Harry Potter and the Re/Read of The Prisoner of Azkaban

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Harry Potter and the Re/Read of The Prisoner of Azkaban

Editado: Ago 13, 2014, 2:18 pm

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Welcome to our group re/read of the Harry Potter series for 2014! There aren't any hard guidelines as to when you should read or what format you should use, we're just happily revisiting (or enjoying for the first time) this wonderful series of books together!

I'm hoping that we'll not only share that we ARE reading, but will celebrate the moments that we love and have a lively discussion of what makes these books mean so much to us!

That said, I would like to see some information when everyone posts, so please use this form when starting your posts:

Format: (book, ebook, audio/ US version, UK version)
Chapter: (mentioning the chapter you are currently discussing will help us keep up with each other and let new readers avoid spoilers!)


Format: Audio/UK
Chapter: 2, The Vanishing Glass

Threads for all the books:

The Sorcerer's Stone
The Chamber of Secrets
The Prisoner of Azkaban
The Goblet of Fire
The Order of the Phoenix
The Half-Blood Prince
The Deathly Hallows
The Supplemental Reading List

Otherwise, LET THE FUN BEGIN! Invite your friends!

Mar 11, 2014, 12:03 pm

Well I finished this book on March 1st. I listened to the US Audio. When I first read this book I really didn't care for it but each additional read has made me appreciate it more. I love the Hippo Griff.

Time Turner I found fascinating just to read about it again. I will hopefully be starting GOF soon.

Mar 31, 2014, 11:54 pm

Format: Hardcover, US
Finished book

Still my favorite of the series! I don't have much more to say at the moment, but I wanted to go ahead and stake a place on this thread.

Abr 1, 2014, 12:29 am

My favorite to!

Abr 3, 2014, 5:07 pm

Format: Hardcover, UK
Not yet begun

I'll be starting this one in a few days. What I can definitely say for the UK editions is that they are much more user-friendly. They actually fit in my purse!

Editado: Maio 8, 2014, 5:15 pm

Format: Audio, UK
Finished Book

This has always been my favorite Harry Potter book. I remember reading it when it came out and being blown away. I had loved the first two books but this was the one that really solidified the overarching story for me. Harry's parents (and their deaths) went from being shadowy supporting characters that simply set the stage for current events to being something compelling and real and tragic.

They were so young. Their friends would have been just as young and they were fighting this epic war. This is the thing the movies have never been able to get right. They were forced to cast older actors as Harry's parents so that they wouldn't appear to age, but in the story they are only 21 when they are killed. Married and pregnant at 19, fighting the most powerful dark wizard of the time (all time?), and dead at 21. Which means that, at the time of the action in Prisoner of Azkaban, Remus and Sirius and Peter (and even Snape) are only about 34. I think for so much of the series, especially the movies, we forget that Harry and friends were NOT the first children to face Voldemort.

I also find it very interesting that my two favorite books in the series are POA and Half-Blood Prince, the two books in the series where it is not particularly about the current events but more about the past and childhood itself and how and why things go terrible wrong for some. These books are so much more about finding out who you really are, growing up and taking sides, and the choices that define us. It's just fascinating reading.

But really, none of the books would be good without characters you care for and root for and no book brings that out in me more than this one. I love Remus and Sirius and CROOKSHANKS! What a cat. Can you imagine having a teacher like Remus, even outside of magic? He makes you want to learn and shows how interesting and exciting learning and the wider world are. And Sirius is a nut but he's the most loyal person in probably all the books. He is almost single minded in his devotion to his friends where even the great Dumbledore can be a smidge shady in using people he cares about to do what he thinks in right.

And even batty Trelawney is fascinating. I adore Emma Thompson and her version of Trelawney is one of my favorite things about HP movies.

Never a disappointment reading this one.

Maio 8, 2014, 6:25 pm

Whoops! Thanks for reminding me I forgot to post my review here.

Maio 8, 2014, 6:27 pm

Format: Hardcover, UK

Harry returns to Hogwarts for his third year. He takes some new classes and mediates some fights between his best friends. The school year is overshadowed by a sinister escapee from the maximum security wizard prison Azkaban who seems to be after Harry. Harry learns, from many different sources, a great deal about his father's life up to the night when it was cut painfully short.

This is, as always, just the best freaking book ever. The Knight Bus, Crookshanks, learning about magical creatures, knowing who Sirius Black is before Harry does, PROFESSOR LUPIN, the Marauders' Map, boggarts, patronuses, TIME TRAVEL! There's so much creativity in this book that carries over so well to the rest of the series and to the world of Harry Potter as a whole. Every time I read it is better than the last.

Maio 7, 2021, 9:41 pm

My favorite book