Nome Real
James Cummings
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
Just a collection of books that my husband and I own.
Acerca de Mim
What all am I? I am an artist, a friend, a lover, a puppy, a husky furry, a dragon fanatic, a renaissance reenactment participant (SCAdian), a musician, a dancer, a list of titles goes on an on, but no title really describes me perfectly, although some of these come pretty close. I have realized my furryhood since reconnecting with a friend of mine after I have calling myself a puppy since Spring 2006. I am a “furry with leather trappings” as my bf has described me because even before I discovered my furryhood, I drew myself with dog ears, and a fluffy tail. I have decided that is what I am and I am proud of it. I will not hang my head low because I am different than the “norm.” I have grown a fondness for anthropomorphic art (such as as well as the classical artistic subject matter. I have been dating my husband/Master since October 16, 2004, married August 6, 2008, and we are still going strong in our open relationship. I love him so much and I am so grateful that he is supportive of my decisions.

I am a very friendly person to get to know and I love making new friends, so please feel free to message me.
Bloomington, IN
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