OT: Something weird this way comes

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OT: Something weird this way comes

Editado: Mar 13, 2:26 pm

I wanted to reply to this post: https://www.librarything.com/topic/309553#8465999

But, for some reason, I don't have a 'reply' link to any post in that particular thread. (And, when I return to the FSD list of threads, that thread remains bolded as if I haven't visited it.) The same thing happened a few days ago, too.

I checked some other threads and they do show the 'reply' option.

I'm not a computer expert so I don't know if it's to do with my computer set-up or LT's site but it's very odd. And it seems to fit with jroger1's experience of odd things happening.

Going back a few weeks, I found I couldn't read new posts until I had actually logged in. Otherwise I just saw posts up to a date several days earlier. Possibly not connected but, like I say, I'm not a computer expert.

Mar 13, 2:12 pm

You had linked to a user profile page, not to a thread. Which thread did you mean? :)

Mar 13, 2:26 pm

>2 AnnieMod: Thank you for spotting my deliberate (*cough*) mistake.

Corrected now, I hope :-)

Mar 13, 2:32 pm

>3 Cat_of_Ulthar: Unless you are the one that posted the message, there should be a Reply button...

If you do not see it for any post in that one, something IS weird. I assume you made sure you are logged in when looking at it (and not using Incognito mode on the browser or something like that)? And do you see the box at the very bottom that allows you to post a message without hitting the reply button to tie it to a post ahead of it?

Mar 13, 2:59 pm

>4 AnnieMod: I'm logged in.
I don't know about the Incognito thing but wouldn't it have a global effect rather than a thread-specific one?
No 'Add a Message' box. Nope. All very sad :(

But it's only that one thread. Seriously, it's just that one. Everything else is just hunky dory.

(I'm guessing that it's to do with that copy of the 50th Anniversary Illuminatus! LE that they threw back through time for me to proof-read. It's obviously messed everything up. It's going to be worth a bloody fortune, you know. A BLOODY FORTUNE!!!!! ;))

Mar 13, 3:11 pm

>5 Cat_of_Ulthar: It can be specific to a tab if you are opening topics in new tabs. If not, that’s bizarre. You may want to post on Bug Collectors to see if someone can figure out what may be happening. :)

Mar 13, 4:18 pm

I wasn’t getting new posts in any of my forums since Sunday afternoon until I began receiving some here late yesterday, and this afternoon I received two in Fine Press. There doesn’t seem to be any way to know what I missed, but the issue seems to be resolved now. Must have been Y2K. :)

Mar 13, 4:25 pm

> 1 This may be browser specific. I had some issues last year when clicking on a post brought me to the first post in a thread with no other posts visible. I was using Safari on a Mac. I changed to Firefox on the same machine and all issues disappeared.

Mar 13, 4:31 pm

>8 N11284: Yeah - possibly one of the images or links in the thread (or some html code someone used) is throwing off the html rendering so things don't load as they should... May be a browser, may be a plugin in the browser, may be some type of security software trying to help...

Mar 13, 5:07 pm

>8 N11284:, >9 AnnieMod:

Thank you. I tried Edge instead of my usual Firefox. It still sticks on the same image but it does show me the 'Reply' and 'More' options.

(My security software (Norton) is probably as much of a pain as it is a help!)