dallara
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
My love of books.
Acerca de Mim
Lou Dallara left his engineering career in 1998 to turn his love of photography into a career. I'm self-taught in the field of photography, and my way of working has evolved through experience and reading all the books on the subject that I have had the opportunity to get my hands on. Being curious and asking lots of questions in various photography forums also helped me a lot. However useful this has been, I have always found the most valuable knowledge and inspiration from being out there trying to capture the magic of a moment. Photography has allowed me to appreciate more the aesthetics of the world, and I see beauty in things now that previously would have eluded my attention. I try not to specialize too much in any direction, but I find that landscape photography is attracting my attention the most. I keep coming back to the places which in some way are part of me - the places which are laden with memories and the places which I have later adopted like Arizona. The photographs which I treasure the most depict my impressions and interpretations of these lovely places. If you would like, feel free to drop me a note. I always welcome conversation with people sharing my interest in photography.
Mount Laurel, NJ
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Bibliotecas: Mount Laurel Library

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