BookDoc16: Still Here in 2024

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BookDoc16: Still Here in 2024

Jan 4, 8:27 pm

This year, I'm going to intersperse the re-reading of past favorites with new, or new-to-me, books. I'll indicate re-reads by an * in my posts here. Had to settle for 48 books in '23; wish me luck this time!

Jan 16, 3:03 am

1. Let Noon Be Fair - Willard Motley*
2. Wolfbane - Frederik Pohl & C. M. Kornbluth

Editado: Fev 8, 5:38 pm

3. The List of Adrian Messenger - Phillip MacDonald*
4. Citizen Soldiers - Stephen E. Ambrose
5. The Circus of Dr. Lao & Other Improbable Stories - Ray Bradbury, ed.

Jan 28, 1:16 pm

>3 BookDoc16: I read that same Dr. Lao collection last year. All in all, a very good assemblage of stories, I thought.

Fev 8, 5:39 pm

>4 rocketjk: I just found it via a FB post, and had to have a copy, as I have nearly everything else by Mr. Bradbury. I agree with your comment!

Fev 28, 6:18 pm

6. The Dark Knight Returns - Frank Miller, Klaus Jonson & Lynn Varley*
7. A Separate Peace - John Knowles*
8. Watchmen - Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons*
9. The Cold Dish - Craig Johnson

Editado: Abr 20, 3:14 pm

10. A Separate Peace - John Knowles*
11. A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens*
12. Heart of the West - O. Henry
13. The Addams Family - Jack Sharkey*

Editado: Abr 20, 3:14 pm

14. The Man Who Died Twice - Richard Osman
15. The Case of the Amorous Aunt - Erle Stanley Gardner
16. Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus - Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley*

Editado: Abr 20, 3:15 pm

17. From the 911 Files: True Crime from Behind the Phone - Jackson Anhalt
18. The Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula Le Guin*

Abr 30, 8:40 pm

19. The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - V. E. Schwab
20. The Road - Cormac McCarthy
21. Random Harvest - James Hilton*

Maio 21, 12:55 pm

22. The Haunting of Hill House - Shirley Jackson*
23. Where Rivers Go to Die - Dila Dilman
24. Spartacus - Howard Fast*