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May 6, 2007
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
A few years ago, I decided to read all "the classics". Although as a child I raided my dad's bookshelf on a regular basis, reading Moby Dick, some Steinbeck, and other well-regarded books, I missed out on a lot of the books people always talked about, so I took it upon myself to make a list and get started. It's a ridiculously long list.

Somewhere along the way, I got caught up in fanfiction. I know, I know...not something to be proud of. But it was a way to read tons and tons and tons of stories for free. That led to a website, which led to more books, which led to what I do with pretty much all my spare time now.

Obviously, somewhere in my reading, I ended up breezing through some tomes written within the last few years. I guess they're my guilty pleasure, but despite all the modern chick books, I always find my way back to Steinbeck.
Acerca de Mim
Books, coffee, and a dog. That's all anyone really needs.
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