Reading Bel Canto (no spoilers yet please)

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Reading Bel Canto (no spoilers yet please)

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Jan 19, 2011, 5:06 am

I'm about halfway through Bel Canto. I know lots of you have read this in the past because I have had lots of recommendations!

I am liking it a lot so far.

Jan 19, 2011, 5:13 am

Did you know it was inspired by a true hostage situation? Patchett was inspired by a situation in Lima in Peru - in the mid 1990s the Japanese embassy was holding a big diplomatic do to celebrate the Japanese Emperor's birthday or something, anyhow the last lot of hostages were released about 6 months later. I think only one hostage was killed. if you google it I'm sure you'll get more info.

Jan 19, 2011, 7:56 am

#2 - I had no idea! Will look it up!

Jan 19, 2011, 6:45 pm

I didn't know about that Sally. I'll finish the book first before I read about it though :)

Jan 18, 2012, 3:40 pm

Bel Canto by Ann Patchett is a novel of love, intrigue, an attempted coup, a massive taking of hostages by terrorists who planned to kidnap the President of this South American country at this, but he did not attend. So they took all of the guests hostage.
The book is beautifully written, the characters are grown well, the story is good; all things that make a good book possibly great.
There are important people at this party. One of them a premier Opera Soprano. As time goes by she begins singing for the group of hostages and terrorists daily. Things change the longer the hostages are held. They lose much of their fear and animosity toward the terrorists. The terrorists relax in their vigil but no one attempts to escape. There is much interaction between the hostages and the terrorists. And when the end comes, as it must, the hostages are overcome by the carnage and weep for their kidnappers.
It does end on a surprising high note which left me with raised eyebrows but this is a very good book and deserving of the Orange Prize. I rated it 4 stars and highly recommend it, though I will say that I hated the next to the last bit.

Fev 5, 2012, 12:04 pm

I loved this book. Having gone to listen to Ann Patchett speak at Hay-on-Wye, never having heard of her before, I was so impressed by her warmth, intelligence and humour I had to read something she'd written. I also read Run, which I would recommend, however Bel Canto stood out for me as original and beautifully written. I do agree about the questionable ending however.. shame.