Nome Real
Acerca de Mim
Like most of us here I've loved books all my life and after all of these years I still get "butterflies" in my tummy when I'm on my way to the library.

During the Summer of 2007 I gave birth to a beautiful Little Man who shares my love of books already. He talks about the library (and the ladies at the library) daily. He's a big fan of Curious George and Winnie the Pooh. His Thomas the Tank Engine Book collection is well loved, too. I waited all my life to pass on my collection of children's books to my first born and I'm really enjoying sharing them with him!

Prior to being a mom I had a 100 mile commute each way to the office. Audio books made coping with such a crazy commute each day possible.

Now that I'm a busy stay at home mom audio books are a way to feel like I'm getting a little "me time" even though I'm listening while taking care of my precious family and home.

I listen to books more often than I physically read them. About 1 out of 20 is an actual read.

Scrapbooking is my primary hobby. I've created over 80 scrapbooks and close to 4000 pages. In my own way I am an author.

Travel, Gardening and Homemaking are a few of my other loves.

I'm also blessed with a great big Yellow Lab to love.

Pennsylvania, USA

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