Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
I am almost constantly reading and anything is fair game. I read a lot of southern fiction, young adult fiction, and mysteries. I like vampire and other supernatural fiction, but I'm pretty picky about it. My gf says if is depressing, I'll love it and she is mostly correct. I have extessential guilt about slavery and the Holocaust and reading about either is both a treat and chore. I try to temper my love of poverty-ridden, abused southern women with spunky fluffy reading. Sometimes it works and sometimes, not so much. But that is what Prozac is for... ;)
Acerca de Mim
library student, avid reader, love the zoo, going green, love the Metroparks, collect black bears, bees, and lambs, love chococat and count duckula, fan of Calvin and Hobbes
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